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Pain and Suffering



Oww Oww Owwwwww!

My arms hurt a lot. Well, not the entire arm, just the back of it, right next to my elbow. One of my good friends asked me to go to the gym with him yesterday, and I agreed. On the way there I kind of also agreed to do weight training thrice a week with him. I hurt so frickin' bad.

I told him I had weak arms, since I've never really done any weight training... so he told me to get on the floor as he did so. He showed me how to do pushups and exercises with stretch bands; he said they would be a little easier than lifting weights...

Well, I agreed to it, but little did I know that he wanted to do pushups and arm exercises for 50 mins! Ugh. By the time we reached 40 mins, I could barely bend my arms. That's when we started stretching to go home. And now I'm here, lying on my bed and pretty much unable to do anything at all. I grabbed a banana (Potassium source) and it helped with the cramping. It's gone... but now I have a lot of pain. No doubt it's a good pain, as I doubt I pushed myself to the point of pulling a muscle or something. But it just hurts so bad. It better improve by tomorrow, or I'm going to have to wuss out of going with him.

In other news, I've been studying for my chemistry exam all day. Going to do so again tonight (10 pm) at the school's library with a ton of friends. Hopefully I'll do good enough on this test to be able to not do so well on the final. Bleh.

Finals are getting very very close. They're only about three weeks away, so I doubt I'll be around too much. Wish me tons of luck, peeps.

Oh, and he wants to do pullups tomorrow :(. *TEAR*

Maddy (:


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Okay, I'm a fat pig and not quite proud of it, BUT I've had my share of attempts at getting svelte, sleek and sexy. It never 'took' but I do know a few things from my adventures. DO NOT GO TO DO MORE EXERCISES TOMORROW. There is no way that you should have done so much, and to go out with the condition you are now in is to risk severe damage, possibly even requiring medical intervention. Take aspirin for the pain. Although it will not take away all the pain, there will be a reduction. Sadly, you are going to feel even worse tomorrow, and that much worse the next day. By the day after, you'll feel a bit better, but you should still not do very much heavy exercise that day. I've found a nice site, which is in regard to bike riding, which has some good advice on pain and exercise and how to deal with things. Check it out.http://www.cptips.com/muspain.htm

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Okay, I'm a fat pig and not quite proud of it, BUT I've had my share of attempts at getting svelte, sleek and sexy. It never 'took' but I do know a few things from my adventures. DO NOT GO TO DO MORE EXERCISES TOMORROW. There is no way that you should have done so much, and to go out with the condition you are now in is to risk severe damage, possibly even requiring medical intervention. Take aspirin for the pain. Although it will not take away all the pain, there will be a reduction. Sadly, you are going to feel even worse tomorrow, and that much worse the next day. By the day after, you'll feel a bit better, but you should still not do very much heavy exercise that day. I've found a nice site, which is in regard to bike riding, which has some good advice on pain and exercise and how to deal with things. Check it out.http://www.cptips.com/muspain.htm
:D Thank you. I just called my friend. I have a small lump on the back of my left arm (and i'm pretty sure it's not muscle hahaha). Definitely not a good thing :/.Maddy (:Edit: And I've found my answer. Seems like I DID damage muscle tissue. Meh. Now... to rest *ouch ouch ouch*
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Hahahahahaha!!! *coughs* Sorry, but been there, done that.Exercise is great, but you have to build up to it slowly. Bit by bit. Honestly, If your friend does it regularly, then he should have known better than to put you through that.Cheer up, Maddy. You'll recover soon. And good luck with the exams!CamyPS If the lump on your left arm doesn't go away soon, go and get it looked at.

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Hahahahahaha!!! *coughs* Sorry, but been there, done that.Exercise is great, but you have to build up to it slowly. Bit by bit. Honestly, If your friend does it regularly, then he should have known better than to put you through that.Cheer up, Maddy. You'll recover soon. And good luck with the exams!CamyPS If the lump on your left arm doesn't go away soon, go and get it looked at.
Awww, don't laugh at me! *eats emu*And the lump is actually gone today. It was just swollen. :DI can actually bend my arm at the elbow without it hurting for five minutes now. Only slight discomfort today. :DMaddy (:
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Haha...I do 50 push ups and 100 sit ups a day every morning and I try to run after school, but lately it's been waiting for after work. Anyway, the pain's temperary, and if you keep at it, you'll have to push yourself harder and harder to feel the burn of fitness :)

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Haha...I do 50 push ups and 100 sit ups a day every morning and I try to run after school, but lately it's been waiting for after work. Anyway, the pain's temperary, and if you keep at it, you'll have to push yourself harder and harder to feel the burn of fitness :)
LOL I can handle 50 pushups fine... but not 300! XD.My exercise routine has consisted of running (1 hr a day usually at midnight), and pilates (ab-work for about 20 mins). Haha, pilates. I still can't believe I do pilates. BTW, Marie Winsor looks like a man. *puke*Maddy (:
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I am of the Oscar Wilde school of physical fitness: "When I feel the desire to engage in exercise, I take an aspirin and go to bed until the urge passes."Actually, I'm not quite that bad: I walk or ride my bicycle to work and back three days a week, and even this small amount of exercise - in combination with my careful diet - is enough to keep me from achieving the truly shock and awe inspiring dimensions I have had in the past.cheers!ajBTW: removed a large number of spam posts from this blog entry response list.

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