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It's My Birthday and I'll cry if I want to...



Yup, so it's like the big 40 birthday has come, and pretty much gone here. Overall, it was a quiet, normal day with tons of work from a client, kids coming home from school and Tyler's baseball practice all needing to be coordinated. Then a nice dinner at my favorite restaurant (Sizzler!), and now a nice, quiet evening at home, relaxing.

Nope, the world hasn't ended, and I've made it to 40, an age that there were times I thought I'd never reach, and that scared me. Only, well, now that it's here it's not as big of a deal as I feared. There is so much going on in my life, so much that is absolutely positive and wonderful that I'm far happier than I was ten years ago, and I don't fear the next decade nearly as much as I did once upon a time.

Oh, and this is the first blog entry I've made here, and anywhere, for a long, long time. Yes, I am the same DKStories that was a member at GA for a while and whose stories are still posted there. You might find future blog posts and forum posts from me here in the future - but no promises. Life's very busy and I don't always have the time, or uninterrupted concentration to write out a blog post.

A quick update on the last six months though - My partner and I now have full custody of my nephew and niece. Tyler is age 12 and Kaliann is age 10. We bought a much bigger house now that we have kids, and got a very good deal on it at the same time. I work from home doing political consulting work regarding data operations for a variety of campaigns. Oh, and I just love so many of the stories on AD that it only seemed fitting to have an account here.

Now, how about a Nexus chapter for a late birthday present? Oh, and maybe another story about those baseball players in Triptychs - couldn't get enough of those! Hmmm, time to go do some reading...although I think the husband and kids want to do the cake and presents thing before it gets much later...


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Hope the blog becomes a frequent thing for you. We don't get enough blog writing. The ones we do have are great, just like what you just wrote. We need more, though. More. More.Welcome. Cole

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thanks Cole. I use to write fairly regular blogs but fell out of the habit a year or two ago. It was when we were really starting to get into dealing with my husband's leukemia that I think things slowed down quite a bit. Now he's back to work and going strong, and I think we're finally settling into the fact that we have kids with all the comittments that entails. Although I still got to play Killzone 3 for an hour tonight and poor Tyler just had to sit there and cheer me on...the privileges of age. :)

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