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Vatican expenditure

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You know... I always wonder, where does the Vatican get the funds for their day-to-day operation? :? Maintaining all the churches on the face of the earth must be expensive. Not to mention the glitter of the Holy See.

Somehow, I don't think that Peter's Pence cover all that expenditure. To tell you the truth, I don't even know why I'm writing this here. Just a spur-of-the-moment act kinda thing.

So anybody knows ?

Cheers ! :) :D :-D :o


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The vatican is an enormous business interest. They own enormous quantities of land and business concerns, and they have millions of the faithful all over the planet contributing to their coffers. They own banks, for christ's sake (is that an example of irony, in light of what Jesus said on the steps of the temple?)!



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You would be amazed at how much money that you can make if you're as respected as the Catholic Church and the donations are deductable.

The bible asks that believers give 10%. Work that out over a 1000+ years and even the most inept instution should be richer than the dreams of averice.

Due to recent scandles, their donations are way down.

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You would be amazed at how much money that you can make if you're as respected as the Catholic Church and the donations are deductable.

The bible asks that believers give 10%. Work that out over a 1000+ years and even the most inept instution should be richer than the dreams of averice.

Due to recent scandles, their donations are way down.

I don't think so... The scandals only being reported all over the western world. Here in Asia, nobody but the most educated and internet-literate knows.

Cheers !


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  • 11 years later...

Just finished the book "Merchants in the Temple" by Italian author Gianluigi Nuzzi. As many might expect, a bit of a sordid tale. Like any organization, the object is to "follow the money" and ignore the people ostensibly in power. Not quite as bad a story as could be expected, but you feel the need for a good hand washing by the end.

Some of you may have seen the story of Nuzzi's Vatican trial in the news for releasing these "secret" files. He was found not guilty based on free press and the fact that he's Italian, not a subject of the Vatican. The monsignor who gave him the documents, however, was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Oddly enough, lacking a long-term prison, the Vatican has an arrangement for the prelate to spend his time in an Italian facility.

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​The Vatican does not contribute to the upkeep of churches around the globe, that is the duty of the parish and the congregation. The Catholic Church is the largest land holder in the world, including owning some of the worst slums. The only thing they seem to get right on a consistent basis is their hypocrisy.

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