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"Raising Boys" series in Washington Post

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“Raising Boys” Series in Washington Post

In light of the past year’s news of rampant sexual misconduct by some powerful and famous men, Washington Post journalists asked the question: How do we raise boys? To find out, we searched the country, talking to boys, parents and experts about what it’s like to be a boy today.’ 

This important three-part series examines three age stages in the development of American boys:  Age 8, Ages 11-12, and Age 17.  It is well worth our attention.  Sadly, this investigation does not so far incorporate the particular issues confronting boys who discover they are gay, bi, or trans, although the Age 8 article includes a short video showing a father raising a young biracial trans boy. However, it is important to recognize the milieu within which GLBT youth must cope and survive, for it is the reality of our culture today.  Although initially I read these articles out-of-order, I think reading them in chronological order is most rewarding.

Age 8      https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/lifestyle/being-a-boy-age-8/?utm_term=.46e6b9aa9510

Ages 11-12    https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/lifestyle/being-a-boy-ages-11-and-12/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.11aa302892ec

Age 17    https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/lifestyle/being-a-boy-age-17/?utm_term=.143bc6812408

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