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Duck Duck Emu



I love 'Duck Duck Goose' and I hate it, too. As a story it's had me in all states of emotion, yet as a writer I know I could never write anything similar. That kind of length would get me twisted up in knots so fast I'd have to admit myself to the loony bin.

But why? That's what's bothering me. Why can I only seem to write short stories?

I have a couple of nearly finished novels, and yet every time I think of finishing them, I get into a cold sweat.

Know thyself is good advice. I obviously don't.

Yours, miffed.



I've finished 'Bathtime', a short (how did you guess?).


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Oh, sod off. All that little old me can write is Flash Fiction. You're positively garrulous by comparison to me.
Garrulous is such a great word: but misused here, Bart, m'ol' mucker. Garrulous > Synonym: chatty, gabby, loquacious, talkative, talky. > Similar: voluble. Adjective > Synonym: chatty, gabby, loquacious, talkative, talky. > Similar: voluble. - Kept from his housework by gabby 'Bartish' neighbours.You're the Garrulous one. :smile: Oh, and before I forget ... what about these wonderful short stories? Hmm? Huh? Well?
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Verbose? Okay, okay, I know that's not right. Prolific? Whatever.I actually have a short story that I submitted over a year ago, and despite enquiries as to if it is ever going to be posted, it never has been. I'm thinking that either there is something very wrong with the writing, the subject, or the potential for upset, but something is holding it back from being posted.

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Camy, 4 years ago I thought I could do better at writing some of the stories I was seeing (I won't admit to reading them) at Nifty. So I set to and over 18 months (I was working full time then) I wrote some 40,000 words of an outstanding Gay novel that I am even embarrassed to admit I thought was good, now. It was just so episodic and obvious. I guess you could say it was bad enough to be a university thesis. :smile: Yes some parts of it will sneak into some of my future efforts, but you see I discovered AwesomeDude and Codey'sWorld and realised I was trying too hard. I was attempting too much too soon. So I jotted out a few poems, then a couple of short stories. I am about to post a small 7 chapter story as soon as it is edited. It's a bit silly but I hope amusing. (More details soon, watch for it at a Codey's World site near you.)I hope yours is posted soon Trab. I always enjoy your stories.Anyway what I an trying to say is that the progression from short story to longer efforts will come, but only if you keep writing.Personally, Camy and Trab, your own stories along with many of our authors at AD and CW have inspired to write more.My new story is little more than a short story with toilet breaks, but it is a start towards that longer novel I know is lurking around me somewhere. Okay How is that? Is that verbose enough?"fecund" what a great word. I'm sure if my mom had heard me use it, she would have washed my mouth out with soap. :wink::lol:

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My god. You used 'prolific' and 'fecund' in a sentence without it being in the least bit sexual.
I am about to post a small 7 chapter story as soon as it is edited.
I'm much looking forward to it!
what I am trying to say is that the progression from short story to longer efforts will come, but only if you keep writing.
I know. It's just that I get frustrated and want to vent. And honestly, where better place to vent than a blog read by friends?The main cause of my grief is the conclusion of 'Seraph', my only chapter story. It just won't happen, and I refuse to walk away and leave it hanging.
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From the pen of Camy:I love 'Duck Duck Goose' and I hate it, too. As a story it's had me in all states of emotion, yet as a writer I know I could never write anything similar. That kind of length would get me twisted up in knots so fast I'd have to admit myself to the loony bin.But why? That's what's bothering me. Why can I only seem to write short stories?I have a couple of nearly finished novels, and yet every time I think of finishing them, I get into a cold sweat.Camy:The why it is you don't want to finish your stories seems apparent to me, and as you're much wiser than I am, should be to you as well if you think about it.I think all writers have insecurities. I think it goes with the territory. We have to be open to what's around us, sensitive to thoughts and nuances and what's behind things, if we're going to expound upon them in our writing with any profundity at all. And if we're sensitive, if we're emotional, if we're intelligent--all marks of a decent writer--then it only makes sense we'd be sensitive enough to maintain some self-doubts as well. And if we doubt ourselves and our ability and our craft, then what could be worse than putting ourselves on the line, baring our souls to the world, by writing something down, then just letting anyone and everyone read it, and, oh my god, judge us for it? You don't have to suffer all that if you don't finish anything.But I've seen your writing, Camy. It's great. And I can feel the intelligence just oozing out of it. So the chance that you could write a longer piece and it would be awful, and get you tied up, and not be worth anything, isn't something to fret over. Trusting ourselves is sometimes difficult, but not do so, in your case, is completely unnecessary. There is no need. None at all.And if I misread your reluctance to write The End on something, I apologize.C

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Thank you, Cole. :lol:

if I misread your reluctance to write The End on something, I apologize.
'The End' I have no problem with. It's the getting there! :smile: Camy
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I could give you a long winded speech about what I "believe" you're doing wrong. And all it would be, is my advice.So I'll skip the long winded pompous shit, and give you the best advice I ever got. Go to Amazon an purchase a book called, Immediate Fiction by Jerry Cleaver. Of all the books I've purchased on the art of writing, this is the one that connected all the dots and gave me the confidence to finish my first novel. It breaks it all down and explains the art of writing in easy steps. I've had this book for six or seven years, and each time I read it, at least once a year, I discover something new. Jason R.By the way, Duck Duck Emu is funny as hell.

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