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Inappropriate nuns.



As I mentioned earlier, I go to a Catholic college (even though I'm not Catholic), so some of my classes are taught by nuns. In a previous post, I mentioned how one of these Sisters was, in class, talking about male pinecones going limp while female pinecones can last forever. Well, I've got her again this semester, and she's added a new phrase to her lexicon: "Blow/shoot my wad". I kid you not.

Now, I understand that it can be used in a non-sexual way, but COME ON. When talking about why she always takes a fifteen minute break between her Anatomy class and her Educational Methods class, she actually used the phrase "I shot my wad on those pre-nurses, so I need some time to recover."

The second she said it, the other two guys in class and I all exchanged an awkward, did-she-just-say-that kind of look. Then, later in class, she used the expression again, referring to how she uses her best material in the fall semester, so has to have a bunch of guest speakers and field trips in the spring.

Later, just to kind of test the waters, one of the other guys used the phrase. Something like "According to this graph, this species was pretty numerous, but now it's extinct. Did it...*nervous pause*...blow its wad...in '85?" She nods and says that that's exactly what happened.

At this point, the other guy leans over to me and says "You know, this is almost too wrong to be funny. She's...she's like my grandmother. She's like everybody's grandmother. She looks like she should be baking cookies, not...shooting her wad. 'Specially not on pre-nurses."

At which point I had to fake a cell phone call and step outside to avoid cracking up in front of everybody.


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I'm thinking it would be Christian for you to take her aside, and have a few quiet explanatory words. Otherwise, I fear, it can only end in tears. Bwahahaha! :icon6: erm ... seriously.

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I'm thinking it would be Christian for you to take her aside, and have a few quiet explanatory words. Otherwise, I fear, it can only end in tears. Bwahahaha! erm ... seriously.
I'm with the bird, you HAVE to say something. Otherwise every time you squeeze one out, you'll think of her shooting her wad.
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