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Blog Comments posted by dude

  1. Ha Ha... you could have skipped that whole ankle scratching/biting saga by just feeding your cat! You , have to feed and water them and clean their litter box daily if they don't do it outside, you know.

    What a shame Psycho didn't come with a Users Manual. LOL

    My big Maine Coon, Tinker, comes over to my computer desk whenever he wants a treat or a brushing. He touches me gently on the shin with his paw the first couple times but if ignored.. slowly lets out his claws. Needless to say.. I don't ignore him often.

    Once you realized that Psycho was just training you.. you seem to be getting on well.



  2. OMG, Richard, that's terrible!I do what Cole does, I backup to an external hard drive, including the AwesomeDude site and forum data base. And the really important stuff gets backed up to a second external hard drive as well. Obsessive/compulsive? Could be but it has saved my butt and my job several times. I hear Carbonite is good but to totally recall all the mega and gigabytes of stuff I save, would take forever to retreive online.Anyway, I commiserate with you. I started my backup habit after a lightning strike took out everything about six years ago in Korea, so I've been there.

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