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Blog Comments posted by colinian

  1. Last year I went to the John Muir Urgent Care facility to get my flu shot. That was because my primary care doctor had run out of the vaccine. The day after I got the shot I developed what looked like measles on my right arm (the one where I got the injection).

    So I went to my primary care doctor and he took a look and said, "You should have come to my office to get your flu shot."

    I said, "I called to find out the days and hours you were giving flu shots, and I was told you were out of the vaccine." I told him where I went, and now I have this rash and it itches a lot.

    "I've seen this quite a few times," he said. "It's likely that you're allergic to the preservative in the vaccine you were given."

    "So, what am I supposed to do to stop the itching?"

    "Get some Benadryl cream and apply it three times a day, 9 AM, 3 PM, and 9 PM. It should stop the itching and the rash should disappear in three or four days. Next year go to our website and click the 'flu vaccine' button to see when we will have it available. We never use the vaccine that has preservative."

    So I applied the Benadryl cream and in a few days the rash and the itching were gone.

    This year I got a flu shot at my doctor's office and I didn't get a rash. And I didn't get the flu. In fact, according to my mom and my doctor, I've never had the flu.

    Colin   :icon_geek:



  2. I've never felt a need to bond with or congregate with a (note: not the) "gay community." Doug and I have a lot of friends. My guess is they are 80% to 90% straight. And I am counting the "lesbians" (who self-describe as gay) and my brother and his boyfriend in the non-straight side of the percentages. I'm not denigrating those who want to so bond or congregate; it's just that we and our gay friends don't.

    Colin  :icon_geek:

  3. We get two newspapers on Sunday only: The East Bay Times and The San Francisco Chronicle.

    If we want to read a newspaper for some reason (like high school sports) we go online because our Sunday-only subscriptions give us, at no extra charge, full access to these newspapers' websites. It's also good if we want to find some specific news item, like when the Camp fire was raging in Paradise and other small towns in Butte County.

    Colin  :icon_geek:

  4. 2 hours ago, Merkin said:

    Here in Virginia when we fry up a chicken there won’t be anything left of it on the plate except for the beak.  We use that to pick our teeth.

    James, as anyone who cooks up chickens in a Chinese restaurant will tell you, the beak isn't sharp enough or thin enough to pick your teeth. What you use are the feet. There are three toes per foot, and a claw on each toe. That's six per chicken. Lots of teeth picking with that bunch! And if you're wondering about the spur claw on each foot, those are cut off by the chicken processors. They just get in the way.

    Colin  :icon_geek:

  5. Your message about a messy house is funny because I am writing a story and the teenage protagonist Steve has this dialogue talking to Jason, another kid at his high school:

    "...Most of my friends in Pleasant Hill were slobs. Clean clothes stacked on the furniture, dirty clothes on the floor, books and papers piled up everywhere. Phil, one of my friends, even had dirty dishes stacked on his desk and the floor. He was a total slob. His mom told him that she wasn't going to clean his room anymore. But he didn't clean it, either, until his mom would get his dad to take his laptop away from him until he cleaned his room. They did that every few weeks, usually when the smell got to them. Finally, I told him that we’d have to meet at my house since I couldn’t stand his mess. He just laughed and said that was fine with him, he couldn't stand his mess, either."

    Actually, I understand Phil. It's a boy thing.

    When I was in middle school my folks forced me to keep my room clean and neat. The punishment was severe: no electronics of any kind, no TV, no going to a friend's house, until my room was clean and passed inspection. It only took one time to convince me! That's also a boy thing.

    Colin  :icon_geek:



  6. In the light of Fred Phelps' sodomite claims, I am wondering if he got it mixed up with our national food, Vegemite?
    Des, I just did some research after reading the above post in your blog.SODs, also known as Superoxide Dismutase, are enzymes which destroy superoxide free radicals and prevent the cellular damage that free radicals cause. Researchers have discovered that SODases also stimulate hair growth and decrease hair loss.Thus "Sodomite" can be defined as a user of SODs. Sounds good to me (even though I am not, at 18, follically challenged). :icon8: Colin :icon13:
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