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Blog Comments posted by Camy

  1. Cole, I agree that society has come a long way in a short time. Unfortunately humans, as a species, haven't. We might think and talk and have the trappings of civilisation, but we're still animals in a very real sense and are manipulated by chemicals in our bodies over which we have no control.Then, at school, you have an unwritten honour code which says 'don't tell adults anything (and if you do you're ostracised).'The mix of the two can be lethal.

  2. Novels are a different beast altogether, and I think it makes great good sense to recognize them for the block they impose on a short story writer's kind of writing. I love your short stories, and if you can spin your particular brand of imagination out into a novella that would be peachy keen with me. I think distinctions based on word count are pretty meaningless anyway; doesn't it have more to do with how you best progress from a starting point to a finish that makes it all work? James
    You're right, James. They are totally different beasts. But I still really want to write long fiction. I've got five, maybe six, attempts I could finish - each I like (I would say that having written them), but I either can't seem to get to grips with how to finish them or I see a shiny thing.Perhaps starting out with a novella in mind will be the key. Maybe then I'll go from novella to novel. Stranger things have happened. ;)
  3. Umm ... yes? Or possibly no. The fact of the matter - the universal truth, if you will - is that we're all living in the spiral arm of the galaxy light years from anywhere interesting. If I'm nostalgic it's for that little bar in the mountains on Alpha Centauri where I first met him. Ah, those were the days....

  4. Right! That's it! :( An emu I might be, but I have feelings, James. And I could have done that where I was: emus are good with telescopes. Lightbulbs aren't a problem either, as we have humans, often poets, to do that for us. ;)The reason we moved, Cole, was because the rent was a lot cheaper. Also, I don't have to drive a lot now (gas is super expensive over here), and there's work available. Those are the pragmatic reasons. The other one is that we're sociable birds and I was starting to turn into a hermit.

  5. Wait. Visits from women? In a guild? En masse? I'm not sure I like the sound of that. The watchtower mob are bad enough.The stairs are actually a very good thing. Not that I couldn't live without them ... but having them, and having my space on the top floor is either going to off me, PDQ, or, as Bruin so rightly says, give me muscles like a, umm, chap with, erm, muscles. :smile:

  6. What more could you possibly want for $4.99? :)A kiss?
    That sounds really good :smile: ... but how do you deliver a virtual kiss?
    And to think, I used to give it away...
    Camy, you old promo artist you.C
    I try, I try. Sadly success ain't a given no matter how good the 'product' ... which accounts for the boxes of dusty CDs loitering (and oft heard plotting) under my bed.
  7. Question: Did you stop reading this Blog entry and go read Jwolf’s story Big Haired Bitches like I told you to a few pages ago?
    No I damn well didn't. I was waiting for better here. Hmm, get the hint? Now, Jason, my lad. Pull youself together and finish this blog entry. Sheesh, I didn't think you were such a tease! ;)After all, you know it makes sense to keep your public happy. And yes, that's public, not pubic. :P
  8. Na-na-na-na-na, Cole. I read it too! :) - which is NOT the sort of comment one should be leaving on an entry like this.I followed 'the story' before Mark was Mark, so this isn't as much of a surprise as I thought it was going to be. I really like the way you've time jumped, Jason.Love has many ways of inveigling itself, and the slamming of doors, smashing of crockery and great make-up sex is only one of its many flavours. Some relationships are boring, pedestrian, stolid and ... just are - not a bad thing at all if that's who you are.The fact of the matter (he says pompously, waving his beak coyly) is you can't live in a vacuum.Camy

  9. If 'that' is what I'm thinking it is then no, I didn't. ;) I wasn't expecting a freebie so I really can't moan. It has done a lot of miles and they're expensive to run anyway - so those are the apples.And you're right, the thermostat has gone, so that's part of the problem sussed. :) Now, how to find a cute garagechap?

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