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Tragic Rabbit

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Posts posted by Tragic Rabbit

  1. The Sin & The Sorrow

    Life is the sin and the sorrow,

    The temptation and the taste;

    Gazing afar to yon tomorrow

    While today wings by in waste.

    Born bright is he the Risen

    Born clean are those who Fall;

    Life’s beating hearts imprison

    Each – yet none at all.

    The grief of Life, it makes us Kin

    So why does it not make us Kind?

    At War are brothers ‘neath the skin,

    Living eyes must be born blind.

    To Live is to be fearful

    To Love to be brave;

    Must all our days be tearful,

    Weeping down unto the grave?

    Trouble not foreign parts with envious arts,

    Covet no one man’s prize and strive;

    For we each stride in step with hurting hearts

    And none come out alive.


    on the occasion of the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq

  2. Sparkly, witty, erudite. Taught me a word I didn't know - avocation. Thanks for that!

    TR at his firework best.

    That's me, The Articulate Particulate.

    Many thanks, again...been gone awhile, I was. My current avocations are: continuing to breathe, writing, worshiping my cats (yes, this does involve votive candles and the occasional slaughter of minuscule mammals) and adoring my tiny service-dog-slash-songstress, Oona O'Neill Chaplin.

    TR :icon13:

  3. I loves it! Had to look up some words to follow, but that just makes it better cause I just enhanced my vocabulary. :icon6: It kinda reminds me, at least the rhythm I read it in, of something John Cooper Clarke would have wrote.

    Thanks muchly!

    And that's cool, I had to look up 'John Cooper Clarke'.

    He invented the steam engine, right?

    TR :icon13:

  4. dogs and declination

    dog my steps by inclination

    I, in side-stepping, stumble,

    finally forced to rumble

    like a Jet, I pirouette

    take on a surly sobriquet;

    I'll turn around and bark them down

    just as soon as I attain renown

    I know that fear of fear itself

    is something one must fight oneself,

    but even so, my stumbled stride

    leaves me humbled, heaped, howling inside;

    night terrors jumble, mumble and amplify

    the things these uncouth truths imply ?

    that the old stone with sword inside

    is something I should leave untried

    for this dogged inclination

    to mere canine creation

    is a barking avocation

    albeit with fascination

    for me (bright abbreviation)

    subject to such trepidation

    a mere approximation,

    typing lettered bits of affectation

    dogs and declination, see,

    dog my steps and referee,

    proclaim I am as all agree, a

    mere never-ending deportee:

    a kind of lucid hallucination

    better yet, amalgamation

    bits of tin; no, no guarantee

    of the Me that could but cannot Be

  5. Surely gods look down and see the whole:

    we're born to cry while growing old

    up on the mount, they see the truth

    beauty aching for lost youth

    the stoic men who wish for strength

    runners pushing, can't make the length

    weeping women who cut their hair

    wise men doubting gods are there

    and all the time the thumping sound

    these beats of breath above the ground

    old gods looking from on high

    ignoring prayers that ask them why

    the clink of drinks and chatter numb

    or are they stricken deaf and dumb

    why did they make this world below -

    Or can it be that they don't know?

  6. Lovely, TR! Thanks!

    You're quite welcome, BF, my warped view of the world isn't always so appreciated - like that funny relative who farts at table. Truth is, 'truth' seems pretty mallable and the world a tad tiresome if you stay too sober in your perceptions.

    Me, I like a little color; adds spice to a weird and weary world. But as I said, some hereabouts are quick to take umbrage or dismiss humor as inconsequential, with others loathe to take off the emerald glasses. You'd be amazed.

    If satire can take Al Franken to the US Senate, though, maybe there's hope yet for its virtues.

    I've found humor can be a fab platform for criticism and compliment and, like Des, am partial to the punny.

    It also keeps my typing skills at par.

    :spank: TR

  7. Understanding Anemia

    There is a kind of freedom in frailty,

    in bodily poverty, endgame & emptiness;

    when all that you loved is far away, gone;

    all that you live for - removed, distant:

    timeless as an old photograph

    or gravestone epitaph

    For who or what can disappoint you,

    hurt you, maim your marred soul

    when all of your thoughts turn inward

    and all your ideas become either

    specific as sputum, bacteria, germs

    or airy as philosophical terms

    Few things concentrate the mind

    like weaknesses of the body;

    when your day's goal is to eat well

    and not to fall, fade away, in public:

    invisible as ghosts or hope

    and dead as any dream

  8. And I have long thought that the extent of the particular attention and reaction to male homosexuality has at least a portion of it's roots deep in the heart of misogyny, and the tendency to refer to male homosexuals in the same terms as those used to demean women supports this fact.

    No question that this is true...and a truth about as popular as Bloody Mary at a teaparty.

    Homophobia is predicated in misogyny, both of which are perpetrated & encouraged by men in public power overconcerned with their private manly powers. The worst sin is not to be a Real Man...a belief that killed, among others, Ernest Hemmingway and Joan of Arc.

    :spank: TR

  9. If Aussies were filtered from the Net, who would we have left to laugh at...except maybe the Welsh.


    Seriously, as both a parent and a teacher (in a former life), I'm against any government attempts at this kind of thing. In government, less is more.

    The stated goal of child protection is all too frequently used for political adventage without any real understanding of or concern for children - only for votes or monetary gain.

    "Moral busybodies are taking the perfectly good word 'family' and using it as a code for censorship the same way 'states' rights' was* used to disguise racism in the mid-sixties." -John Waters

    Two things strike me on the subject after all those years of the above: (1) actual children are just young humans, both for good and ill, and shouldn't be mistaken for angels, (2) there really is no way to control children, all that parents & teachers can do is try to guide.

    Children will, by their own choices, devices and mistakes, turn out badly...or not. Most of it comes down to luck, upbringing, genetics...and more luck. Very little adults do makes any difference and few things politicians try will do anything but make possibilities worse.

    "Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands." -Anne Frank

    The only reason the angelic and vulnerable image of children is so popular with politicians and other madmen is that it seldom fails to tug at the heartstrings...but that view of children is ficticious.

    "A person's a person, no matter how small." -Dr. Suess


    Children are little people: some are bad, some good, some smart and some stupid, some capable of change, some not, many kind but no small few are vicious.

    They, like us, are limited by their own humanity.

    :bunny: TR

    *and is again, witness Arizona's most recent bid for national attention in the form of lightly coded racism.

  10. It isn't broadcast enough outside the gay community. This is old, old news.

    The essence of the issue (refusing to pun here) may lie elsewhere.

    The vetting of blood donors shouldn't be about behaviors, it should be about obtaining blood if the person is not underweight, ill or whatever. Meaning, right then and there.

    Either way, for those things you can't determine right there (weight is determined with a scale, on the spot - a scientific observable reality), there are HIV tests and screens...performed AFTER the blood is collected and on all blood collected and stored these days. That was not the case when I began donating, so asking back then, for example, if a donor had had recent tattoos or surgeries, was perhaps reasonable. Perhaps.

    Screen Blood Not Prejudically-Predicated 'Behaviors'

    These days, all blood is required to be screened for a number of things before storage, including the Big One (in the minds of the general and generally uninformed hetero community) - HIV antibodies.

    Since all blood is tested for this, ALL blood, there is no reason whatsoever to ask anything remotely masquerading as a search for 'risky behaviors' etc because (1) people lie (2) questions demonstrate an ignorance of HIV transmission far beneath even NIH's something-less-than-shining standard, (3) all blood is tested, sometimes repeatedly, before anyone receives it, (4) questions are so intense, numerous, invasive and often unrelated to real-life 'behaviors' that their existance as prerequisate cannot raise anything but disgust in a rational and unbiased person.

    The questions' only purpose is to determine if the donor is GAY, nothing more.

    Screen Blood, Not People.

    Being gay is NOT a high-risk behavior for anything but liking members of the same sex.

    The questions do not really ASK behaviors, anyway, which is interesting because almost all the behaviors asked or implied are enacted just as frequently by heterosexuals. They do not ask IF you are HIV+, which would be illegal even for them I imagine...and unnecessary as the post-AIDS-discovery-by-media late-80s HYSTERIA resulted in multiple testings FOR HIV antibodies - though curiously nothing close to a cure or vaccine for AIDS - long ago leaving us with an nearly insane madness for testing of blood or other donated tissues/organs to weed out any tainted with HIV antibodies.

    Strange that so many other dangerous things are NOT also tested for, ah, but this could become a book...and a book already written by many other people, again and again.

    What is not strange, though highly unethical immoral and insulting, is the long litany of questions about sex practices WITH ANOTHER MAN - not 'do you engage in safe sex', 'are you monogamous', 'do your sex practices even involve touching that OTHER MAN' or whatEVER, they simply exist to label a (rejected) donor as GAY and thus preclude his donating without lying.

    The questions are NOT THE SAME FOR ALL DONORS OR EVEN FOR ALL MALE DONORS. Gay men are singled out for 'special treatment'...now what does that make you think of?

    This all started with one question (have you had sex with another man in the last half year - asked circa...85? I can't recall what year) - but had, last time I donated (by lying), evolved into a seriously embarassing and ridiculous line of questioning about WHO you have sex with (over the last whatever, decade, twenty years, it's gotten ever more insane) not HOW you have sex. And again, only men and then gays and bisexuals are singled out from that group for additional questioning.

    Women have a whole separate booklet of questions.

    I would suggest that the majority of heterosexuals who are sexually active engage in extremely 'risky behaviors' fairly routinely, that heterosexuals are in deep denial about the 'lifestyle' of sexually active heterosexuals - themselves and their peers - and that heterosexuals have a completely unscientific distase, at least in public, for sexual practices generally considered, wrongly, as 'gay'.

    There IS no 'gay sex', there is just SEX and who you have it with is not important.

    If you want to ask stuff, which you should not, it might be minisculely more productive to ask if the donor (of any sex, of any claimed or presumed sexual orientation) had had sex with someone who was HIV+ in the last year, if the donor had had any unprotected fluid-exchange sex with ________ <fill in the blank, they'll prefer to ask ANOTHER MAN>.

    All this serves NO public safety purpose.

    It is counterproductive to public health because it significantly reduces donated blood intake and has done so for two decades. It is unAmerican in that it unconstitutionally marginalizes by public shaming and semi-private Inquisitions a segment of the citizenry...and potential donor pool.

    It's not really so unAmerican when you remember that America, or at least a portion of NE America aka the '13 colonies', were founded/invaded by a batch of religious zealots no longer welcome in England, zealots who had a passion for defining an ever-changing all-important 'heresy', and then weeding out and burning the flavor of the week - 'heretic' loosely defined as 'outsider' and/or someone who isn't you or someone very like you.

    It is not widely touted by NIH, like a lot of other truths, but prior to all this, gays of both sexes were far more likely to be regular blood donors than heterosexuals. Fact.

    Some still are and an awful lot of heterosexuals owe their lives to that fact, to the fact that many will continue to donote while being actively humiliated and discouraged from donation.

    I'll end this on a last observation, because this could ramble/rant on forever and is on record elsewhere ad naseum, that absolutely none of this tagges lesbians. No, not because they 'don't get AIDS', we won't go there and it doesn't matter because ANYone can get AIDS and even THAT doesn't matter because all donations are tested and retested.

    The real, true hate that is considered polite to express in public - and against whom to invoke the gods of science - is for MALE homosexuals. Male homosexuals who have sex, who have a partner, who would like a partner, who are okay with those who partner or like members of the same sex and who are perhaps/probably a lot happier than the hets with blinders who bandy these bawdy topics about.

    Which says a lot more about straights - in NIH and in the reading public - than it does about homosexuals, HIV antibodies or 'safety' concerns.

    Straight people will take pride and prejudice over science any day...and in a heartbeat.

    Possibly their own.


    In Neverland, where men grow small

    While memories grow great and tall;

    The old ones gather by the fires

    And chew the bones of dead desires

    White hairs turn in faerie glow

    To colors that they used to know;

    While tired limbs rustle, remembering

    Night winds whip trees, dismembering

    One voice starts, stops ? another begins

    Until Tales have painted all with grins

    They sparkle eyes and brighten smiles:

    Grouped close there on the Never Isles

    Happy, huddled, hands outstretched

    Hearing Tales sweet and farfetched;

    They do not see, choose not to know

    How fleeting is this night's fire glow

    It is enough that they again have seen

    And frolicked merry on the green;

    That shadows lurk and all things end

    Takes nothing from each Tale's pretend

    In Neverland, the Awesome Truth

    Is that we none truly lose our youth;

    It might be misplaced, be hard to find--

    May our tender Tales serve to remind

  12. Read the rest HERE

    Old sore topic but one that merits periodic revisiting. Absolute madness, those questions, but I've stopped trying to change NIH's mind on the subject. Junk Science at its best.

    I used to donate regularly once I became old enough but stopped, with a few exceptions like that above, when lies became part of the process. At this point, my own blood donation is moot thanks to health issues, but my valuable blood type was taken off the market for no good reason.

    The exceptions were times when schools I taught at had blood drives and, to provide a good example for my students(!), I lied and donated. Last time was nearly ten years ago and the pre-donation vetting questions had become even more nosy and unnecessary.

    Pride and Privacy are out of fashion in America.

    TR :whistle:

  13. Cook-book misprint costs Australian publishers dear

    Pasta book pulped over misprint

    An Australian publisher has had to pulp and reprint a cook-book after one recipe listed "salt and freshly ground black people" instead of black pepper.

    Penguin Group Australia had to reprint 7,000 copies of Pasta Bible last week, the Sydney Morning Herald has reported.

    The reprint cost A$20,000 ($18,000; ?12,000), but stock in bookshops will not be recalled as it is "extremely hard" to do so, Penguin said.

    The recipe was for spelt tagliatelle with sardines and prosciutto.

    "We're mortified that this has become an issue of any kind, and why anyone would be offended, we don't know," head of publishing Bob Sessions is quoted as saying by the Sydney newspaper.

    Penguin said almost every one of the more than 150 recipes in the book listed salt and freshly ground black pepper, but a misprint occurred on just one page.

    "When it comes to the proofreader, of course they should have picked it up, but proofreading a cook-book is an extremely difficult task. I find that quite forgivable," Mr Sessions said. If anyone complains about the "silly mistake", they will be given the new version, Penguin said.

  14. TR, unless I'm much mistaken, you are saying that this is virtually identical to those people who take their work computers/laptops home, then do things with them there. Nothing they do on them is private, and all belongs to the employer. If this is the situation, it seems simple enough to just have everyone read, then sign, an acknowledgement of this reality before accepting delivery of the laptops.

    I don't know about others, but it is not the lack of privacy that distresses me about this story as much as the seeming lack of knowledge about the lack of privacy.

    Trust me, they know. There is no need to state it, sign anything, it's just the way it is, and no, I wouldn't compare it to the adult employer thing because to me this is very specific, public schools (private, too, just different setup), presence of minors, the parental responsibilities of schools and all the bazillion people/orgs that hold them to account for it. Plus newspapers eager to print pretty much anything, fact or fiction.

    Anyhow, school discipline is a school matter and not up for outside debate or recourse, same with firings. Legal charges alongside are a different matter, but courts aren't going to look lightly on illegal activity captured on public school property. Sounds like multiple charges to me, major infractions in and outside the school, and I still think the principal was doing what he's expected to do...not that I approve particularly. As a parent, maybe I do...either way, it's just how it is, the whole public school thing is a special matter.

    For example, you (unless a student or employee there) can't just walk onto a state's school property, it's illegal, may only require a call ahead or visit to the office first but the police WILL haul off anyone on school property if a teacher or admin asks them to...and charge them with a special kind of trespass, pretty serious as I recall. Anything belonging to the school - connected - can be searched, seized, impounded, flown to the moon...it's not like the grownup world. Most public high schools have police attached or permanently stationed at and around them these days and any legal infraction is worse on or with or near school property - guns, drugs, sex, violence, vandalism...anything. I've had to call the cops myself more than once but usually admin does or a school district security officer, also standard at schools these days.

    I'm just relating what a teacher knows, I'm not passing judgment and don't care who smokes dope...but only a dope would do it on his classroom laptop. One objection easily raised by a community would be that the laptops are not worth their tax dollars...given all this bad pub and whatnot. Hard enough to get anything funded as it is.

  15. As a former teacher, just FYI, I'd say none of the above applies.

    USA school related suits have settled almost universally along the following lines - anything that is property of, bought by, lent by, etc, a school/district is property of that district in word, deed and act 24/7 and the principal can lose his job for what the boy did.

    Nothing sinister really, this isn't like the peeping camera cases of last decade because it involves (a) minors, special cases under law, and all high school students are minors in most legal senses regardless of age unless they are legally married or emancipated (b) school (principal, teacher, bus driver, etc) as in-loco-parentis, which places much burden on same, I assure you from experience and ? sexual misconduct within school setting, school setting and property is not divisible, where the boy did what he did is immaterial and same as if he did it in the classroom (seen that too, btw, in my years).

    Sorry to say it as I don't generally like principals - on principle - but he was only doing his job.

    He is answerable to: parents, school board, superintendent or whathaveyou, his own teachers, local community however defined locally including newspapers who love this sort of 'sex scandal' story, other students (eg students can sue their own schools), manufacturer of hardware software or any product purchased for school use by state or localities....the list goes on forever.

    Examples of cases I've followed that come to mind are emails or phone calls sent via school laptops cells etc (not private nor owned by sender, whether teacher or admin or not), stored materials on same (teacher fired and defrocked for photo on laptop bought from school, etc)....ad nauseum. It's not a gay thing or a sex thing or a privacy thing, public school = no personal privacy applies is pretty much the idea...and the law.

    A teacher's tuppence. :wav: Joey

    PS Thanks, vwl, I found 5a esp fascinating. On PA Commonwealth law, they are IMO pretty decent compared to much of the US. I have taught there but found no major differences from parts south, etc, in attitude. Might note that PA is essentially rural and old fashioned conservative, sort of libertarian Jeffersonian or whathaveyou, aside from the two cities (god I hate Pittsburgh but love Philadelphia).

  16. a secret truth

    I've long known a fact that leaves me cold

    in just three blinks, I'll have grown old

    and these babes we scold and kiss

    will perch and fly and forget to miss -

    the things we did, the words we said,

    gone with prayers whispered at bed.

    But me, I know a secret truth

    ~I keep beside my own lost youth~

    of when love's magic works its best

    and how to soothe a grieving breast -

    twice daily angels ease heartbreak

    and let us see far, for pity's sake.

    Thus will I search night's last moonbeam

    and count nothing seen a witless dream;

    will also close watch dusk descend

    searching shadows at each day's end -

    for in those times of peace and grace

    I may see my child's beloved face:

    Never old and never gray,

    as graceful as she is today -

    my Ashlyn, she will walk strange light

    glim'ring green in father's sight

    Glistening clear through teary eyes

    locked on her form as the magic dies -

    though it is sure to make me weep

    'twill be the dearest treasure that I keep

    Every night and every morn

    may Ashlyn be again reborn -

    if only in fleet, fae faerie glow

    and no matter whether others know

  17. No, certainly not Cats in your case. Probably SHOWBOAT :D

    I'm on Dude's knee, but am not der Dude. He was 'turned' while watching something by Sophocles, I think...must have been that all-male Greek chorus thing...

    BTW, I'm now FedExing that bitey brown recluse spider to you, dearie. Return address anomalous. :icon_rabbit: Enjoy.

    :laugh: TR

  18. I probably 'turned gay' the first time my parents took me to a musical theatre production. (No, not CATS :laugh: )

    Actually, I've always (as in being aware as a preschooler that I felt attraction and romantic love for members of both sexes) been bisexual, though I now use words like 'queer' or 'pansexual' when not just saying, 'yeah, I'm gay'.

    After meeting me, not too many people seem to wonder and/or ask, though... :icon_rabbit:

    Wasn't Hillary killer last night? A real statesman.

    :bunny: TR

  19. I have to live in a tiny 12x14 room, inside my 4000 square foot house, which is pretty much the only place I can survive. Everywhere else, I start to itch, my eyes sting and water, and I start getting allergic symptoms.

    But this little bedroom has a few nasty bugs that are starting to be noticeably annoying. Probably no worse than a lot of places, but at least there's no Brown Spiders yet...

    Have you tried a top-to-bottom massive dust mite cleaning and coating with warding products and then protecting all fabric furniture, drapes and carpets against dust mites with dust-mite proof covers and other protectants? Just a thought, apparently they do create an unlivable environment for some/many people.

    Love, TR

  20. Jesus! That's awful. I consider myself a fairly macho guy, but spiders give me the willies. That's one of the reasons I keep my partner around: I make him go in and kill any spider within 50 feet of me. (I use the old Woody Allen line from Annie Hall: "There's a spider in there the size of a Buick!")

    You got my sympathies. The desert is beautiful, and the air is great, but there are some nasties out there.

    While I am often the one summoned to dispose of 'nasties' (spiders, wasps, bees, hornets and uninvited, belligerent exes or salesmen), in the case of all but the exes, my method is simply to pick them up and deposit them outside where they can recuperate from all the brouhaha and go about their way. :smile: Stinging insects do not bite me, except for mosquitoes and some types of biting 'fly', so I'm willing to do this.

    What I tell people who actually and purposely kill spiders is... I HATE YOU...no, just kidding, but do you know that (a) 99.9999% of all spiders you will ever SEE are not only harmless but (b) mainly just want the hell out of your sight to continue their own activities - activities that you might not ought to be so quick to dismiss from your home, ? as most not only kill off tiny vermin like flies and such, but (d) some are even able to catch mice and other household undesirables. Additionally, my Irish mum always insisted that (e) killing a spider brings threefold bad luck into a household, so why risk all that?

    And yet...felled by a wee desert spider.

    I researched the symptoms and emailed my doctor. As luck would have it, we had (sort of) everything on the list that I needed, including my not insubstantial (but unrecognized by any state agency, alas) nursing skills which I then turned upon myself.

    24 hours later, I was in the highly disturbing fevered delirium state I mentioned and the fever broke (even in my delirium, I was aware that coma followed by death was an alternative stage three but then I was sure my dead dog was in bed comforting me...and it was a comfort), more of less, within 48 hours. I was again able to actively nurse myself and it is following the predicted pattern.

    My leg should be fully functional for walking, or perhaps gentle walking, in a few weeks from initial symptom outset. This is the listed most optimistic outlook. I am taking the meds and other requirements, including keeping the wound elevated above my heart as much as possible.

    What I've actually got feels like pureed calf muscle/tendon, layered over with skin lightly laced with acid and looking like a bad keloid outcome. I've resigned myself to some unpleasant scarring, I'm now just praying for use of that lower leg to rerturn. I've had my fill of the 'gimp' role...

    Sleeping is nearly impossible between the pain and finding a position that does not 'touch' the back calf 'scalded' zone.

    And all this from the tiny bite of one disturbed, grumpy and fairly small brown recluse spider. They are small, have a tiny 'violin' pattern on their backs, two fewer eyes than most spiders, and also weave webs for art and not lunch. The recluse also comes in a 'non-brown' variety. Apparanantly they strongly disapprove of being disturbed while in repose.

    Brown Recluse Spider:


    For the science minded, here are some stats on brown recluse venom (source: WebMd for brevity):

    The brown recluse venom is extremely poisonous, even more potent than that of a rattlesnake. Yet recluse venom causes less disease than a rattlesnake bite because of the small quantities injected into its victims. The venom of the brown recluse is toxic to cells and tissues.

    • This venom is a collection of enzymes. One of the specific enzymes, once released into the victim's skin, causes destruction of local cell membranes, which disrupts the integrity of tissues leading to local breakdown of skin, fat, and blood vessels. This process leads to eventual tissue death called necrosis in areas immediately surrounding the bite site.
    • The venom also induces in its victim an immune response. The victim's immune system releases inflammatory agents-histamines, cytokines, and interleukins-that signal specific disease-fighting white blood cells to the area of injury. In severe cases, however, these same inflammatory agents can themselves cause injury. These secondary effects of the venom, although extremely rare, can produce these more significant side effects of the spider bite:
      • Destruction of red blood cells
      • Low platelet count
      • Blood clots in capillaries and loss of ability to form clots where needed
      • Acute renal failure (kidney damage)
      • Coma
      • Death

    Brown Recluse Bite Symptoms

    Brown recluse spider bites often go unnoticed initially because they are usually painless bites. Occasionally, some minor burning that feels like a bee is noticed at the time of the bite. Symptoms usually develop 2-8 hours after a bite. Keep in mind that most bites cause little tissue destruction.

    • Victims may experience these symptoms:
      • Severe pain at bite site after about 4 hours
      • Severe itching
      • Nausea
      • Vomiting
      • Fever
      • Myalgias (muscle pain)

    Initially the bite site is mildly red and upon close inspection may reveal fang marks. Within a few hours, the redness gives way to pallor with a red ring surrounding the area, or a "bull's-eye" appearance. The lesion will often appear to flow downhill over the course of many hours. The center area will then often blister, which over 12-48 hours can sink, turning bluish then black as this area of tissue dies. The wound can appear like the following:

    • Bull's-eye appearance (common) (Note: If you live in an area where Lyme disease is common (Northeastern states), then this type of lesion is more likely caused by tick-borne Lyme disease than a brown recluse spider bite.)
    • Blistering (common)

    • Necrosis (death) of skin and subcutaneous fat (less common)
    • Severe destructive necrotic lesions with deep wide borders (rare)

    And this has been your Daily Land of Spiders and Scorpions Update from...

    a semi-lucid

    :hug: TR

    PS Don't ask me for awhile if I still like arachnids....

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