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    South Florida

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  1. Pete, I really enjoyed the story. I think that this would be a very good intro or 1st chapter to continuing the story. Unlike others, I do not really like to read stories involving teen suicide. I prefer, instead, a more positive approach - that of showing that teens can make it; that the love of TWO can outweigh all of the opposition and that teen love can survive ! I think that a retrospective look from the point of Charlie's and Kevin's parents as well as what the duo were experiencing at the same general point in time would be very interesting - and perhaps culminating in the return of Charlie and Kevin later. A point to consider would be that Charlie's parents are gay and may serve as a bridge to let everyone know they are in fact OK. Pete - you've got a good thing going here ( just want to consider more than a "spell checker" - in a few places the words are spelled correctly - but are not the words that should be there (their). Otherwise - am looking forward to a either continuation/companion part 2 or if you are ambitious developing a series. ben
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