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Cole Parker

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Posts posted by Cole Parker

  1. 12 hours ago, Altimexis said:

    Sorry, Cole. I just assumed the story was contemporary, given Ms. Ford’s sexual attitudes. Her attitude about losing her virginity could have been in the early sixties, or even in the 1920s. Assuming the $75k figure was in the 70s, that would be the equivalent of $300k today. People in that bracket consider themselves middle class, but most people would consider that rich.

    I’ll be the first to admit my knowledge of classical music is limited. My parents’ tastes were frankly plebeian and I grew up with a very limited exposure to classical composers. I had even less exposure to jazz. Now, both are passions of mine. I have a 6TB collection of high-res digital music, but my knowledge is far from encyclopedic. I’m still learning and appreciate your recommendations.

    And my knowledge of popular music is, I'm sure, much less than yours of the classical genre.  I was in high school when the Beetles became a smash in the country.  I never could understand why.


  2. Steve, You've probably got the wrong time frame on when the $75 was listed.  Yes, today, and even in the 1990s, major orchestra players made more than that.  But there was an earlier time when that was good money indeed, especially for women.

    You've never heard of Dennis Brain?  Or Barry Tuckwell?  Odd.  Herman Baumann would be less of  surprise.  There aren't a huge number of notable horn soloists, but there are a few now and were a few back then. 

    There are many concertos written for piano and violin, fewer for cello.  Fewer still for horn.  But you'd be amazed at  how many there are.  Here's a list of horn concertos by well-known composers.  It leaves out concertos by other, lesser-known composers; that list is even longer:  Bach, 1, Quantz, 4, Telemann, 6, Vivaldi, 2, Danzi, 1, Michael Haydn, 2, Joseph Haydn, 4, L. Mozart, 1, W.A.Mozart, 4, Bellini, 1, Franz Strauss, 1, Gliere, 1, Hindemith, 1, Jacob, 1, R Strauss 2.




  3. The only other person who absolutely adored Distorter Perspectives that I was aware of was Gordon Klopfenstein.  He even wrote senveral additional chapters to it.  He wanted more about the yonger brother.  Otherwise, I think the story went rather unnoticed.  It was a very difficult story to write, but I think it made the point I was trying to make.  Thanks, Steve.

  4. That Chrisian nationalism threat I think is very real.  They're trying to establish footholds all over at grassroot levels.  Town boards, school boards, state legislatures, city governments and the like, and they're pursuing odious agendas.  Banning books that are helpful to childrens' understanding of the real world the inhabiit and trying to push a fictitious one based an Biblical concepts that have been proven false by sciences.  Threatening womens' rights and control over their own bodies.  Pushing for a theocracy.  This is a real threat, and it's growing.


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