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Cole Parker

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Everything posted by Cole Parker

  1. A teacher is teaching a class and she sees that Johnny isn't paying attention…😂 A teacher is teaching a class and she sees that Johnny isn't paying attention, so she asks him, "If there are three ducks sitting on a fence, and you shoot one, how many are left?" Johnny says, "None." The teacher asks, "Why?" Johnny says, "Because the shot scared them all off." The teacher says, "No, two, but I like how you're thinking." Johnny asks the teacher, "If you see three women walking out of an ice cream parlor, one is licking her ice cream, one is sucking her ice cream, and one is biting her ice cream, which one is married?" The teacher says, "The one sucking her ice cream." Johnny says, "No, the one with the wedding ring, but I like how you're thinking!"
  2. Looking forward to him being able to join us again!
  3. A rather lengthy—even for the hordes of you that don't like my stories to end where they do—will begin Saturday. It's a bit different from my usual fare. C
  4. Commitment? That was a clever way to end the story. No more, no less. Suggestive? Sure. Commitment? No. Now here's a commitment. I commit to announcing a new story starting anon. But this is the wrong part of the forum in which to do it.
  5. Perhaps there were supposed to be softening nuances for the character that didn't come across in the TV version, but if that was so, I sure didn't detect them.
  6. You're kidding, of course. How could she be less likeable in the books? She's about as unlikeable as a TV lead character as one can imagine. I watched the first few seasons a while ago, so long ago, actually, that I can't remember where, but think it was PBS. She wasn't what anyone could call and warm and fuzzy character. C
  7. Quite obviously there aren't more homosexuals now that before. It's just the society has changed its view, has become more accepting, and so more people are willing it admit who they are, to be able to stop hiding. Isn't it great to be living in the time when this is happening? To be part of a grand societal awakening? When I was born, much of society wouldn't even admit that homosexuality existed. They said people chose to be with the same gender and these perverted people were mentally deranged. I grew up with that and lived with it for most of my life. Only lately, beginning with the politically correct movement, has society as a whole changed it's attitude. I don't think it would be entirely incorrect, or conceited, to say that our writing and other sites like ours have had just a tiny bit of help in this. Disseminating these stories in the 1950s would have been unheard of. Now they're part and parcel of the information our kids can obtain.
  8. I'm often asked by readers to suggest stories on AD they might like. Gee is one of the authors I list as the best and whose stories never disappoint.
  9. Nigel: Hope for better things, and quicker than the doc suggests. You'll be sorely missed here. Get well! C
  10. It sounds silly, but I too find that true all the time. Maybe it's just our brains have gone soft with age and our judgment isn't what it once was. Don't some seniors start to like baby food? When younger I thought that was about worst tasting thing going. Now, I'm afraid to try it; I might like it and it would prove I'm gone over the hill.
  11. I hadn't read this story of Bruin's before and now have corrected that omission. Don't neglect it like I did! Be smarter! Read it! Everything he's written is great! C
  12. There has been merciless whip cracking, and I have the bruises to prove it.
  13. I'm reading this again and it's just as good as the first time through. Good job, Jamie! C
  14. See the lengths I go to not to write sequels.? I write a three-peat instead.
  15. Handpicked was wonderful. Waiting to read the sequel! C
  16. It takes a degree of courage most of us can only imagine to have lived the life you have and come to where you are now. So, so many succumb to the draw of the needle or nose, and somehow you had the strength to overcome that. You've always had a quirky, irreverent sort of ink in your pen which makes it a delight to read what you've written. I hope you don't entirely lose that. You can write serious stuff, mysteries, drama, and still have that voice. The name Carl Hiaasen comes to mind; he writes that way and very successfully. You have to, and still can, I'm sure. A lot of us love your writing. So glad we'll be seeing more at some point. C
  18. This seems an appropriate time to announce another AD change in 2023. Rutabaga has taken on the task of improving the appearance of many of my stories, making them happier to the eye and easier for the reader. So far he's done a marvelous job with about 20 of my stories, many of them the older ones on my ledger. His work continues. My appreciation is over the top. C
  19. Nothing gained if nothing tried! Go for it!
  20. James: is this the one you're asking about? https://awesomedude.com/cole-parker/mr-patterson-and-the-aide/mr-patterson-and-the-aide.htm C
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