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Release of the new Haywood's Journey

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Well, folks, I've just published book 1 of Haywood's Journey (New Version). It's currently in eBook format only. It'll take a couple of days for the printed version to be available. I know, it's taken too long for this to happen. So, get your copy, whichever format you prefer, and then spread the word. I can't afford any real promotional campaigns, so it's going to be primarily word of mouth. The new title is Rising From The Ashes, by Addym Kehris. Oh yes, and if you buy, be sure to go back and post a review. That's a very important aspect of getting the book noticed. Now, give me a couple of weeks and I'll get book 2 out there. I'm going to concentrate on putting the final touches on that book before I tackle completing the first draft of book 3. Now the real work begins. Sigh. LOL.

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Always like hearing that. LOL. I'm halfway through book 2 final review. Another week or so before it becomes available. Thanks for your support Nigel. And anyone else who's joined the Haywood fan club. LMAO.

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