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Shelter in Place by Altimexis

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The New York Stories series continues to deal with the massive social and political upheaval facing all New Yorkers, Americans and citizens of the World. Shelter in Place is story of how five families have dealt with the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic and the lock-down order imposed on all of New York. Some of the primary characters will be directly affected when close personal relatives become symptomatic for the virus… and worse. The three-part story has just been submitted for editing and should be posted soon. In the meantime, two of my existing stories, Inside Information and Valenterrible Day, have been updated to make them consistent with events related to the pandemic. Please be on the lookout for my next major project, Excessive Force, which is my take on New York's response to the Black Lives Matter protests of the summer of 2020. It should appear before Labor Day.

For what it's worth, I never intended my story series to become so political, but events in the world around us have made it difficult to avoid the controversy. I didn't intend to address particular politicians other than obliquely, but the pandemic has pretty much nailed down that the President, the Governor of NY and the Mayor of NYC in my stories are in fact the current occupants of those offices. I would like to remind the readers that these stories are fiction, and that the opinions expressed here are those of the characters in my stories and not necessarily my own or those of this site.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Altimexis...

I really like the disclaimer you added to your June 16, 2020 post. I'll repeat it here in case someone is reading my post but hadn't seen yours. It's worth duplicating!

"I would like to remind the readers that these stories are fiction, and that the opinions expressed here are those of the characters in my stories and not necessarily my own or those of this site."  (copied from Altimexis' post)




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