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incubus, by TR

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he walks my dreams in beauty

and supple summer grace

as fair as grecian statues

hides heartbreak on his face

he looks at me from moonbeams

with smiles of falling stars

he shines upon my shipwreck

and soothes my sullen scars

he curls up in my seashell

and sleeps inside my skin

like lilies does he toil not

yet neither does he spin

he is my only idol

my gilden jeweled lord

though he is formed of dreamstuff

he is no less adored

I walk my days full blinded

but bright-eyed in the night

then watch inside my eyelids

and writhe as I ignite

I long to lay my head down

upon my cotton sheets

and give myself to visions

that morning e?er defeats

I live inside a story

that blooms best in the night

wherein he is my glory

and moon of my delight


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