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"Best of" lists

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As I read the pleas for referrals to good stories and read the responses--very good to mediocre recommendations, in my view--it occurred to me that a useful service would be to allow forum members to post their Top 10 (or so) lists under their own names in the same manner that Amazon has lists from its contributors.

These lists would be available at the click of a button so that a user could find a referrer that he likes and follow the recommendations with the expected effect of a series of good stories to read. At the same time, some recommendations could be discounted.

The thought of a Top 10 list occurred to me because of the wide range of quality of stories in response to recommendations for what to read--and the wide range of quality of the Best of Nifty posts, which to me run from the very good to the barely average, with no way to cull out the better ones, because nobody can agree on what is good or not so good. So, why not have a number of people post their Top 10 (or so) lists and let the reader decide which one matches their tastes and expectations.

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My first reaction was to point you towards the "Best of Nifty" that's available from a link on the main site here.

However, I understand your request is slightly different. What you're talking about is to try to find a "like-minded" reviewer, and read what's on their list.

I'm not sure how effective this will be, as any given person is likely to have read and recommended a minor number of stories, but I think it might be worth investigating. One thing to consider would be linking it somehow to the Best of Nifty site, so not only do you have a list of the best stories, but recommendations on those stories from different reviewers.

Only an idea, of course, and it may be too difficult to organise.


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The idea of a Top 10 list was not to get a vote on the best stories, but to get one person's perspective, and eventually to find a person that shares your tastes and expectations. The parallel would be a movie reviewer: some I consider uniformly good to excellent; others (read Ebert and Roeper) are awfully free with their recommendations (thumbs) and some are hypercritical. Finding a reliable reviewer is a personal choice, and that's what would be useful.

For the reviewer, the discipline of having to choose among many stories should help him or her clarify what makes a story good--or not.

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Guest rusticmonk86

these are nice ideas.

how about we implement a recommendation system that calls on USERS to REGISTER and make their own lists. our server will take the recommendations and file them :: shake of the leg :: so it can spit out a list of the current top ten.

which, i'll admit, is similar to the Gay Author's idea.

I don't have the type of knowledge to pull soemthing like this off. But I'd love to contribute idea-wise, and wherver else I can. like HTML, graphics and other stuff.

that is . . . if anyone is interested in coding it.


Actually anyone who has the knowledge of this should jump on this idea, create a site that offers profiles and emails, as well as a page (non-customizable), to host their top 10 or so. I think it would be insanely popular.

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  • 3 years later...

I like the personal top ten idea, which sounds easier than duplicating the GA

function. I would be one of those forced to give some thought to it if I had

to pick my10. :evilgrin:

As for the recommendations for BONN, what about a preliminary vote on the stories

by those who have read them, before they go to the panel for BONN? That might weed

out some of the stories that may have appeal to an individual for personal reasons but not


It is interesting to note the variations in ratings of the stories on the list. I find the simple

yes or no votes without knowing why disturbing and misleading, and in some cases an obvious disservice to a well-regarded author. Rating criteria would seem more useful all around.

It is easy to make suggestions when I am not the one doing the work, and too easy to make

recommendations and want them considered while forgetting how much time and effort goes

into the decision making process. And since those who feel confident to make those decisions

are likely to be writers themselves, respect for their time should be the first thing we readers

consider. Having the aforementioned clarity as to what constitutes a good story could be our contribution to the process.


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  • 1 month later...

You have an instrument that supposedly does that in BoNN. Refine it if need be. Or as you suggest, open it up to comment. I'm not computer literate so I don't know how one would do that but the vehicle is in place. It needs some adjustment to be worthy of it's claim too.

Perhaps you can create a list of stories for comment and have readers rate them. I have no idea how to do that but it could be a work in progress type thing. Maybe ya'll would reserve the nomination process and open up the voting arena to readers. So many clicks on good, better, best etc. That would take the burden off the BoNN reviewers and make for a more universal representation.

Out Here,

Pee Jay

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  • 4 weeks later...

The idea is good. But everyone knows that Jamie would hold everyone's number one spot with "The Scrolls of Icaria" Josh would hold the next two with "Jeet" and "The Least of These"

So really you only need to place the next seven and be done!

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The idea is good. But everyone knows that Jamie would hold everyone's number one spot with "The Scrolls of Icaria" Josh would hold the next two with "Jeet" and "The Least of These"

So really you only need to place the next seven and be done!

Good that you have such strong opinions.

Now you just have to refine them a bit.



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Ricky, I'm with you about Josh Maxwell (I haven't read SoI) and I'd put all his work on my list. In general, my opinion is that if a writer has recognizable talent, it is there in all their work-- it's not like you guys give good grammer a vacation and write a story while it's gone. :-)

What are the rating criteria for BONN anyway? Have they changed over the course of the list? Haha, is there a higher court?

Hey, i'm just asking.


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Now you just have to refine them a bit.



Oh your right. You and Paul Schroder will have to duke it out over third. Minky's World is pretty cool.

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What are the rating criteria for BONN anyway? Have they changed over the course of the list? Haha, is there a higher court?

Hey, i'm just asking.


There must be. I'm not even on the list!

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  • 2 months later...

Why not put a voting grid in place, something one can click on. List the story and provide a space to vote. More so since many 'judges' don't always weigh in. As it is, the BoNN is a biased list, albeit the only one available. Don't let another party knock you out of the saddle. Allow the 'masses' to ring in...is that democratic or what? Sure, there's a lot of discourse involved and not everyone shares the same opinion or enjoyment, to be sure. The voting process would preserve that.

Recognize what you have and protect it.

All The Best,

Pee Jay

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