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Starry Starry Night

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Starry Starry Night



Starry Starry Night
So cold and clear and bright and bold
Tell me the secrets I long to know
Shine away the darkness in my soul
Wash away my fear in your radiant glow

Starry Starry Night
Take me from this frightful place
Hold me in your timeless grace
Wrap me in your radiant embrace
Show me God's own face

Starry Starry Night
Please show me that I am wrong
Believing love is only pain
Remind me that I am yet strong
Keep me sane despite the pain

Starry Starry Night
So much has passed me by
Shadows and scars upon me lie
Telling me it's all in vain
There is nothing left to gain

Starry Starry Night
A faithful friend you've always been
There despite my doubts and fears
Nothing more beautiful have I ever seen
Restore my heart and dry my tears

Starry Starry Night



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