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Sky's The Limit by captainrick

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C'mon guys, I really need some feedback here! Good, bad, ugly, let me know. Please, huh, pretty please?


Rick D.


Sky's the Limit is a great story! :icon3: I have it bookmarked and check back regularly to see if you've added a new chapter. Your two boys are great, I'd like to be their friend! And you've done a good job defining Jonah's dad, too.

WARNING: Spoilers ahead! If you haven't read all 4 chapters of Sky's the Limit STOP HERE!

I'm glad we finally met Sky's dad. I'm sure there's going to be a lot more about both dads in future chapters.

Adam and Steve, the two adult gay guys they met on the beach and went back to their house, shouldn't have let them drink beer! These kids are only 15 and 16. It also shows that kids my age sometimes aren't thinking clearly: 1) They shouldn't have gone to Adam and Steve's house, bad move! 2) They shouldn't have had any beer, especially Jonah who'd never had any alcoholic drink before.

Your cliff-hanger at the end of chapter 4 has me all worried that you're going to have either Sky or Jonah or both badly injured. PLEASE don't! I like those two guys, and I don't want them hurt! I know it can't be majorly serious because of the cliff-hanger beginning of chapter 1, but I don't like bad things to happen to characters I really like. And jeez, you really like those cliff-hangers, don't you, Rick!

So, stop messing around posting on AD and GA and get more chapters of Sky's the Limit written and available for us to read!!! :icon1:

Colin :icon1:

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Hi Rick,

I just finished reading all four chapters of 'Sky's The Limit' and look forward to reading more.

I'm a horrible feedback giver :icon1: , because I'm not very good at articulating why I like or don't like a particular story.

Having said that :icon1: , I like the story overall, but I didn't like the flashback scene at the beginning of Chapter One. I'm not sure why I didn't like it (was it the way it flowed, or all the 'I,I,I') but I almost stopped reading. Luckily I continued on because the rest of chapter one and the next three chapters grew on me. Thanks for sharing.

Take Care,


P.S. - I like totally used the word like, like a bunch of times.

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Just so Vic doesn't feel like, too bad I thought like, I should like to add that I too like Sky's The Limit.

The story is very good.

I like the use of Adam Steve being aware of the Adam and Steve joke.

The dialogue is very natural and mixes nicely with the first person thoughts.

These are just my reactions I am not a critic.

I am waiting patiently for chapter five , six. :icon1:

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Hey, Rick,


Spoilers ahead. If you haven't read Sky's the Limit chapter 5, stop reading this post IMMEDIATELY and go read the chapter.

If you have read chapter 5, scroll on down...





















Whoa! You did the right thing in chapter 5 and didn't let Jonah or Sky get hurt. Damn, I was scared about what was going to happen, but you solved their problem and told us something important about Jonah that we didn't know, he's a real expert in Kendo karate. You gave us a hint in chapter 1, but you sure fleshed it out in chapter 5! That was some serious shit that was going down, but I was smiling all the time I was reading, thinking "Go, Jonah, smash those God damned assholes!" :icon1:

The ending, with Sky head over heals in love and Jonah not knowing what he feels is great. Leaves lots of room for further exploration. :icon1:

I'll be watching for chapter 6! :icon1:

Colin :icon1:

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