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AwesomeDude Radio - Cancelled due to lack of interest


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Despite words of encouragement to the contrary... response to AwesomeDude Radio (by, for and about the folks at AwesomeDude.com) has been underwhelming and I am pulling the plug.

Thanks to the few people who did listen... albeit briefly. I have not given up broadcasting entirely, I've been doing it since a few weeks after my voice changed. If AwesomeDude Radio reappears in sone future incarnation I'll let you know should you wish to give a listen.

Thanks to those who contributed time, effort, recordings and music.


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My condolences. I'm sorry to hear that AwesomeDude radio did not work out.

Maybe the holidays stopped people from being able to listen?

Anyway I for one appreciate all the time, love and devotion you put into it.

Thank You.

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I'm sorry to see it go Dude. My attention has been focused elsewhere and I haven't been able to participate like I would have liked to.

Hopefully the long conflict will be over soon once and for all. When it is, I'll dance an Irish jig.


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Damn. I'm sorry to not hear that, or hear that, or whatever. In a sense it is very much like writing a story, posting it, then never hearing back from anyone, or from very few. You're not sure if the product was faulty, if there wasn't enough publicity, or whatever. You do your damnedest to do good things, and, even whilst you do it for yourself as well as others, you hope that someone somewhere will benefit greatly, and maybe you will have given someone a turning point in their life.

When the project fails to turn out successfully, it is a relief that the effort is over, but you know in your heart that it also means that this opportunity for someone, as yet unknown, to maybe turn a corner towards a better life, is also over. It is bittersweet.

My sincere condolences, and my thanks and admiration for an effort well done.

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I think Trab probably hit the nail on the head:

In a sense it is very much like writing a story, posting it, then never hearing back from anyone, or from very few.

I'm mortified, upset, blown away, and feel marginally guilty for some reason.

Thank you Dude. It was wonderful, really wonderful, while it lasted.

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