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Question for LINUX Guru's


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This question is related to my earlier post. Does anyone know if games written for the MAC OS X (which I believe is a linux based system) will run in a linux environment on a PC?

Just trying to sort out my options with Vista looking like such a dog.


While I'm new to the mac I've used linux/unix for many years and I believe the answer is no. Linux uses Xwindows (X11) for its graphical system and the mac uses a proprietary system called Aqua. It is possible to run X11 apps on a mac but I haven't seen anything that would allow you to go the other way. You could see if the game publisher has a linux version.

As I said I'm new to the mac so if some one has a better answer I'd love to hear it.


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This question is related to my earlier post. Does anyone know if games written for the MAC OS X (which I believe is a linux based system) will run in a linux envorinment on a PC?

No. (I am a former Apple contractor and I am well qualified to answer).

All modern Macs can run PC software including Vista. PCs cannot run Mac software. That is (almost) the final word on the story.

Macs run a version of Unix/Linux however the overlay is proprietary. The Mac can run (and comes with X11).

You can run Parallels (buy) or Boot Camp (free but not as good) on your PC allowing you to run 2000/XP/Vista on your Mac. Your Mac, out of the box, has the ability to run and/or boot into Linux.

More details on posted request :)

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