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UK train suicide teen was teased as gay


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A Welsh teenager lay down in front of a train after being teased about his sexuality. Britain's Western Mail newspaper reports 15-year-old Jonathan Reynolds was struck and killed by the train, which was travelling some 85 miles an hour. Just minutes before killing himself in January of last year, Reynolds sent a series of despondent text messages to his father and sister. He told them not to blame themselves, but rather the "people who were horrible and injust to me." Reynolds had confided to his best girlfriend only weeks earlier that he was gay. The friend, Aimee Murray, told police that Reynolds had been teased about being gay, and was depressed. Last week, a coroner's jury ruled unanimously that no conclusive reason for the death could be established

The boy's parents later released a statement saying whether teasing over his sexuality was the reason for his suicide will never be known, but that he knew his family "loved and accepted him unconditionally."

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And to think we call ourselves civilized.

*hangs head in shame*

The only problem with humanity is....humans

I mostly don't post serious stuff about what I think or feel. I make jokes or I rant about technology and punctuation. However, I am going to make a statement.

I have always believed that as a rule, humans suck. Most people believe humans are okay and only a few make it bad for the rest. Reality forces me to believe otherwise. This is not an attack on any one person (I like most of you guys here) but an observation of our species as a whole. I much prefer animals over people, as a rule.

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I think it's yin and yang, Wibby. Some people suck; some people are terrific. Just when I think people are no damned good, a good friend does me a gigantic favor (which I didn't ask for), or I hear about someone doing an incredible good deed. Miracles happen.

But children can be particularly cruel, because they don't understand the need for tact, understanding, and tolerance. It takes some people years to learn that, so I pity the idiots that drove this kid to kill himself, and I also pity the kid for not finding a way to be stronger and not get overwhelmed by the insults.

Nobody wins in that story.

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Too much to say; too few words to say it.

Pity him? No, rather, I wish someone had reached out to give him what he needed. He was only lacking a way "up," and cared more than most. There's no pity and no fault in that.

Pity humanity? No, but an indictment: It takes so little to give somene that way "up." Yet so few ever take the time to be true friends, and so many would rather hurt others.

So, how miraculous it is, that some people do care and give another that way "up," out of whatever abyss has ahold of them. It can make a real difference in someone's life. If that sounds naive, I speak from experience, for myself and others...and there are a couple of people I really miss, who might've given a lot to this ambivalent world.

"You can be more."


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