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School Board Member Wants Gays Dead


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Well, we're all going to die eventually. In Mr. McCance's case, it'd be nice if he shuffled off this mortal coil a little faster.

His lack of tolerance is pretty amazing (and stupid politically), but at least he's being upfront with his prejudices and bigotry, and not trying to pretend he's tolerant.

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This guy is getting blown up on facebook.

We've also discovered a possible money scandal. It looks like the school board members pass the contracts around to each others companies.

If you're dirty, it pays to keep your mouth shut and not attract attention.

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AR School Board Member: "Fags" should kill themselves

Source Link:Daily Kos

Tue Oct 26, 2010 at 02:57:22 PM PDT

Chris Love

Pretty disturbing news out of Arkansas today, especially considering the recent surge in LGBT teen suicides. The Advocate is reporting that a school board member ? yes, a school board member ? posted on Facebook that ?fags? and ?queers? should kill themselves. Clint McCance, who sits on the school board in Midland, Arkansas (and is also the President of a company called Ty-De Services Inc.), wrote the status update in response to Spirit Day, on which students and others nationwide wore purple in support of LGBT youth.

The message read as follows:

Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin. REALLY PEOPLE.

McCance received several ?likes? and comments of support, but a few people spoke up and challenged him. After one commenter posted, ?Because hatred is always right,? McCance replied: ?No because being a fag doesn't give you the right to ruin the rest of our lives. If you get easily offended by being called a fag then dont tell anyone you are a fag. Keep that shit to yourself. I dont care how people decide to live their lives. They dont bother me if they keep it to thereselves. It pisses me off though that we make a special purple fag day for them. I like that fags cant procreate. I also enjoy the fact that they often give each other aids and die. If you arent against it, you might as well be for it.? There are pigs ? and then there?s Clint McCance. Here?s a guy that, in the days after a long string of gay kids kill themselves because people like Clint McCance make them feel like shit, posts a message on Facebook essentially encouraging more LGBT kids to commit suicide. Then he revels in the deaths that HIV/AIDS has caused in the gay community. Oh, and by the way, did I mention that he?s a f**king school board member?

One commenter was more forceful in challenging McCance (and his professed Christianity, because by the way, he?s a Christian too):


McCance responded:

I would disown my kids if they were gay. They will not be welcome at my home or in my vicinity. I will absolutely run them off. Of course my kids will know better. My kids will have solid christian beliefs. See it infects everyone.

See the screenshots for yourself: <snip>

Pretty astonishing stuff. Not that there?s anything surprising about a homophobic bigot living in Midland, Arkansas ? these people are everywhere, and I?ve met people who would share this same basic mentality toward gay people. What is most shocking and unsettling to me is the fact that this man is sitting on a school board. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this ? Clint McCance must lose his school board seat. Nobody who sits on a school board (nobody period, but especially nobody who sits on a school board) should post something like this ? something encouraging the suicides of LGBT youth ? and still hold his seat on a f**king school board. If this doesn?t outrage you, nothing will.

Since McCance?s Facebook profile is set on private, it is unclear whether he deleted the status message and comments. But a Facebook campaign has already been started calling for his removal from the school board.

Anybody wanna take bets on how long it will take this piece of shit to issue a poorly-worded public apology for calling for the deaths of gay kids?

Take a good look at the guy holding the fish. This is the face of what has been killing our LGBT youth.

UPDATE: As you know already if you've tried clicking on the above link to Clint McCance's company's Facebook page, the page has been removed. It also appears that his own Facebook profile has been removed (either by himself or by Facebook). I guess he couldn't handle the massive response that his hateful comments caused.

UPDATE #2: Feel free to sign the change.org petition demanding Clint McCance's resignation from his school board seat.


This guy has no more business around kids than a Klansman or a sex offender.

Fire Clint McCance page on facebook >> Fire him!


Sign petition demanding the resignation of McCance at change.org

Those of you outside the south, we need your support.

We need for our politicians to understand what this kind of thing makes our people and our region look like in the national eye.


School board uses homophobic members company: School Board Minutes

A resolution was made to accept Clint?s Carpet Cleaning/Ty-De Services, Inc to

clean the carpet in the elementary & high school in the amount of $3,500 due to

the fact that it is in the best interest of the school district by a motion from

Connie Blevins and a second by Bub Beel. The motion was carried.

Looks like the School Board passes the contracts around to each other!

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AR School Board Member: "Fags" should kill themselves

Source Link:Daily Kos

Tue Oct 26, 2010 at 02:57:22 PM PDT

Chris Love

Pretty disturbing news out of Arkansas today, especially considering the recent surge in LGBT teen suicides. The Advocate is reporting that a school board member ? yes, a school board member ? posted on Facebook that ?fags? and ?queers? should kill themselves. Clint McCance, who sits on the school board in Midland, Arkansas (and is also the President of a company called Ty-De Services Inc.), wrote the status update in response to Spirit Day, on which students and others nationwide wore purple in support of LGBT youth.

The message read as follows:

Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin. REALLY PEOPLE.

McCance received several ?likes? and comments of support, but a few people spoke up and challenged him. After one commenter posted, ?Because hatred is always right,? McCance replied: ?No because being a fag doesn't give you the right to ruin the rest of our lives. If you get easily offended by being called a fag then dont tell anyone you are a fag. Keep that shit to yourself. I dont care how people decide to live their lives. They dont bother me if they keep it to thereselves. It pisses me off though that we make a special purple fag day for them. I like that fags cant procreate. I also enjoy the fact that they often give each other aids and die. If you arent against it, you might as well be for it.? There are pigs ? and then there?s Clint McCance. Here?s a guy that, in the days after a long string of gay kids kill themselves because people like Clint McCance make them feel like shit, posts a message on Facebook essentially encouraging more LGBT kids to commit suicide. Then he revels in the deaths that HIV/AIDS has caused in the gay community. Oh, and by the way, did I mention that he?s a f**king school board member?

One commenter was more forceful in challenging McCance (and his professed Christianity, because by the way, he?s a Christian too):


McCance responded:

I would disown my kids if they were gay. They will not be welcome at my home or in my vicinity. I will absolutely run them off. Of course my kids will know better. My kids will have solid christian beliefs. See it infects everyone.

See the screenshots for yourself: <snip>

Pretty astonishing stuff. Not that there?s anything surprising about a homophobic bigot living in Midland, Arkansas ? these people are everywhere, and I?ve met people who would share this same basic mentality toward gay people. What is most shocking and unsettling to me is the fact that this man is sitting on a school board. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this ? Clint McCance must lose his school board seat. Nobody who sits on a school board (nobody period, but especially nobody who sits on a school board) should post something like this ? something encouraging the suicides of LGBT youth ? and still hold his seat on a f**king school board. If this doesn?t outrage you, nothing will.

Since McCance?s Facebook profile is set on private, it is unclear whether he deleted the status message and comments. But a Facebook campaign has already been started calling for his removal from the school board.

Anybody wanna take bets on how long it will take this piece of shit to issue a poorly-worded public apology for calling for the deaths of gay kids?

Take a good look at the guy holding the fish. This is the face of what has been killing our LGBT youth.

UPDATE: As you know already if you've tried clicking on the above link to Clint McCance's company's Facebook page, the page has been removed. It also appears that his own Facebook profile has been removed (either by himself or by Facebook). I guess he couldn't handle the massive response that his hateful comments caused.

UPDATE #2: Feel free to sign the change.org petition demanding Clint McCance's resignation from his school board seat.


This guy has no more business around kids than a Klansman or a sex offender.

Fire Clint McCance page on facebook >> Fire him!


Sign petition demanding the resignation of McCance at change.org

Those of you outside the south, we need your support.

We need for our politicians to understand what this kind of thing makes our people and our region look like in the national eye.


School board uses homophobic members company: School Board Minutes

A resolution was made to accept Clint?s Carpet Cleaning/Ty-De Services, Inc to

clean the carpet in the elementary & high school in the amount of $3,500 due to

the fact that it is in the best interest of the school district by a motion from

Connie Blevins and a second by Bub Beel. The motion was carried.

Looks like the School Board passes the contracts around to each other!

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And just to follow up: I don't always agree with Ellen DeGeneres (who I think is a real loose cannon), but she makes some very good points in this interview...


Update: and now Mr. McCance has resigned and had to move his wife and children out of the state because of thousands of hate mails and threats to their lives:


If you read his actual quotes, his specific words are ignorant but not advocating violence against gay people. He's an ignorant man, but I believe his apology, and I think he sincerely understands the gravity of what he said.

One down, about 10,000,000 to go...

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He hedged.

Throughout his apology he was unable to clearly articulate exactly why he was apologizing unless prompted by Anderson Cooper. Rather than talk about why what he said was wrong, he talked about "poor choice of words." This implies that he still supports the thoughts behind those words.

I have no doubt he understands what a storm he's created, but I'm not sure he really understands why other people would create such a storm about his statements.

The strongest statements in the apology were about the language he used, but the weakest statements came when pressed about his feelings on gays. Note the hesitation when asked if he still thinks he wishes gays would all contract AIDS and die.

I suppose the end result is positive for the kids in his school district though.

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Normally, I think Dr. Phil (a major U.S. daily talkshow host) is full of crap, but he makes some good points about the Arkansas school board member, saying that "this is a non-apology apology":


I have to admit, in re-reading McCance's statement, it seems like he's sorry for saying what he said, but not retracting his beliefs. So he's still an a-hole.

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What I think was most useful in the whole drama was McCance getting nuked on facebook and then looking so weak and cowardly.

Sometimes you must abandon the desire to be loved for the necessity of being feared.

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What I think was most useful in the whole drama was McCance getting nuked on facebook and then looking so weak and cowardly.

Sometimes you must abandon the desire to be loved for the necessity of being feared.

Isn't that just it James? They fear us because we can love. We love, and they are afraid of the love we desire to share with each other, for unlike them, we do not have to limit love, and that quite unnecessarily, frightens them.

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Good point, Des. There may be more to it, also. People, especially simple people, fear anything different. It's an atavistic trait that kept our ancestors safe. That is still the basis for much societal fear: simple differences.


Ah A half full cup or a half empty cup.

Fearing simple differences, or only trusting the familiar.

We have along way to go before we trust each other to the degree necessary to build a culture where everyone can trust each other.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the current election cycle in the US.

Yet strangely the US constitution is a document that is built on the idea that we can trust each others birthright to equality.

It's just a shame that not everyone seems able to cope with that.

I don't need to elaborate any further than saying which ever side of politics that McCance votes for, is probably not the side that will support to continue LGBT equality and freedom, let alone same sex marriage.

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Isn't that just it James? They fear us because we can love. We love, and they are afraid of the love we desire to share with each other, for unlike them, we do not have to limit love, and that quite unnecessarily, frightens them.

I don't think so Des.

They hate us for very simple reasons that anthropologists easily understand.

In every IN group, there must be an OUT group: an enemy as it were. Something vile and evil that in contrast, shows the moral superiority of the IN group. For generations, the OUT group has been a number of social outcasts so designated by the church.

For centuries it has been people of other races, diseased people, mentally ill, criminals and other groups labeled EVIL.

As society has evolved, that list has shrunk as things like disease, mental illness and divorce have been better understood.

For instance it was once thought that disease was punishment from god or evil spirits. Many people were burned at the stake simply because they were sick and the IN group didn't understand it.

Now we stand at the point to where there is a dawning realization that gay people aren't intrinsically evil, satans agents, didn't chose to be gay and so forth. It has a lot of people confused. Some cling to the old way, others embrace a new understanding.

The hate and fear is because they've been taught to hate & fear. It makes them feel superior and part of their IN group (community).

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In every IN group, there must be an OUT group: an enemy as it were. Something vile and evil that in contrast, shows the moral superiority of the IN group. For generations, the OUT group has been a number of social outcasts so designated by the church.

This is so true. We're still struggling with throwing off the tribal mentality. It worked well for us, probably for tens of thousands of years, to think of anybody not in our immediate group of twenty or thirty people as dangerous, different, and feared. Many of us, maybe most, have grown beyond this mentality. But, sadly, many haven't. What's worse, they not only don't want to, they don't see the problem with their thinking, and have elaborate rationalizations for why it is the "correct" way to think. Usually based on vast and ridiculous generalizations of how a group is dangerous by using an individual as an example.

Until and unless we are able to eradicate or seriously limit this kind of tribal thinking, we as a society and a species probably aren't going to get much further ahead socially and morally than we are now.

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