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Learn to Code with the Mayor


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If you've ever fancied learning to code - or even wanted to see what it was all about - then Code Academy might well be for you. It's fun, it's easy (honest guv), and if Michael Bloomberg (the Mayor of New York) can do it, so can you!


Once you learn to code you can hack the hackers, spam the spammers, and spank the monkey, too. (ancient proverb).

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Unfortunatly, it tells me my browser isn't supported and since I have no desire to load a second browser it's another perfect excuse to not bother learning to do html! LMAO


Actually, it's Java they're teaching. I can't believe you only use one browser! Please tell me it's not IE 6. :p

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Good guess...I actually do have IE6 and use it regularly. As far as needing java help, I'm pretty good there too. I make a damn good pot nearly every morning. I'd guess it's the Brits that need help with thier java since they're so into the whole tea thing. :confused:


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