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Seat of the Divine by Bi Janus


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'Seat of the Divine' by Bi Janus is a wonderful read. Other than having seen 'The Karate Kid' I know next to nothing about martial arts, and nothing about the Dojo (where they're taught) or the ritual that takes place within. Not only is 'Seat of the Divine' a good short story and well written, but it teaches too.

My hat is doffed, Sempai.

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Yes, I've been remiss in not remarking on it. I read it the day it came out and found it very enjoyable, even thought I didn't know most or any of the technical terms it used. I suppose it was educational in that respect, but I'm afraid didn't manage to learn anything from them, involved as I was with the relationships in the story. Very well done.


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Some stories convey more than the story, they have more than a message, more than a spirit to share; they provide a silence that leaves the reader with a tranquillity of mind.

It's not that the story leaves us untouched, but that we know we have been touched by that which is unknown, permitting us to access the experience of our own serenity.

I haven't had the opportunity to read a lot in recent times, but I am very pleased I discovered this story and would humbly like to present the author with my award of appreciation.


Awarded to bi_janus

for his masterful account of

The Seat of the Divine

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