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Anderson Cooper out at last

Guest Dabeagle

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I'm glad Anderson Cooper has come out, finally. It is no surprise to those of us who have known him - in my case for more than twelve years- but the public coming out will hopefully be another nail in the coffin of homophobia and the bullying it engenders.


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The phobes will no doubt pile on phobias. Their loss.

Anderson Cooper is a class act. He's doing this to speak up for what's right. That is one advantage of the power of the pen, the press, and the microphone.

Good man.

I want to see a day when people no longer have to "come out" or worry about whether they'll be accepted if they tell someone they like them and ask to go out, or tell friends or family they're gay/bi/etc.

Until then, the idea that hey, you've known me for how many years, and I'm gay, is going to have to help.

Way to go, A.C.

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Very glad to hear this. It was widely known in the broadcast community, but I understand Cooper's reasons for his silence.

He has a complicated story to tell, particularly about the suicide death of his older brother, who was his idol. There's a lot of skeletons in that closet -- and at least he's out of it.

Longtime friend Kathy Griffin has written a very loving essay about him, and I think it's very real and heartfelt:


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Anderson Cooper is one of my favorites and I have great respect for him. I understand why he hasn't made an issue of it in the past. Won't it be great in the future when it won't be a big deal or it won't even be necessary for a gay man to come out? I was very pleased to read about Don Lemon not only coming out but discussing the abuse he survived as a child. Lemon is someone else at CNN I particularly like.

As an aside, I found it interesting when Anderson Cooper admitted that he and Michael Jackson had been friends and that Michael had taken him to Studio 54 when he was only 10. I know, as F. Scott Fitzgerald said, the rich are different (and Dorothy Parker added, Yeah, they have more money), but it seemed strange that Studio would let a boy that young in, even if he was Gloria Vanderbilt's son and in the company of Michael Jackson.I don't know if I should read anything into this or not. He did add, "I suppose the child welfare authorities probably want to talk to my mom, now." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/06/25/anderson-cooper-remembers_n_221256.html

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Who cares? It didn't influence what I think about him. I liked him before and I like him now. Announcing that he's gay is a so-what to me. Now, if a reporter had asked him if he's gay, then saying 'Yes' would be meaningful: he's willing to tell the truth. It still wouldn't have influenced what I think about him.

Colin :icon_geek:

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Somebody should've printed a headline, "Out at Last! Out at Last! Great God Amighty, Out at Last!"

I'd like to know more about the story of Anderson Cooper and Michael Jackson...

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Now, if only fate would smile upon me and convince Richard Engel of NBC to leave Afganistan and cover some earth-shatteringly important story in the wilds of Okieland, rescue me from some devastating tornado or terrorist-attack and then declare his undying love for me. Oh, Richard, oh Richard... :hug:

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Just be ready to head for the cellar. I hear it can get cozy down there.

I have relatives in Oklahoma, so I know what you mean, sort of. :laugh: Good people, mostly. And I'm pretty sure one of my cousins is gay and I got the feeling everyone knew, but whatever they thought of that, he's loved and he must be alright, because he's family. That was reassuring for this gay guy too. Wish I'd had the chance to speak with a couple of people privately, but it wasn't the right time.

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Now, if only fate would smile upon me and convince Richard Engel of NBC to leave Afganistan and cover some earth-shatteringly important story in the wilds of Okieland, rescue me from some devastating tornado or terrorist-attack and then declare his undying love for me. Oh, Richard, oh Richard... :hug:

Here you go.


You do know he's married, don't you? To a woman even.


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