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Nexis Pas Deceased


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I am devastated to learn that Nexis Pas died sometime last week (9/16-22/2012) according to his blog http://nexispas22.blogspot.com/.

His stories can be found at The Authors Haunt, on his blog, and on Nifty.

Nexis Pas was a fine writer and a finer man. He occasionally wrote of a time and place I knew well (Cambridge, MA), and he lived in and primarily wrote of a place I admired from afar (Ireland), but his words have universal application. I treasure his insights into the human condition, which he issued sparingly but with exquisite style through his writings online. I feel that I have been touched directly and profoundly by his writings, as were many others.

James Merkin

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I am also saddened to learn of the passing of Nexis Pas.

It was just two years ago this past week that we were discussing the possibility of his posting at AwesomeDude.

He finally decided that not much of what he wrote was what he felt was AwesomeDude material - whatever that meant.

I'm sorry that he never joined us and even more sorry that now he is gone.


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I am devastated as well, James. He was a dear friend, and though he graciously allowed me to save the work I proofed for him on my computer, it is bit a fraction of what is an amazing body of work. I shall cherish what I have, and the time I had with him, but not without a sense of loss and almost unbearable sadness.

Sleep well, my precious friend, I will remember.

Thank you James, for your constancy. xxoo

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