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Watch this or Die

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My thanks to Rick Beck for bringing my thoughts back to the AIDS crisis. It has been years since the first cases of this disease shocked the gay community into action. I was proud to march in the streets of Washington and hurl curses at the White House. I joined ACTUP DC because of my friendship with Steve Michael...gone like so many. If you want to feel that pain once again watch this and try to find the film:

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That's been all over the news lately. But I'd bet you that a stem-cell cure is not 100% effective, nor will it be covered by many insurance policies.

I've often thought that stem cell research and other genetic cures will ultimately take down every disease, including aging and death itself... but unfortunately, I don't think my fate will allow me to live long enough to see it happen. But with luck, it'll happen to the next generation, which is fantastic.

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