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Posts posted by TheEggman

  1. I'm so glad that you are back! :wav:

    I can shut down my Eggman sightings command post. :control:

    I was afraid that you had been abducted by aliens or were hanging out with Big Foot. :hehe:

    Really looking forward to your collaboration with D!

    James, you've been my unpaid PR man for 5 years and I'll never be able to express how good you're posts made me feel. No matter which board I happened to show up at or how long I had been away, there you were tooting your horn for people to go read A New Life/ Life Goes On. Thank You! ~hugz~

    Pecman, yes I have been watching state unemployment levels and Delaware is a good place to be right now - or at least its not as bad as CA and AZ. It's probably because of the relatively short commutes to Philadelphia and Washington DC. At this point, I'm keeping all my career options open. And yes, we become so attached to our animal companions that when they become ill or old, no matter how prepared we might think we are, its still the loss of a best friend. All I can say is, continue to share your love with another animal. Thor did not replace Zeus and Rex has not replaced Thor in my heart. All three are completely different but they've attached themselves to me as much as I've attached myself to them. Go to your local animal shelter and adopt a new kitty. I adopted a kitten too, back in 2007. I was really worried that Thor would try to eat her but he saw me holding her and just dealt with the new addition to the family. He also made sure she knew that he was big enough to squash her when she stayed up at night opening cabinets! And when Thor became ill, Flower knew it before I or Stephen did. Pay attention to you pets. They seem to notice things that we stupid humans easily miss.

    Your Dude-ness! I did notice your new location is SoCal. Roland just happened to catch me as school was ending and I had time to work on the stories for more than Stephen and myself. Over the last few years, I'd write a few pages here or there, bouncing around the time-line, just because the characters have become so damn loud that if I didn't write it down, they would continue to pester me until I did so!

    I just had a late dinner with Dewey. He hasn't said when he'll get my stories posted at his site but I expect it to happen as soon as he gets the time. I'm not playing favorites - if you'd like to post the stories here at Awesomedude.com, you have my blessing. Please don't build a whole new TGO though, okay? I do still play guitar and record and have learned to enjoy life as much as I can. God knows, enough shite pops up from time to time to make that seemingly simple task a chore. I reached the point where daily news and politics have just become another stress-er so I limit my exposure to that crap. If I paid attention to it, I'd be down in Louisiana with automated weapons blowing away BP executives from a sniper position! But there are no doubt many thousands that feel exactly the same way. I just want to write my stories for me and share them with whomever likes to read about gay teen musicians and their lives. I'm not trying to go pro and publish novels; I just want to have fun with the characters that I spent many years developing.

    Trab & Lugnutz, thanks for the kind words and thoughts! Take it from this old Egg, sharing positive stuff ALWAYS makes something somewhere go a little smoother. Like in the movie "Pay It Forward", a little kindness goes a long way. Acts of Random Kindness are all we need as a species to prevent floods of bad stuff. That's why there's so much silliness and smiling and smirking in my stories.

  2. Hello Awesomedude Forums posters & lurkers. It's been a few years since I've shown my shell here or anywhere else so I'll give you a brief rundown of what's been happening. Since I closed TheGlassOnion in 2005, I spent most of my free time playing guitar, recording and attending a few more concerts. If I recall correctly, I managed to post two updates to A New Life/ Life Goes On, chapters 7 and 8, between 2005 and 2008.

    March of 2009, I was laid off from my job. On April 24th, four days before my 48th birthday, my dog Thor was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on his liver and was bleeding internally. I had to put him to sleep. Since he was only nine and a half years old (my previous dog Zeus lasted an amazing 13 years) I wasn't prepared. It really knocked me for a loop. On April 28th, I went to the local animal shelter to donate Thor's food, Milk Bones and a few toys. Someone was obviously watching out for me. I learned that the shelter had picked up a stray yellow Lab on the same day that I put Thor to sleep. I met the dog and he was well behaved, obviously really needing contact with people. For the next few days I visited the shelter and eventually chose to adopt him. On May 6th, I brought him home and named him Rex. He's a Lab/Boxer mix, about five years old now and other than an intense fear of thunderstorms, has turned out to be a fine companion.

    I continued looking for work online with no results so I took an online course in audio engineering. September of 2009, I moved from the bay area to Arizona to attend an audio engineering school. I've completed that course with a 3.8 GPA. But the economy is still in the tank and I'm still searching for work. In May I was contacted by Roland, (of CastleRoland.net) asking if he could host my stories. When school ended, I agreed. Hopefully by the end of this month you'll find my stories there. I believe the plan is to put up a few chapters at a time.

    Bored and frustrated with the economy, I began writing again. If you recall, Dewey (of Deweywriter.com) wrote cross-over chapters of "Brian & Pete" where his characters met Prez, Keith and the rest of the Woodland Hills, CA gang. Well, now its my turn to return the favor. LGO-09 tells the same story from Prez & Keith's perspective. Now that the chapter is complete, I contacted Dewey to review the chapter. He liked it and we're going to meet for a late dinner tonight. Dewey also asked if he could host my stories and I've agreed. I don't know how quickly my stories will be posted but they will soon be found at Deweywriter too. Once my new web hosts have got their ducks in a row and quaking in harmony, LGO-09 will be posted. LGO-10 is already in progress.

    There aren't job opportunities here so I'm planning another move, back East this time, by summer's end. But I am returning to writing and to the net. Honestly, I never stopped writing. I've sections of what will in the future become full chapters already written. I've been hanging out at GayAuthors.org forums and chat room recently so if anyone here also hangs out there, maybe we'll meet in the chat room.

    Hmm... that wasn't exactly "brief", was it? Sorry, once a storyteller....

    Peace, TheEggman

  3. But it will be added to and someday finished. I have other priorities like playing guitar and recording some soundscapes with my 24-track studio but LGO-08 is 145k. Here's a snippet for James and those that might be interested:

    Saturday morning, after making love, we decided to stay home and not go to the beach. Both of us wished we had taken at least Saturday night off from work. Keith needed the money for his car insurance payment, which was due the end of that week, so we didn?t call in sick. We made ourselves a big western omelet for breakfast, cleaned the kitchen then kicked back naked on the sofa and watched TV until almost noon. What was really great was we didn?t feel the need to make love; we just snuggled on the sofa, enjoying the freedom of being naked and having the entire house to ourselves. Then I made Keith lunch, we took a shower and I passionately kissed him before he left for Blockbuster.

    Gathering my work clothes, I then went to Doug & Brian?s. I told Mike that I had bought a classical acoustic-electric guitar Thursday evening. Mike was quite a bit more pleased than I thought he might be. He was looking forward to trying out my new axe and I was looking forward to learning a few shortcuts from him. It seemed they had forgotten all about their wicked teasing and I didn?t say a word about it either. Karma has ways of presenting opportunities, I?ve learned.

    Brian was down in Anaheim that day. We asked Doug to join us in the studio to run the PC while we worked on a few tunes. Mike had learned Behind Blue Eyes, by The Who and we all were certain Keith would like the tune. Once those tracks were complete, we asked Doug if he knew Foreplay/Long Time, by Boston. After a few rehearsals, we began laying down those tracks. But three-thirty rolled around too quickly. Mike, Derrick and I thanked Doug for his help then got ready for work. Brian walked in the house moments before the three of us left for Black Angus.

    It was another busy night with a few parties of ten or more people to serve. The three of us work really well together; keeping customers, waiters and waitresses happy. A few minutes before eleven o?clock, I called home to tell Keith that we were just wrapping up. I didn?t want him pacing the floors, worrying about me again. Derrick made our holiday reefer connection and I passed him thirty-five bucks for my share. Around eleven thirty, we left work. I dropped Mike and Derrick at home then crossed town, stopping at a gas station for rolling papers. It was about ten-to-twelve when I stopped in front of the house. Before I stepped out of the 4Runner, Keith opened the front door and Rush raced across the lawn to greet me. Reaching into the backseat, I grabbed my dirty clothes from the back of the truck and turned around to find Keith behind me.

    Once we hugged and kissed, he asked, ?Are you very tired??

    ?Not very,? I replied as I returned his affection. ?I just want to get out of these funky clothes and relax with you and some doobage.?

    Suddenly pulling back from me, Keith smiled, ?When did you get pot??

    ?A little while ago; Derrick got some from one of the cooks and we split it three ways.?

    As we started for the house with the hound dog in the lead, Keith asked, ?Do I owe you a few bucks again??

    ?Absolutely not,? I smiled. ?Our share was only thirty five bucks and that came out of tonight?s tips. Besides, we?ll be sharing it.?

    He closed the door behind us and sighed, ?Why didn?t you tell me? I can afford to give you fifteen or twenty bucks.?

    Shaking my head, I suggested, ?Next time it?ll be your treat. How about you make us a snack while I get changed??

    Keith nodded, ?Tell me next time, okay?? On the way to our room, I agreed and he asked, ?What would you like to eat??

    Besides him, I wantonly flashed but only grinned, ?Something substantial so we?re not raiding the kitchen in the middle of the night with the munchies.?

    Helping me unbutton my shirt, Keith recommended, ?Sandwiches??

    ?Yeah, peanut butter and jelly sounds great.?

    Keith said, ?By the time you?re changed, they?ll be ready,? and then headed for the kitchen.

    With Rush swinging his rope toy around, I finished changing out of my funky work clothes and slipped into a pair of sport shorts. I grabbed the little bag of weed and the rolling papers then went to the kitchen. Taking a seat at the counter, I began trying to roll my first joint. I had never done it before and Keith watched as I accidentally tore the first paper and pot scattered on the counter.

    Setting down two plates with our sandwiches, Keith giggled, ?It?s not as easy as it looks.?

    I huffed, ?There?s got to be a better way.?

    ?Actually, there is. Just a second baby,? Keith said, and then turned around. He hurried down the hall to our room and returned with a dollar bill. I watched and learned while Keith carefully folded the dollar and a rolling paper. He then set the rolling paper into the folded dollar bill and explained, ?A poor man?s rolling machine.? He sprinkled a little weed into the paper then rolled the dollar. Out popped a well rolled joint. He licked the glue and set the joint aside.

    Picking up my sandwich, I commented, ?Amazing.?

    ?I learned from Derrick,? Keith said, and then we began eating our sandwiches. After my second bite, I got up to get us two glasses of milk to wash down the pasty PB&J sandwiches.

    Minutes later, we were out in the back yard with Rush. Sitting at the patio table, I lit the joint. Coughing and sputtering, I passed it to Keith. He took the joint with one hand and patted my back with the other. Keith passed the joint back to me and only briefly sputtered. Exhaling, he asked, ?Have you ever done a shotgun??

    Already getting stoned, I queried, ?Done a shotgun? You know I hate guns.?

    Taking the joint, Keith giggled, ?No dude. I?ll blow the smoke into your mouth. It?s called a shotgun. Exhale and get ready.? Turning the joint around and placing the lit end inside his mouth, Keith then leaned forward and pulled me close like he was going to kiss me. But our lips never touched. Keith blew smoke into my mouth and directly into my lungs until I pulled back.

    I held it as long as I could then gasped, ?Oh my God!? and began coughing my head off!

    Grinning insanely, Keith took another hit. Then Keith passed me the joint and asked that I give him a shotgun too. ?Be careful Prez. Don?t burn your tongue,? he warned. I carefully set the joint in my mouth as Keith had done then blew smoke into his mouth. He pulled away from me with his eyes closed and I took a hit of my own. Then Keith started hacking up a storm and I helplessly giggled. Minutes later, the joint was burning our finger tips. ?We need to fashion a roach clip,? Keith dreamily said and set the stub down on the patio table.

    ?Derrick just swallows them,? I reminded and then chuckled, ?How he does that, I?ll never know. It must taste like ash and dirt.?

    Keith grinned, ?I?m sufficiently wasted.?

    I nodded, ?Me too,? and then told Keith about the tunes we worked on earlier that day. Simply talking about music caused my heart to speed up. I really wanted to jam and suggested we go inside. Keith grabbed the extinguished roach and I called the dog then we went to our room.

    Taking my acoustic bass out, I then went to the stereo and slipped a Journey CD into the player, knowing it would get Keith going. I played my acoustic bass while Keith sang along and played bongos with the first five songs on the Journey Frontiers disk. Then Keith went to the CD rack and pulled out The Eagles Live CDs. He switched disks and we sang along with Seven Bridges Road a few times. On my new acoustic, I figured the song was in they of D or G major before moving on. All the music we played and sang along with sounded particularly good. Before I knew what happened, it was after two in the morning. We wandered into the kitchen for something to drink, returning to our room to two glasses of Coke.

    We were both shirtless, wearing sport shorts only. Keith turned the TV on then turned to me, seemingly wanting to say something. His eyes were so red? and his shoulders so wide? and his torso so perfectly chiseled. Keith stepped towards me and my pecker lurched as if to holler, ?Hello lover!? He wrapped his arms around me and began placing angel soft kisses around my lips. In between kisses, he dreamily said, ?Suddenly? I don?t? really care? what?s on TV.?

    ?I know,? I softly sighed, and pulled him against me so he could feel my growing erection. I noticed that he had a chubby too.

    Seemingly embarrassed, Keith grinned; ?The last two days, since our anniversary, I?ve wanted to suggest going a day without sex. But then when I?m alone with you? I can?t bring myself to say it, never mind go through with it.?

    I nodded and softly admitted, ?I?ve wondered if I?m addicted to making love with you. But I know I am addicted to being with you ? have been for a year, what we do together is beside the point.?

    Keith nodded, ?Do you want to??

    ?Maybe later,? I answered as I rested my head on his shoulder. ?Just hold me.?

    Agreeing, we started swaying. A minute or so later, Rush crawled into his crate and lay down with a huff. My eyes closed and we swayed for many minutes more. Keith then suggested, ?Let?s light the candles and turn off the lights.? Soon those tasks were done and we retuned to our slow swaying. My mom was watching us from the photos on the entertainment center. I felt she was at peace but my mind drifted helplessly to those same old guilty feelings.

    Most of what I?ve experienced since October would not have happened had she lived. The partnership with Keith would still exist, I knew that; but it wouldn?t be the same. Without actually living together, it couldn?t be the same. The late night swaying would be far less common. Sharing ideas would have to wait or be done over the phone. I began to softly tell him what was going through my mind. I finished my little confession with; ?It still hurts, Keith. If we weren?t together like we are right now and so content, I?d be bawling like a baby.?

    He squeezed me and whispered, ?I understand, Prez.?

    Pulling my head back, I looked deep into his brown eyes and queried, ?Does it make you angry or sad??

    He shook his head and said, ?Nothing like what you feel. I only wish I could magically release you of all that.?

    I grinned, ?You do, so much of the time.?

    Tilting is head, Keith wondered, ?Why not this time??

    Releasing one hand and turning us slightly, I pointed at the photos. Keith nodded knowingly and I asked, ?Do you think I should put them away??

    ?Not for me or my benefit, only if you really want to,? he replied. And then he added, ?I don?t feel bad when I look at them. If anything, I?m reassuring her and myself that I can and will take care of you for the rest of our lives.?

    Hearing him say that helped more than I could?ve ever guessed. I kissed him softly then rested my head on his shoulder again and thought about it. There were three pictures on the entertainment center; one of her and me at my last birthday, another of me, my dad and her taken when I was about five, and finally, her wedding portrait. I asked myself if I should take them all down or maybe leave just one on display. The birthday picture was my favorite, even though it was only five-by-eight. Opening my eyes and looking atop the entertainment center, I made my decision. Dropping my arms and kissing Keith?s cheek, I then stepped back and went to remove the other two portraits. ?Where should I put them?? I asked.

    Keith answered, ?Not far, where they?re easily accessible so you can get at them in an instant.?

    Taking the pictures to the dresser, I opened the underwear drawer and actually began rearranging things until Keith stepped up beside me. He didn?t say a word but I saw the reflection of his grin in the mirror. ?Not such a great place?? I reckoned and smiled.

    Unable to break his smirk, Keith shrugged, ?If you had died, would you want her putting your pictures under her bras and panties??

    I chuckled, ?Probably not.?

    ?How about the bottom drawer with the sweaters and sweatshirts?? he suggested.


  4. Prez would be proud! :D No brewskies, gotta watch my waist, and it gets easier to see with every passing day! :oops: Honestly, I've been spending way more time playing guitar and bass recently. But Prez had some stuff to say the other day and I wrote it down. A teaser preview of LGO-08 is at my message board.

  5. Frest, i luv me iPod - itz replecated AmEx as da ting I nay leev home witoutin. Wit da iPod, I lizzy to mush grate muzic wit hedplugs stuffed in me earwells, the best to ignore oda peeps wit. Dare r sew meny toons in da iPod, I can beerly reckel ware to bestart. Alfanumber is a idear! 8)


    Beatles :smt035


    Collective Soul

    Count Basie (from Red Bank New Joisey!) :smt023

    Crowded House

    David Bowie

    Dokken :smt098

    Doobie Bros

    Eric Clapton :smt035

    Foo Fighters :smt063

    Greatful Dead :smt041

    Guster :smt041

    The Hollies :smt020

    James Taylor :smt033

    Jeff Beck :smt035

    Jimi Hendrix :smt035

    Joe Walsh :smt035

    John Lennon :smt035

    Journey :smt050

    Led Zeppelin :smt035

    The Moody Blues :smt042

    Paul McCartney :smt023

    The Who :smt035

    Yes :smt025

    ZZ Top

  6. Whare to place my first post, I arsked mehelth. :-k I brownsed and red until squared in da eyebalz and came up down here. :? Concertz wuz da topic and i retirn to dat. :smt016

    Last summa at the Berkeley Greek Theatre, one fab show includin O.A.R., Guster, Howie Day and Matt Nathanson. Another show at the same loc, John Mayer. (who, might I add, is sexy as well as talented. Always a bonus.) :smt033

    The prev summa was 3 diff showz: Yes, Steve Miller Band and John Mayer (who, might I remind, is sexy as well as talented. Always a bonus.) :smt050

    Prev to that, my rekalecs are fizzy cuz I'm old and decreped. :smt100 The fist cancert wuz Jethro Tull at Magical Square Garden back in 1977 wen I wuz but a ying lad. A brit flute playing reck band was somewhere specal, spezly Aqualung and Cross Eyed Mary. :smt028 1978 found me Long Island lost searching fer the venue to see Springsteen, witch wuz phenom and a whipping for whores long! Da longest ever lasting long cancert! :smt041 In 1979, birday #18 rolled and tings get mere fizzier yet cuz I swallered tre two meny brewskies! ~hic~ :smt117

    Sorry dat wuz leftover budweiser spuds and lizzies and froggies and farrets regurgatin. :smt087

    If ya tink dis reds phunny, ya shud here me speex! :smt108

    Phinaby, I wood like to sai, "Wonerfill job ya half don wit da site doods! yell alwaz have az mush suppy az can be offed fer free!" :clap: :clap: :clap:

    The preceding public service announcement was paid fer by HAWFP (Homosexuals Angry With Fred Phelps (the lying scum that he is, may he rot in mass quanties of spoiled pea zoup!))

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