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Posts posted by ubik

  1. I've lost interest in Recovery. Too much partying with sex and drugs and booze. Every weekend. Where are the parents? Where are the neighbors? Where are the cops?? No one in this small town seems to either realize what's going on with these kids or they don't care or they think it's OK. 11th grade boys having sex with 8th grade girls and boys. An unending supply of beer without anyone questioning how. Kids going into the only store in town and buying a couple of cases, yeah, sure. Oh, how about the apparent unending supply of money to buy the beer. Man, how unrealistic!

    I agree with others that Recovery needs editing. That's one of the disadvantages of posting on Nifty, it's a readers' site, not a writers' site. The advantage of posting on AD and Codey's World and GA is that writers can get knowledgeable editing and reviews and even helpful criticism.

    Colin :icon11:

    well, if I compare the partying in this story to my youth, it is actually pretty tame. They only drink and smoke some pot, and only at the weekends. Perhaps you grew up in a very protected enviroment, colinian, but not everybody had the same experience.

    But this still isn't an excuse for a repetitive and confusing story structure of course.

  2. awesome to hear you are working on another story! I am really looking foward to read it.

    Since you mention time-traveling and scifi, there is a really good book about the topic by Steven Fry: "Making History". And on gay scifi, I am still looking to find a book that will satisfy me in this genre. Delany's Dhalgren is great, but I cannot get to like the 60's lsd inspired mind altering, alternative reality storylines. And The Future Is Queer was a huge letdown for me too, I couldn't even finish reading the anthology because I was so disappointed at the stories.

    And a question/request: will you post here if another chapter is added? because the email notification tool is really practical!

  3. part three was just released

    "U. Nn!" I can't believe I am actually myself a man's chinko sucking; I never thought it would come to this? It is hard to acknowledge the reality!

    But still, this salty feeling, this odor, the sensation of it on my tongue. . . it is very savory, I must admit! "Nn, n. Ha. Nu."

    "Aa. Yess, the hardness is possible now, in my kinkin."

  4. TDR is one of my all-time favourite websites/blogs with obscure punkrock concert reviews, a gay pride parade (he isn't gay), engrish, japanese band names... just take a browse through the site.

    Now he has begun a very literal translation of a porn story from G-MEN magazine, Love Hotel:

    I took the money and put it in my man-purse. Today's customers were a threesome, so I only charged them 7000 yen. Incredibly, I recognized one of the dirty old men's faces. . . my old friend from Junior High! Now, while doing the nervous glancing , they started to climb the emergency staircase behind me.

    The back room of the love hotel I manage . . . Perhaps it's an exaggeration to even call it a hotel. It's worn-down, dirty and nasty. Around here many such hotels are existing. But they are cheap, so there are always many customers. Moreover, a kind of side-business is also existing, because, as a night manager, I can do it secretly. What kind of side-business exists with the dirty old men, you are asking? Ok, Ok, come with me and you will realize it expertly!

    I know, not very high-brow, but i think it's funny. and quite interresting to see the erotic tastes of different cultures...

  5. 1551522098_FutureQueer.jpg

    I think I spotted one or two fellow science-fiction fans here on the board. This one is for you, a brand new must-have anthology of gay/lesbian/bi/queer stories set in the future.

    This is the callout for submissions:

    The future has long been the purview of science fiction - and that future has increasing implications for queer women and men. We're looking for visionary short stories extrapolating actual GLBT concerns into the future, whether it be the next decade or a far-off millennium.

    Consider: Despite recent setbacks in many countries, legal recognition of gay and lesbian marriages is taking place and, slowly but inexorably, moving forward. The further one looks to the future, technological advances--cloning, gene manipulation, etc.--will further erode the biological imperative for heterosexuality as a means of procreation, making the social stigma against same-sex relations even less relevant. With the continued development and possibilities of artificial intelligences, with improvements in surgery and technology that allow one to redefine and reassign one's gender with greater ease and accuracy, our current notions of how we create and modify our identities are exploding, and will only continue to expand with each new advance.


    * Is true assimilation possible? Is this desirable?

    * How will religion (both current organized religions and possible future ones that spring up) react to these technological and social changes, especially at the intersection of GLBT concerns?

    * What are the implications of cloning, of increased human longevity thanks to improved medicine, on social structures such as marriage?

    * What are the social and legal ramifications of a world where cloning and gender-reassignment could result in the same person having procreative sex with him/herselves? Is sex with one's clone, regardless of said clone's current sexual identity, always inherently queer? Or is it considered merely masturbation?

    * It is likely that the future is not binary (either in gender identity or sexual orientation).

    These are merely a handful of many possible scenarios to consider. But we especially look for stories that contain an awareness/acknowledgment of a past that includes essentialist notions of sexual identity and the consequent ramifications on society outside of the physical act of sex.

  6. in this case the trolls are not ugly, they are more like cat-people. a yeti if you like, or bigfoot. hairy humans with sharp teeth and claws.

    absolutely not the trolls from harry potter!

    well, you can't really say it's a happy ending. i liked it, but I can't really tell without spoiling it!

  7. hey, i wanted to recommend this book i just read:

    Troll: A Love Story

    From Publishers Weekly

    A young Finnish photographer makes a pet of an orphaned troll in this strange, sexually charged contemporary folk tale, a hit in Europe. Mikael, nicknamed Angel for his stunning blonde good looks, finds the troll behind some dustbins after a night of drinking, and feels compelled to bring it home ("It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... I know straight away that I want it"). The troll is small and black, thoroughly wild but also oddly human, with an overpowering, arousing juniper-berry smell. Obsessed by his new companion, whom he names Pessi, Angel sets out to learn everything he can about trolls, which in the novel's world are a real but extremely rare species. Much of the book is composed of excerpts from reference works and novels, the most valuable of which is a rare volume by Gustaf Eur?n, called The Wild Beasts of Finland. This book is supplied by Ecke, Angel's nerdy, fervid suitor; Angel also coerces help from a veterinarian ex-boyfriend; an advertising art director who buys his photographs and rejects his advances; and an abused Filipino mail-order bride who lives downstairs. Sinisalo's elastic prose is at once lyrical and matter-of-fact, but this is not a comfortable novel. The troll brings out Angel's animal instincts, representing all the seduction and violence of the natural world. As the troll becomes ever more unmanageable, the sense of doom grows; the ferocious ending is thoroughly unsettling.

    an excerpt from the book:

    I lean over the mirror, and my face is reflected there. Next to my own, a smaller, dark face appears, with pointed ears, a twinkle of curiosity in its orange eyes.

    Pessi tests the mirror with his paw: He looks at me and then back at the reflection. He shows his teeth but recoils a little when the troll in the mirror returns his grimace; but then he edges back to the mirror and again tests the cold glass surface with his paw.

    We look at each other, me and the troll. The lamplight's casting a pale halo around my head, and at my side Pessi is a dark silhouette. We look at each other and then at the mirror and then back at each other.

  8. hey, i found this place through nifty, and i just wanted to say how much i enjoy this story! it's really funny. the part with the vegan boots got me cracking up.

    and a good choise of music too. I was actually listening to "Post-hardcore anarch-emo with some heavy oi and crust influences" while reading!

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