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Posts posted by BeaStKid

  1. Thanks dear. It's nice to see you hear to. And you could have warned me about the fact that you put up a notice here about my flash stories to. *pouts at BK*

    *Sheepish grin*

    I totally forgot to tell you about it...Sorry...In hindsight, I realize that I should've told you about it.. :)

  2. Nicely told miniature stories that read like pivotal moments in much larger stories. I especially liked the second one, which had a science-fiction feel to it.

    You can paste your stories into the forum, of course.

    Thanks Kapitano... I am basically a Science-Fiction writer, so I am not surprised that you got that feel. :-)

    I loved the first one, but am left completely puzzled by the second.

    Are you? It was pretty simple, though. :-)

    I deliberately didn't explain the second one as it was meant to be left for interpretation.



  3. Long live difference, I say. I love the differences:

    In the UK, the Royal Mail service delivers the post.

    In the USA, The US Postal Service delivers the mail.

    What's that all about then?

    Bruin, much amused.

    Well, I have always been amused when I see a date like that... :icon_geek: I always write (and most Indians do) the Queen's way!!


    And btw, the Indian Postal Service delivers nothing.... on time.... :P

  4. How odd that you should mention this one...I just read the whole thing in its entirety the other night, and loved it too: nice system of magic, good characters - with the 'hero' being a very mixed bag of 'good' and 'evil' - and some memorable battle scenes. The only thing that semed a little incomplete to me was the problem that he brought up and then discarded regarding the national government and its involvement in magic: that felt incomplete, and I think he's going to have to deal with that in a great deal more detail at some point in the future.



    I think that will be addressed in the second book. :)

  5. This struck me very hard.

    I recently joined Codey's World Forums and I did not know Cody at all. But from reading about him and some of his posts, I wish I had got to know him. I feel it was unfair for him to be taken away like this at such a tender age.

    From what little I know of Cody, he was a loving, caring and a thoughtful person. The world has just lost a beautiful human being. May God bless his sould and may he find solace wherever he is.

    My sincere condolences to Tim and Cody's grandfather.


  6. A beautiful story about love, relationships and discovering them and oneself. It is well written, thoughtful, full of emotions and free-flowing. The plot and character development is perfect and each character stands out on its own, screaming that he/she is the best.

    Great work, Rad. :hehe:

    The BeaStKid

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