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Posts posted by carolinascribbler

  1. hey everyone,

    thank you so much for the thoughts, prayers, and good wishes. it means a lot. i've been home about week now and mom should be home next week and i can't wait.

    we had a memorial service today for dad. it was tough but i made it through it. i've been missing him quite a bit lately.

    all my best to everyone here!


  2. This article pisses me off.

    Family Pride website

    I went to the Family Pride website, thinking that surely, Jennifer Chrisler, Executive Director didn't issue a statement that was essentially, a bitch and moan. I was wrong.

    Ok, this is from Family Pride's very own website, their Mission Statement:

    vision & mission ::

    > Our Vision :: Love. Justice. Family. Equality.

    All loving families should be recognized, respected, protected and celebrated. We believe that families are not truly defined by blood relationship, but instead by love and commitment.

    We believe in the freedom of a just society to define our own families?to stand proudly with the people closest to us in our lives and be able to say, ?because of who you are, what you mean to me, how we treat each other and our deep commitment to one another, we are a family!?

    We envision a country that celebrates a diversity of family constellations and that respects and commends individuals for stepping up, supporting one another and creating families.

    This movement, this struggle is not about gay or straight, it?s simply about family equality.

    > Our Mission :: Family Pride is committed to achieving family equality in our lifetime!

    Family Pride works with other progressive national and state-based organizations, local parents groups and families, friends and allies to make change, share information and build community.

    Maintaining the focus of LGBTQ parents and their families, in 2005, Family Pride expanded our mission and embraced the fight for full family equality for all loving families.

    We recognize and believe that the laws, provisions and ordinances that hurt LGBTQ-headed families also hurt so many others?single parents, blended families, families of color, etc. To that end, Family Pride is standing strong to defeat anti-family legislation and promote pro-family legislation.

    Ms. Chrisler, in her 'official' statement, said nothing positive about Mary Cheney or her partner, Heather Poe. It was simply a diatribe against Vice-President Cheney and the conservative policies of the the Bush administration. Well, hey, we all know about this administration's policies towards the GLBT community, don't we? But thank you Ms. Chrisler for clarifying it for us.

    Nowhere does the statement congratulate or even offer an ounce of support for Cheney/Pope. I know that Mary Cheney's work on the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign in 2004 ruffled a lot of feathers, many made her out to be a Judas, but that's no damn reason for the left to villify her, is it? I certainly don't think so.

    The press, the wonderful press, the 'fair and balanced', and the ultra-liberal, the press is having a wonderful time with this announcement, spinning it every way imaginable. VP'S GAY DAUGHTER - PREGNANT! read the headlines. The real headlines should read, TWO WOMEN, IN A COMMITED AND LOVING RELATIONSHIP DECIDE TO START A FAMILY!

    The sad part is that if it were anyone but the vp's daughter, no one would give two hoots in hell about it.

    I applaud Mary Cheney and Heather Poe for having the courage to start a family. I hope their relationship lasts a lifetime and that they will provide a stable and loving home to their child.

    Just my two cents worth.

  3. Wow! That is so cool. :icon10:

    Ya know, I'm actually inspired by this song.

    **Scribbler thinks for a moment**

    It's been a long time but...I wonder. *scratches head* Hmm.

    Actually, it's been a very long time-too damn long but yes, I definitely feel inspired.


  4. Gabe,

    Very good story. :)

    For me, personally, I think your story challenged stereotypes and perceptions we all have of people. Even within the LGBT community there are some who stereotype others within the same community. Lest we forget, sexuality is fluid and it can change throughout one's lifetime.

    I think it's fresh, straight-forward (no pun intended), and a good read.



  5. Blue,

    All we can do is strive to do (and be) the best that we can. If our best doesn't meet someone else's standards, or we aren't what they believe we should be, then, that's just too bad. Just continue being yourself, striving to be the best BLUE that you can be. **hugs**


    Johnny :D

  6. Codey,

    I found this story to be heartfelt and touching. It's kind of odd, because, I found myself doing something similar one Sunday, a few weeks ago. I drove around to several of the places I lived when I was a kid. It was a very reflective day for me.

    Kudos, Codey! :D


  7. Codey & James,

    Thank you guys. ASMC was fun for me to write too, sort of therapeutic.

    I posted the following reply to a thread started there about me shutting down The Scribbler's Pad.


    It's true, I've decided to close up shop. Although the message says, "...closing up shop for good," it's possible that The Scribbler's Pad may return one day. There are several reasons, some of which I'd prefer to keep private, but one that I will share is that I just don't have the time anymore. I hope that doesn't sound like a cop out but it really is true. My life is definitely busier than it has ever been and that isn't necessarily a bad thing, either.

    I appreciate all the support I've been given by the readers and visitors to my site and to other authors who offered their support too. I also have to thank the authors who afforded me the privilage of co-hosting their stories. It's been my honor, guys.

    I also stated that I was putting away my pen and paper and giving up writing. While at the same time, I have been given an invitation to post here at Deweywriter if I do decide to write again. I accept that offer but I don't when or even if. I do have some ideas but...

    All my best to everyone,

    Johnny aka The Carolina Scribbler


    Having my own website has meant a lot to me. It's been very rewarding and even challenging at times and I'm going to miss it but it just wasn't in the cards right now. After this weekend, my scribblings will be at Deweywriter.com. I'll still be lurking around here and there and making an appearance on the boards from time to time.


  8. Codey,

    This is SO MUCH MORE than a simple little story, a simple little poem. It has opened my eyes and it has touched my heart, little bro. It brought back a lot of memories too, memories I had long since tucked away quietly and forgotten.

    In many ways, I can see myself as the little kid next door in the poem. I want to say more but right now I can't. I'm sorry.

    Thank you for writing this, Codey. This story touches me in a way few have.



  9. Graeme, I agree with everything you've stated. I believe Jeff's writing has improved and I'm proud of him for that. In the beginning, he asked me, as a friend, to 'look over' his work and that's how I came to edit his stories. I'm not a great editor and I'll be the first one to say so but we both have learned a lot about writing and editing in a short period of time. A big part of what I've learned has been from the threads on writing, here at AD's and also from bugging poor ole Aaron of The Mail Crew. *grin*

    Like Jeff, I've have noticed how his writing has evolved, and like you observed, I'd like to see a little more description in his stories. *hint, hint*

    Oh, and for those interested, the adventures of Nigel and Darren will continue in "Mechanics 101: Shifting Gears" coming soon!

    Johnny 8)

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