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Posts posted by BoyWriter

  1. Ah, after a long, hard cross-country move and the adjustment afterwards, I've finally updated. It should be up on Nifty, soon. I only sent it in a few minutes ago, so it'll probably be a week before all the sites have it. I did take some advice in this one... for example... length. This one is about 20K. heh.

  2. To be totally honest, I never expected to find my stories talked about anywhere outside of email. Thank you, Under, for pointing me here.

    I was working on an author's note to explain things, but I may as well explain a few of them here, to show why some things seem like they do.

    I hate Deus Ex Machina, really. Though, sometimes it must be used. In most cases in this story, however, that's not what it really is. The story takes place in a small southern town, based loosely on the one I grew up in. There was one high school. There was one music store. There was one mall with a strip mall behind it. That's pretty much the extent of it. You couldn't buy real music anywhere BUT there. Sure, you could shop at Wal-Mart for editted crap, but who wants that?

    The reason the first few chapters were so short, honestly, was that I was writing them a few months ago and just decided to throw them up there a few days ago. The first chapter is more of a prologue. I'm working on the fourth chapter, which should be much longer, as I sit here. The later chapters will be much slower in appearing.

    Yes, the lyrics are from real songs by real bands that many people don't even know exist. I have a thing for unknown music, especially when the music relates to so many things I've experienced and felt. It works well for this series. Actually, I have another series creeping into my head, but I'm holding it back with a pressurized hose, "Back foul muse... uhm... try me in a few days?"

    Anyway, thank you for the comments some of you have made. They're definately pushing me forward.

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