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Pee Jay

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Posts posted by Pee Jay

  1. That's a good commentary, Talon. How do you plan to implement it? lol. Your message can only be appreciated by those that understand it! And therefore, I'm sure it goes unappreciated for the most part. That's not good or maybe it is. For Christ sake, editors need work too! hehe.

    Seriously though, if someone is attempting to write, they should have payed attention to grammar in grade school. That's how basic that stuff is. I must admit, though. In the course of writing, it's sometimes easy to overlook the basics. That's how obvious those mistakes should be to the writer when he re-reads his work. Most of that stuff should be corrected before the editor reads it. If it isn't then it's ill conceived and poorly executed and lazy.

    All The Best,

    Pee Jay

  2. This one caught my eye. I have read a ton of stuff on the net that needs editing, serious editing. However, an editor can not a story make and he should reject a request when that happens. He can enhance it whether he does it from beginning to end or vice versa. The point is, do not rely on an editor to make your story. Only you can make a story worthwhile.

    An editor can correct tense errors, which stand out like a sore thumb to me. Man, I can't tell you how many stories disregard tense and pass for BONN. It drives me nuts to see present, past and/or present perfect tense etc. used in one paragraph. And then there's the adverb used in tandem. For Pete sake, who in the world says, "Surely absolutely" in a third person narrative? I don't know and it's nothing less than amateurtish. It's a turnoff for the reader to be sure.

    thanks for the opp to vent and all the best,

    Pee Jay

  3. He is an appointee, he reports to the President, but he does not take his marching orders from the President or anyone else in the Executive Office.

    Nor does he advance policy or law. He's an enforcer, that's his job. The law is the law and he can't change that. He's bound to uphold it. So he's a non-player in that regard. Yes, he may choose not to prosecute an issue but he can't change the outcome.

    Pee Jay

  4. All well and good!

    Rules are for people like me, guidelines. Good writers break them and break them effectively. If you follow the formula your story will be ordinary if you're lucky, vanilla at best. The point, write your story and make it as engaging as you can. Personalize it and make it believable for the reader and you'll have created something. Albeit, not universal in appeal but better than most.

    You don't have to conceive a "Grapes of Wrath" or "To Kill a Mockingbird" to make your mark. What you do have to accomplish is a good story. It can be plot driven or character based. Either way, if it's well done...you have a piece of work. It's a mindset when you begin. Think it through and execute it.

    All The Best,

    Pee Jay

  5. Why not put a voting grid in place, something one can click on. List the story and provide a space to vote. More so since many 'judges' don't always weigh in. As it is, the BoNN is a biased list, albeit the only one available. Don't let another party knock you out of the saddle. Allow the 'masses' to ring in...is that democratic or what? Sure, there's a lot of discourse involved and not everyone shares the same opinion or enjoyment, to be sure. The voting process would preserve that.

    Recognize what you have and protect it.

    All The Best,

    Pee Jay

  6. You have an instrument that supposedly does that in BoNN. Refine it if need be. Or as you suggest, open it up to comment. I'm not computer literate so I don't know how one would do that but the vehicle is in place. It needs some adjustment to be worthy of it's claim too.

    Perhaps you can create a list of stories for comment and have readers rate them. I have no idea how to do that but it could be a work in progress type thing. Maybe ya'll would reserve the nomination process and open up the voting arena to readers. So many clicks on good, better, best etc. That would take the burden off the BoNN reviewers and make for a more universal representation.

    Out Here,

    Pee Jay

  7. I'm numb after reading all that. It's way too complicated-sounds like government work! No changes required, keep it simple and straight forward. The existing format is fine. Speak your mind and rest.

    All The Best,

    Pee Jay

  8. I read that one too; just finished it actually. It had enough of the things that keep the reader on the hook. And a hook it is not; because it's interesting and full of all the things necessary to pique the reader's interest, draw him in and keep his attention. As with so many of the net stories, you have to give it a few chapters to allow it to 'gear up'. And so it does. It's a keeper; one I bookmarked and will read again at some point in time.

    This one lives up to the BoNN!

    All The Best,

    Pee Jay

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