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Posts posted by Dshiwhtsmna

  1. Oh, how silly. I guess I did read at least part of this thread seeing as how I already made a post. :icon6:

    Anyway, this was a completely charming story, and funny of course. Crotchal area? So cute, 'in a heffalump sort of way'. Great silly moments.

    I loved the way Chad challenged Marc, both in subtle ways and in encouraging him to rewrite the English assignment. It was interesting to watch Marc's progression from the 'maybe gay' kid to the kid who could write that paper, even if he was sort of afraid to let anyone read it.

    I was definitely caught off guard when Chad said he was going to a different high school. I was totally expecting him to come out at that point. What ended up happening was much more creative, and I shouldn't have expected less from you, Cole.

    I had to imagine a kiss at the end though! :hehe:

  2. I've just started reading this so I haven't read any of this thread yet. I must say that way Cole gives us the 'character stats' is very clever. Weaving it naturally into the story by using the lesson about genetics was perfect.

  3. Hi, I'm new!

    I haven't started reading this yet, but it's on my very short list of stories to start next. I'm wondering how many chapters it will be?

    I'm almost reluctant to start it right now, as I just finished Duck Duck Goose, and that affected my emotions in a way that I did not anticipate.

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