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nails and feathers

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Posts posted by nails and feathers

  1. I trust that you are aware of the whole series of Michael Arram books, which you can find at the Best-of-Nifty.org site, reachable by clicking on the button above. There is a whole history behind THoOP that really starts with the first in the series on the Michael Arram list.

    That's great, but... how could I possibly know that?

    My introduction to THoOP was the story's page here on Awesome Dude. Nothing was said about a series or any kind of preliminary reading. That's exactly the reason I never begin a series in the middle ? the author and devoted readers may be deeply involved with the minor characters lives and dealings: I hardly know them.

    It seems to me that in order to really stand alone, a story should be able to read freely from any additional sequels/prequels.

  2. Perhaps I should start by telling that I'm not what you'd call THoOP's natural audience (a straight woman- yap), so my perspective is probably a bit different to that of most readers here.

    I began reading THoOP several days ago, after being completely hooked by the premise. The beginning was promising- I'm not sure weather to attribute it to my being able (as a woman) to identify with Will's shyness and the relatively passive role he takes with Harry, but I think that for the most part, I felt like reading a solid story about a young man coming out, dealing with a first adult relationship and doing a very necessary switch from fantasy to reality.

    And then they arrived to Rothenia- and we met Oscar. And Matt. And? the cute gay couple whose names I fail to remember at the moment. And many things happened! Poor me. I just wanted Oscar and Will to have lots and lots gay porn. And fall in love. And then have some more sex (yea, I'm easy to please. Sue me).

    THoOP has a slow, solid build up. While at when part of Europe Will loses his virginity and let go of his years-long fantasy, at the other side we meet Oscar ? a pretty boy who fuck in front of the camera for a living. The ground is set for them to meet- for Will's fantasy to ultimately break, for the gravity of Oscar's situation to fully materialize ? for whatever one can expect from two such worlds colliding. Then they do collide, but with plenty other people as well.

    Which was the point I gave up on Will and Oscar. Like I said- I might not be this story's natural audience. I really couldn't care less about their friends, and while Rothenia was beautifully detailed, it was just the setting- the background to a future relationship.

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