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Posts posted by James

  1. Interesting. Mountain Dude posted that he wanted Part 20, I PM'd him that I could send it if I got his email address, and then took a lot of time to get it ready to email (as I was in a rush to do some personal things) and then his post is gone, and I never got a reply to my PM either. I've effectively wasted over 30 minutes for nothing. I'm not pleased...and feel rather disrespected.

    His post still seems to be there. At least I can see it.

  2. Yeah, that's the story. I remember now, that guy writes that same story like two or three times with variations. Guess he really liked the basic premise, heh.

    Thanks guys!

    Anyone else hate it when you can't remember something you've read? It happens to me with some of my older stories because I used to just keep all the stories I liked open in their own tabs and then Opera decided to forget all my tabs after upgrading one day...

  3. Hey guys!

    I'm trying to find out the name of a story I read a while back. I don't remember the names of the characters or anything (or even where I read it...)

    What I do remember is that the main character (if not the narrator) is an orphan (or separated from his parents) and he lives in an apartment, in a storage closet that he's fixed up. The tenants all sort of look the other way for years so that he can do so. Other important characters are an old man who runs some kind of restaurant, and he gives food to this kid regularly and talks to him (doesn't know about the situation though). The character also goes to "school," or so he tells the old man, by which he means he goes to some woman's house and reads the books she owns.

    I think the character actually moves in with someone later, adopted or something, and a big issue in the story is that he wants to keep in regular contact with some kids he babysat a lot in that apartment.

    Any of this sound familiar? Heh.

  4. Wow! That was a fast response.

    The funny thing is, I tried to find it on the way back machine also. It didn't come up when I tried :(

    As for the story itself, it was completed. The last few chapters are extremely different from the first ones though. The big differences are length (those last few chapters are monsters) and the overall mood of the story.

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