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Posts posted by DuffManBurns

  1. Good morning, Angels!!

    So I know this might be a bit tacky, but I am a tacky sorta fellow, so I can't claim to GAF much, heh. Right. So. I was thinking about messaging the appropriate people on this thread individually, but figured it was more efficient to do it this way. For anyone still looking for FoaT, it is now finally up on amazon and iBooks and BN and such. (Hashtag better late than never, the kids might say. [Do the kids say "hashtag?" I s'pose not, but damned if I know. I can still remember when that was the pound sign. Anyway.]) I mass e-mailed everyone who wrote to me about it, but for the lovely individuals on this site, I'm not sure I ever heard from you. So, just making a quick note here. I'm sure this was not exactly earth-shattering news, but now I can go sit on the couch and do approximately nothing all day knowing I did my due diligence. :-)

    Thank you for your time, Angels. Deuces!!

  2. ...This's John Galt speaking. ;p

    So. Howdy, dudes. This's the aforementioned Joey, author of FoaT. The Pecman alerted me to this thread, so I figured I'd pop in and answer any questions you guys might have. So go ahead. Ask me anything. ...I'm clearly not shy, heh.

    Yeah, sorry you couldn't find the story online, there, Jimmy. There's a reason for that... Believe it or not, I worked hard on the story. I'm proud of it. So, after some encouragement from the populace, I was like, "Yeah, maybe I should try and publish it." And then I wrote to a few agents and they were all, "Yeah, maybe you shouldn't." Heh. So, it's entirely possible that the story's about three times longer'n a novel "should" be. The P-Man was bein' generous when he said I was mulling my options. Verily, I hath no options. (I mean, I know publishing like I know the love of a good woman, heh, but I still feel like I should really give it el try.) But rest assured, the three or four people who were worried, after the publishing world tells me to eat it and stuff, I'll post it online again. And I'll post the final, edited, definitive version. It's much, much better, I think.

    (Oh, yeah, I should probably mention at this point that I write my forum posts like I write my stories: redonculously long and shamelessly dull. Now, I know I've lost Cole Parker by this point, haha [shout-out to you, by the way, dude--your post about the length of the last chapter made me laugh for days], but for the rest of you, I'll try to keep this short-ish and such.)

    Now, I know we all love the, erm, Wayback Machine and that's all lovely and such, but damn, it's a bitch, heh. I kinda went through a lotta trouble to get it pulled from teh intarwebs. I mean, can't get a story published that's plastered all over the internet, word? Word. So, I had it pulled from Nifty and a few other sites, and then googled it and found it gone. So, that was good. Then, you guys found it. So, that was bad. ;p So, now that everyone here who wanted a copy got one, can someone tell me the best way to get something off whatever the hell "webarchive" is? (Yeah, I don't just play a greasy buffoon in bad net-fiction: I'm also a greasy buffoon in real life. Me = dumber'n a bucket of hair.)


    Well, the Pecman's very generous with his praise, but really, I'm just another sappy little hack. I did work hard on the dialogue, I won't lie, but at the end uh the day, I can't really take credit for the good stuff. Anything truly cute or funny or sweet or touching I took from real life. (Hell, the final chapter revolves around the conversations between Mikey and Sky. And those convos really happened between me and Big. I'd like to take credit for being an insanely good writer dude, but I can't. We were just good together, verbally.) And I wasn't brave for ending the story the way I did. I set out to tell my E! True Hollywood Story, and I did. That's the way things really went down between me and Big. We really did have that dinner, he did run that light, he broke up with Natasha, and...well...you get the idea. I guess it is a "downbeat" ending, but I dunno. It feels a little tacky to complain that we didn't die of old age in each other's arms. However long it lasted, we made each other happy. It's more'n a lotta people seem to get. We just weren't right for each other. It happens. We're not compatible as either friends or boyfriends, but I still wish him nothing but the best. I hope he's as happy as he made me. I dunno. Haha. ...This must seem like therapy, huh? I really am fine with the way things are. I thought the end of the story was kind of hopeful, but I am sort of emolicious sometimes, heh, so don't take my word for it.

    Yeah. I think I'm done blogging all you wonderful people out there in the dark. I...can't imagine I missed a spot, heh, but if I did, feel free to turn on the Hack Signal, and I'll come a runnin'. Thank you everyone who took an interest in the story. It was hard to write at times--least till I grew up and got over it--and it was bitchin' e-mails from bitchin' dudes like you guys that made it all worth it. Anyway. I should skedaddle now. Later, peeps.

    P.S. In case anyone was wondering, no, I haven't written anything else. I wrote one chapter of what was essentially a parody of a bad Nifty for a buddy who was going through a tough time a year ago, but I would hardly say that counts. I'm just...not much of a writer. And I'm cool with it. It's certainly not a bad thing. Me and Big just went through some cartoonishly dramatic stuff. Without that, I'd have nothin' to write about. So. Yeah.

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