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Posts posted by Kioo

  1. I usually don't care for a cross-dressing theme, but I think this story is really well done with cute characters who experience a good deal of growth. I don't want to give anything away, but Kevin does something that almost makes me turn completely away from him. The author gives us a path that in my opinion allows us to forgive him and I was surprised when I actually did forgive him. Overall I think its an enjoyable read that also has a lot of humor.

    The Girl for Me

  2. I find it easier to read on my iPod touch than my computer screen, so I have been looking for a downloader that works for the sites I most frequently use that also works on a Mac.

    Well, I wasn't successful in my search for a downloader, but I did discover a solution to my problem. I know I can't be the only person who prefers to read from an ereader so I figured I would share.

    Firefox has an addon called Scrapbook. Using scrapbook, you can capture webpages, combine them, and save them on your computer. Once I do that, I use Caliber to convert the file to epub and download into Stanza on my iPod. I have found that this works for stories hosted on AwesomeDude, IOMfAtS, Codey's World and CRVBOY. I have not been able to get it to work for Nifty or The Mustard Jar.

    It took a little time to figure out the best way to use Scrapbook so the stories appear the way I want them to on my iPod, but it's completely worth the effort. I can provide further instructions if anyone is interested.

    If anyone knows something that works on Nifty or FictionPress, please let me know.

  3. My sister is a member of this church and I have attended it in the past as well as streamed their services online. I will say that he has never condemned or spoken out against homosexuality in the past. He had even gotten flak for preaching the funeral of an openly gay man at the request of the partner of the deceased.

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