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Uber stressed



I'm stressed. Stressed to the point of twanging like a human harp - except without the nice chilled music.

Another 48 hours will see me either beamishly copacetic, or in a damn nut house. I Pray (or I would if I wasn't agnostic) it's the former ... 'cause I've never really fancied a straight jacket. Too dashed uncomfortable, don't you know.



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What about a nice gay jacket instead?I hear you can get really nice ones with a cute gay guy in them.Don't let it get to you Camy. :wub::hug:
Thanks, Des. You always seem to manage to cheer me up.:wub:
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School? Work?As someone who was completely out of their mind with stress less than 48 hours ago, I will just say that it has to get better. Take one thing at a time. And I mean seriously. It is easy to say, but not always easy to do. Just focus on that one thing until the next thing comes up.Also, limit your caffeine intake. It's totally impossible to concentrate (or sit still) after you ingest extreme amounts of caffeine. And eat small amounts frequently. It keeps your mind working and the rest of your body awake.And if it isn't school or work related, just remember that it will pass. Focus on what you have to and remember that you will have freedom soon. With lots of time for fun and your guy.

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School? Work?As someone who was completely out of their mind with stress less than 48 hours ago, I will just say that it has to get better. Take one thing at a time. And I mean seriously. It is easy to say, but not always easy to do. Just focus on that one thing until the next thing comes up.Also, limit your caffeine intake. It's totally impossible to concentrate (or sit still) after you ingest extreme amounts of caffeine. And eat small amounts frequently. It keeps your mind working and the rest of your body awake.
Thanks!They say moving house is one of the most stressful times in your life, and I agree - though I can think of a few others to add to the list. Of course I would say that. Coffee isn't helping: I love it.
... And if it isn't school or work related, just remember that it will pass. Focus on what you have to and remember that you will have freedom soon. With lots of time for fun and your guy.
Oh yeah! :hug: I'll be super chilled next month. :wub:
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Moving? Are you moving to the same area in which you live? I so know how you feel. When I moved to the TC area I was totally stressed in so many ways. I had moved away from all family and friends and had to search for a new job and it was, to be entirely honest, terrible. S had all of his old friends and family and I was totally alone. When I did finally find a job, we worked opposite hours. It was the largest test in our relationship, in my opinion.Just finding a home and getting it in working condition was stressful. Moving all of my junk and the cost of it all. Combining everything and arguing over what should be tossed and what should stay. Finding out you are missing important stuff like silverware or something. Yuck. It was not fun. Although, it was super exciting at the same time. Our first real home together...Yeah, it sucked but it was still ok.Anyway, whatever the situation, I totally feel for you.

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