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Posts posted by FreeThinker

  1. Now, I've been spanked twice.

    This is what happens when my fingers work faster than my brain. By the way-- why didn't anyone else notice that? ("peak" instead of "peek?") I thought y'all were a bunch of writers!

    AND, oh dear, I think I was pretentious. In the term "Encyclopedia Britannica," the Britannica is the adjective and Encyclopedia the noun, so the plural would be Encyclopedia. So, would it properly be "Encyclopediae" ? That doesn't sound right, but I live in Okieland, so...

  2. Yeah. I have to admit that you've convinced me. I've changed my mind. I can't contribute money to a man who promotes such views. This is a good point.

    How many homophobic billboards and absurd “Gathering Storm” ads would a new fortune built off of Ender’s Game lunchboxes buy for NOM?

  3. Google, which prides itself on being "green" and environmentally friendly, has hosted a fund-raiser for the most egregious flat-earther in the US Senate, James Inhofe, who is also a supporter of unlimited executive power to access all aspects of our electronic lives. I thought Google's corporate philosophy was "Do no evil." Inhofe had gone repeatedly to Uganda to encourage their "homosexuality is a capital offence" legislation, as well as the "C-Street" project to replace secular law with Biblical law.

    Almost everyone I know online uses Google for email and chat. Is there something someone can recommend that has email and chat and isn't evil? I hate to change my email yet again, but...


  4. I didn't get it, either... until I got it. Then I got it big time. Its one of those things that, if you don't get it, you probably don't get it. Does that make sense? And, who's on first?

    I would explain in more graphic detail, but this is a family board. Or... is it a "family" board?

    Sorry, I babble sometimes.

  5. I remember lo these many decades ago when the US boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow in protest of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (the conflict in which we funded the anti-Soviet forces who turned into the Taliban---ooops). Very little came out of that protest except that the athletes suffered, oh, and NBC lost a few millions dollars. Yes, Vladimir Putin is bringing Soviet repression back to Russia, but a protest would be effective only if most other nations joined in. Besides, there is still a large segment of American society that agrees with Putin on this issue. It would be more effective if more Americans agreed with us. Still, as in the Ender's Game protests, a lot of innocent people will suffer and Putin will win because he will be seen by the conservatives in Russia as standing up for family values and Russia's honor, etc. etc. I agree with the sentiment that we should pick and choose our battles. We can't win in a boycott of the Sochi Olympics. It will simply be a propaganda win for Putin and Russian Right.

    I do respect the intent behind the protest, though. It shows courage and honor. We should encourage people to think of more ways to help our GLBT brothers and sisters in Russia who are being so horrendously oppressed.

  6. I can see both sides. There are many people with whom I profoundly disagree to whom I would hate to give my hard-earned money. But, despite his despicable views and his work against the interests of GLBT people, I will see the movie. I am certain there are many more people involved in the project who would suffer from a boycott and I can recognize the talent, even genius, of people whose opinions I despise. If it were only Card who would suffer, I would say "Gay Geeks of the World, Unite!" There may be other ways for us to express our contempt for his opinions and actions without harming the many who participated in the project.

  7. I have researched Ubuntu and listed the advantages and disadvantages of switching from the execrable Windows 8 to Ubuntu 13. I bitterly resent that I had to subscribe to Office 2013 and would give up the remaining five months this year's subscription, which is my primary objection to switching. However, I would like the thoughts of the AD community. I realize installing alongside Windows will present challenges and there was a day in the distant past when I was blond, so this might be difficult for me. However, I am willing to face the challenge. What are your experiences? What are your thoughts? What are your warnings? Will free AVG be sufficient?

    I am not a gamer. I do not create multimedia files. I do three things on my computer: read and write (okay, four things), listen to music, and perhaps watch movies. Is it worth the trouble for someone who would be perfectly happy with a Walkman, a VCR, and an old Underwood manual typewriter? (And prepare to be slapped online if you dare ask what a typewriter is).

  8. I had the same fear over the first few chapters. He warned me it was different, but thank goodness it wasn't different in that way! However, if he chose to write something in that genre, he could. Cole is an amazing writer and could create something great in almost any genre!

  9. I downloaded Start 8, but was disappointed. It doesn't work exactly the same as the old Start menu. With all the problems I've had with Windows 8, I've decided to give my new computer to my friend and in a couple of months I'll return to where I started. I'll break down and spend the money for a Macbook. My first computer was one of the original Macintosh's and I love Mac's. I just couldn't afford them by the 2000's, but I can't deal with Microsoft anymore. I've had it. I have a damn cell phone, I don't want my laptop to pretend its one.

  10. I actually use groovy. It started out as just being silly, then it became a habit. Now, my family, friends, and coworkers just accept it as Chris being just a little different from the rest of us.

    And, now everyone at Awesome Dude knows that Des' mouth is groovy when he goes down down under.

  11. I agree. I understand that language evolves. I was being more humorous than upset, though inflection really does irritate me because its just a stupid broadcasting fad that some consultant advised would help the bubble-headed bleached blond who can tell us about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye establish rapport with her viewers, which is stupid. Inflection changes the meaning of a sentence. I can accept "disrespect" and "epic fail" and other ridiculous attempts by forty-somethings in the media to appeal to the twenty-somethings advertisers seek. I just found Fry's video essay entertaining and I remember when my grandparents made fun of my contemporaries for our strange fads in the sixties and seventies.

    I actually don't have a really big stick up my butt, just moderately big. :devlish: And Fry makes several good points. Really. Way cool. Epic.

  12. I worship Stephen Fry. The Liar and ​The Hippopotamus are two of my favorite novels. Moab is my Washpot is one of the best memoirs ever written. I loved reading the Donald Trefusis essays he wrote for the BBC. I watch every YouTube video of his work repeatedly. I have struggled to write poetry with the encouragement of The Ode Less Traveled. However, I have been properly and thoroughly chastised, my arse has been kicked, and I am humiliated. He created this video specifically to rub "it" in my face. I am one of those people who send righteously indignant emails to NPR declaring that they are the last bastion of the English Language in America and their on-air "personalities" should know that "comptroller" is pronounced "controller" and the "h" is silent in "homage" and "herb' (unless it is a man's name). I scream when the weather man on Channel 6 says there is "rain in the Tulsa AREA." As opposed to rain in the Tulsa... what? Intonation changes the meaning of a sentence!!!! I have repeatedly written to The Huffington Post to inform them their use of "Epic Fail" as a subject is an epic failure of their editors. And, the next time some troglodyte says I'm disrespecting him, I'm going to show him disrespect! But, apparently, Stephen Fry thinks I'm a pedant.

    I shall crawl back under my moldy stack of Encyclopedia Britannica (NOT Britannicas) and refuse to peak out ever again.

  13. Yes, Paco is an outstanding artist. And, Cole is an amazing writer. I admit to reading the story before it was posted and I was absolutely blown away with the plot and the characters. Cole could write just about anything he set his mind to and do it with style, panache, and skill. In fact, there's an awful lot of talent (forgive my Okie-ism there) running around Awesome Dude. This is a great place with great writers--and artists!

  14. I have read about a third of the story so far and I am impressed! It has wonderful descriptions of the environment, the homes, the people, their feelings, their fears. A remarkable story and I am looking forward to reading the rest. I am also enjoying the allusions to the culture of the late sixties and seventies. I highly recommend "I Can See Clearly Now!"

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