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Chris James

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Posts posted by Chris James

  1. Ah ha...I just read that .docx is a normal format for Word 2010 because it has added graphics capability...that I will never use.

    They suggest converting back to 2007 which will make it a plain old .doc and might replace the bottles of headache pain medication I now owe Mike.

    Does this make sense? Not like it is any huge problem for me. Kinda like changing the oil in the car before they added all those emissions controls and moved everything else out of reach for us common folk.

  2. Okay, here we go again. To me a computer is a fancy typewriter with a memory and software...groan, its like paying big bucks for something I don't understand.

    Everything I've ever written is in Word. Simple program for simple people like me. I bought a new PC this past summer, it came with Windows 7 and I installed Word 2010.

    The first thing written on this device was that quick little Fringe Benifits story which I sent to Mike and he posted it. I looked at the posted copy and saw a few problems. In seven pages of writing there were seveal instances of words slammed together, things like "I wentcrazy with that..." and one instance where an entire line of copy was dropped out of a paragraph.

    I mailed Mike blaming his formatting program, he said it was in the original so I checked, it was not, the spacing was perfect. Then he send me back my original submission telling me it was in the copy, again when I opened his document it was perfect.

    Now I am posting this multi-chapter story, Woodlake House, and already I find five instances of words run together. By comparision I can say it is not in the Word document I submitted, and we are at that WTF moment.

    The two longer stories I have submitted (Marathon Gold and Warrior's Promise) were written some time ago and that was in Word 97-2003 the file tells me. They open in this computer in compatibility mode so I have no problems making corrections in my older files. But neither of those stories suffered with this current malady, there were no dropped lines or wordwrecks.

    Suggestions...comments? I figure none of this is Mike's fault, it must come from the source and that is me. Whatever Word 2010 is sending him to re-format for the site must be creating this hiccup. I do hope there is a fix, something simple for this geekless author to handle. Thanx.

  3. How about banning bystanders? Sure, let's tear down the bleachers and not allow anyone to attend football or soccer games. There you go, that should solve the problem! Imagine how well the kids will play when no one is allowed to watch. Might keep all those unruly parents away, you know, the ones who yell "Kill that little F**k" or "Get off your F**king ass, Umpire." Yeah, those are the people all kids should be exposed to...NOT!

  4. I think the officials in St. Charles deserve coal in their stockings for Christmas. Of course they have a 29 year old fairy, what did they expect? They were probably looking for a "have a blessed day" speech. I'm sure some self-righteous SOB decided that people who walk down the street in a parade and play fairies must be drug addicts. Wonder who pays for all these expensive tests? Absurd.

  5. Interesting subject. As I recall, it didn't matter which candy bar was eaten, as long as it was frozen first. Then you could take the wrapped bar and slap it down on a table and crack it into little pieces that would melt in your mouth and prolong the enjoyment. Perhaps I will try that again. It has been years since I bought a candy bar of any description. Thanks for the reminder...

  6. Well said, Tim, I support everything you had to say...and then posted my own notice on the Iomfats site. (perhaps there are some teen writers in the EU who would like to contribute). Here's what I had to say:

    Would you like to become an author and tell your stories? Codey's World is looking for teen authors who want to write gay or straight stories.

    The amazing thing about this offer is that the site is willing to provide an editor to help authors with their work. Imagine that, someone to correct your spelling and mentor your work!

    I would think there are some teens who read here who must think they have something to say and just wish there was a way to make that happen, well here it is:


    The site is well established and has a good following of readers. My admiration comes under the heading of "what if." When I was a teen there was no internet even though I began my own writing back in the early 1960's. What if I had access to a place like Codey's World, where would I be today?

    So to the youngest of readers here: If you feel that need to express yourself, educate us about what it means to be a gay teen or wish to write about a romantic encounter, real or fictional, go to the site and take a look at what they have there.

    I think you will be surprised. And good luck, this older generation of writers can't entertain the readers forever, we need your talent now.

    • Like 1
  7. Character names? Since a story often has me typing a name every few minutes I generally choose a short four character name if at all possible. The exception would be if the basis for a character is someone I might know, or have known in the past. Then using the name in tribute allows me to imagine them once again and inspires the writing.

    To each his own, but if I cannot pronounce the name it just becomes another impediment to reading the story, like poor grammar and spelling errors. I would hope the readers embrace the characteristics of the people in the story and not worry about the names as much. Otherwise we might as well name every character Bob.

  8. Goodness, blue....don't you have anything to say on the subject? (short story submissions should go straight to the dude).

    But it does sound like you have a "thing" for the Biebs and that's just fine. I probably can't accept the idea that gay or bisexual enters into any part of his mindset. At the beginning of his career there was entirely too much religious feeling injected into his biography. The Bebs gave God credit for his success, and there were those prayer meetings. I don't think gay is acceptable to his religious viewpoint.

    But I'm glad you like his music and feel strongly enough to stand up for him. As for the hormones, they ought to know better than to leave him alone with female fan. Someone dropped the ball in handling this boy.

  9. Oh Biebs, say it ain't so...at least he better say something.

    So here we have the boy star who doesn't seem to be shining so brightly these days. The images of him and crew in prayer meetings before shows now seems like a sham PR trick. What would Jesus do? He would take the damn paternity test, man up as they say these days, and if the Bieber Boy did do the deed then he better be prepared to fall from grace. (I don't think his fans will crucify him, but you never know...doesn't the fool know about safe sex?)

    Someone will lose a lot of fans if this news proves true:


    Sorry, I chose the least sleezy tabloid article I could find. Virginity is so overrated, except for this boy it was money in the bank. 15 minutes of fame? Naw, he had an hour and now we move on.

  10. How delightful, reads just like an African tribal folk tale. Storytelling like this should always be something we remember as authors because in the simplicity of the spoken word we learn to share ideas that change lives.

    I agree with Cole, this is not written to convey optimism, just the very ancient concept that life is unpredictable. Timeless wisdom, something we tend to forget.

  11. Thank you, Cole...you always have impeccable taste...have you lost it?

    Oh Goodness!! Did I get this right? The opening title says that Mary Schneider is the yodelling queen of Australia...that set me thinking. Do Aussie cowboys yodel when out herding their kangaroos? Methinks the fella who posted that YouTube video has his continents mixed up. Otherwise, she has a lovely voice but I won't buy the album.

  12. Apparently Pearl, MS and Columbine, CO and all the rest of dead and maimed kids weren't enough

    And this is what disturbs me, James understands...when will we see the backlash? I suppose it is fair to say that LGBT kids are probably the least violent bunch in most schools and the thought of an armed response by anyone in that group seems farfetched. But if this was your kid, if this was your son that had been ambushed and beaten, would you not entertain some time alone with this bully and a baseball bat?

    In all the articles we see about such hate crimes the school administration seems to soft peddle the punishment. Colin is right, expulsion and arrest is the only answer to make an example of the bully. We all know the hate comes from the home, the parents and even the church these bullies attend, if they do. Homosexuality has been demonized for decades and this is the result.

    I await further information on this crime: Where was the teacher? Does the school allow a classroom full of students to gather without supervision. This bully had lots of time to stand and wait for his victim. And the person behind the camera, they knew what was coming, are they complicit?

    This Ohio school district has shamed itself and the images have been distributed worldwide. Perhaps there is one judge out there who has seen enough to put the school on notice. I expect the ACLU will be contacting that principal shortly, someone needs to.

  13. Infuriated is hardly a strong enough word to describe my feelings after viewing this. Where the F was the teacher? This is not just an incidence of bullying, this is premeditated assault...and all they did was suspend the assailant for three days. Good going, Ohio. Now get off your ass and do something...the ACLU is waiting to speak with you.

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