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Addym Kehris

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Posts posted by Addym Kehris

  1. While it would be interesting to see how he'd continue the story - as he did with Alec/Sasha in the Sanitaria Springs series - I think it works perfectly as a stand-alone. I wouldn't be looking for more sex in it, though.

    Very well said, Paul. I thought Beagle did a tremendous job with this one. His characters were 'real' and 'alive'...and querky. It was easy to love each and every one of them. Very satisfying watching each of them struggling with their demons and how they supported one another. But then, I'm one of those that prefers the stories that deal with 'overcoming' and not the sex.

  2. I found a problem with the URL of the site Nigel suggested.

    This is about the find at Nag Hammadi: http://www.nag-hammadi.com/

    This is the content: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl.html

    The book of Thomas is here: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl_thomas.htm

    Thank you, Camy,

    I've wanted to have a look at the finds from Nag-Hammadi after hearing about them in a documentary on the History Channel recently. My personal view is that anything the 'church fathers' were so rabid about keeping out of our hands is definitely worth having a look at. Besides, it's just the sort of research material I need for the third book in my Haywood's Journey series.

    So, thanks again, Camy, I've already saved the link into my favorites library. LOL.

  3. Thank goodness someone finally brought up the point of the Christ Child's true birthdate. I certainly was not the middle of winter. The only reason for the Christmas holidays being around the winter solstice is that the early church fathers needed something they could supplant the pagan holiday with. I guess it just proves that most christians are very insecure and feel threatened by anything that doesn't come from that book that is not the inspired word of God.

    As it happens, I AM a pagan, and my particular pantheon of Gods and Goddesses teach tollerance and acceptance. So go ahead, Mr. and Mrs. Christian, enjoy your holiday. I usually celebrate a few days earlier on the occasion of the Winter Solstice in the manner Pagans have done so for long before the Christian movement began. I do purchase gifts for my grandchildren during this holiday season, but I don't agonize over the process. Fortunately, my grandkids are young enough that there is no need for electronics for school, so I can be more practical and I can buy them helmets to wear when they are out on their new bicycles and motorized scooters.

    And now to come to the defense of my good friend Chris. I think the reference of Chris the Grinch is a little harsh. He did, after all, begin this thread by commenting on the complaints of consumers that didn't have the forethought to buy early enough to ensure sufficient time for shipping and are now up in arms because mother nature grounded many UPS and FEDEX flights. Personally, I have to laugh at those individuals who're complaining, exercising their right as a human being to blame anyone but themselves for their own inneptitude.

    And finally, allow me to show my support for the idea of making this a children's holiday. I know I've always enjoyed the holiday most when there were children present. Watching their young faces made all the frustration of shopping and decorating well worth it.

  4. Thank you, one and all. I really wanted to write something from the perspective of an older gay man that didn't involve sexual situations. I wanted something emotionally charged, something that older men could possibly relate to, even if only in their daydreams. LOL. That is, after all, where this story had its roots.

    So, thank you again for you kind words and mostly for enjoying what I've submitted.

  5. I appeciate your efforts, Chris. Seems no one takes this seriously. LOL. How bout if we give them the press release to look at:

    Mind Over What Matters: Ground-Breaking Novel, Featuring Gay Hero Protagonist, Inspires Readers to Embrace Life’s Bold Possibilities.

    Written by Addym Kehris, the novel provides the world with a young hero who learns that his potential and identity stretch far above and beyond his sexuality. With such pertinence to modern-day life, ‘Mind Over What Matters’ is poised to resonate with readers around the world.

    For Immediate Release

    Jacksonville, FL – While the world loves a good hero, few narratives develop a diverse character that can both inspire and empower readers to save their own worlds by achieving their dreams. However, a compelling new novel by Florida’s Addym Kehris has hit the virtual shelves with gusto and is set to change the mind-sets of readers everywhere.

    While ‘Mind Over What Matters’ contains a gay protagonist, the narrative looks far beyond sexuality and into the greater good of humankind.


    As a gay, homeless teenager, Haywood’s twenty-first century life was less than idyllic. But getting gang raped by six men, like now, moved his life into the realm of a living hell. Until, that is, his mind explodes awake and those same six men are soon spilling out their lives for the last time. To say he was frightened and confused by the event would be an understatement. What had he awakened? Answers begin coming several hours later when he is rescued from his life by friends he didn’t know he had. Then he is reunited with the birth family he never knew existed.

    He couldn’t doubt the truth of these things because they presented evidence that could not be counterfeited…could not be denied. And yet, the truths they reveal to him…about him, are simply too unbelievable. And yet, he learns to believe as events conspire against him and he is forced to rely on those same unbelievable things to save him…and those he has recently come to love and cherish. His new life comes with moments of sheer bliss and contentment unlike any he ever dreamed of on the streets. But the moments of fear and terror balance this new life as he comes to understand that not all is perfection in this place. Still, these people endeavor to make the world a better place, even if the majority of that same world doesn’t know of their existence. Haywood has to discover his place in this new world. But most of all he needs to discover who he truly is and what he might contribute to the mighty effort of his new homeland. Still, he has a real home once again. He remembers a phrase from history and must agree that overall, this place really is…Fair Atlantis.

    As the author explains, his book certainly gives readers something to think about.

    I’m trying to change literary cultures by giving the world a young hero, who just happens to be gay. But that’s not all that he is; readers will get to see this as he discovers that under the proper encouragement, he really is so much more than he thought he could be,” says Kehris.

    Continuing, “He constantly stretches himself and encompasses all possibilities that come his way. Yes, the narrative contains a number of harsh realities, but it’s all in an effort to showcase life’s possibilities and the importance of embracing them.”

    Kehris also alludes to one of his book’s more poignant undertones.

    “At the end of the story, Haywood discovers love that has nothing to do with his family. So many people in the real world struggle with accepting this, but it shouldn’t ever be a bar to their own ability to be loving or achieve their best. Haywood will come across as a very head-strong character and I hope this rubs off on all readers,” he adds.

    With the book’s popularity increasing, interested readers are urged to purchase their copies as soon as possible.

    ‘Mind Over What Matters’ is available now: http://amzn.to/15pEI29

    About the Author:

    Being a twenty-five year old stuck in this fifty-eight year old body comes with challenges, as anyone approaching retirement can tell you. But there is nothing wrong with my imagination or my fingers. After a decade in the military, another decade in the public utilities industry, and the rest moving through various careers, I find my quiet, solitary life in front of the computer most appealing. My life now is spent working in words and wood, as I’m an accomplished furniture builder and enjoy time spent caressing bits of lumber into pleasing shapes and functions. It’s not that different from taking stray words and moulding them into appealing themes and plots. Besides all this, I play domestic god to my humble surroundings, cook extravagant meals for one, and interact happily with family, friends, and fans online. I find that it’s enough.

  6. Thank you Cole and Freethinker. I am wiser now. And isn't that the point of growing older?

    So, let's try a different approach here. What is the real meaning of Ender according to Solon? That is how this began and what caught my attention. Frankly I didn't care for the conclusions (conjectures) of Solon. I believe they assume that Card gave a message any real thought. Based on his world views, that we've all become aware of, I find it impossible to believe that the man considered a message. For a person who professes to be such a staunch Christian, I can not reconcile the violant story he's produced with that professed theology.

    Unless, that is, you want to compare the adult control over the children through misdirection, with how the hard line christian organizations control their own children through similar tactics. Hmmm.

  7. Oops, I did it again. Sorry Cole, my profound appologies. I got lost among the postings here and assigned the initial posting on the topic to you and i was wrong. Freethinker is the party in question. Sigh. But it does seem that the forum topic might have changed a bit in the course of the discussion and i didn't adequately make that transition.

  8. Sedition: (law) an illegal action inciting resistance to lawful authority and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government.

    This word defines exactly what these so-called "patriots" are practicing.

    Colin :icon_geek:

    That's the difficulty with democracy: even the most obnoxious lout in the choir gets to have his say.

    As long as it remains words, nothing can or should be done.

    Don't think the Dept. of Homeland Security hasn't noticed.

    You can bet they are being watched very carefully.

    I don't have any problem with a person airing their differing views. As you say, James, that is the difficulty with democracy. I do, however, draw the line at Sedition. As Colinian rightly showed us, Sedition is an illegal call to action. How is this group's postings on FB anything but sedition? That, I believe, makes their posting illegal and FB is allowing a group or individual to carry out illegal actions on their service. FB is, in essence, supporting this group's illegal actions when they delete accounts routinely for statements and actions that aren't the least bit illegal, but do tread into the grey areas of socially acceptable. Perhaps Homeland Security should be investigating FB more closely as well.

  9. I think a lot of the discussion here was because many of us liked the book, found it really terrific, and then were trying to make sense of the man who wrote it and the book itself. There seemed to be a great disconnect between the two, and that's always good fodder for discussion.

    The man's views of homosexuality don't just border of insanity. To me, they cross the line. Such intolerance and hatred from a man who claims to be a devout follower of a pseudo-Christian religion. Isn't that something worth discussing? Isn't trying to understand what's behind all that a worthwhile endeavor?

    Anyway, I think that's what a lot of the psychobabble was about. If it offended you, you probably should have stopped reading it.


    Absolutely correct, your premise for this forum is worthy of discussion and that is why I have enjoyed reading all the responses. I suppose my question would have to be, where was that discussion in the Solon article you referenced in the beginning. I don't recall anything of any significance being discussed about Card and his personal views. I do remember reading many paragraphs about Ender and Harry Potter and how their actions and reactions should be interpretted.

    I suppose because of that article I misinterpretted what this forum was actually about. For that I appologize. Perhaps you should have cited an article that actually discussed Orson Scott Card and his world view.

  10. As far as the old "get a life" message goes, one wonders about the sense of negatively commenting in a thread rather than taking part in the discussion -- the true meaning of thread-crapping -- which is never a wise way to start off in a new discussion group on the web. Get to know us first before you come to the snap decision that we either don't know what we're talking about, or that your point of view is profoundly better than ours. It may just be we have a simple difference of opinion, neither side right or wrong.

    I see. I had not realized that the authors here were so thin skinned. Because I assure you I was not referring to anyone on this forum. I enjoyed the discussion here. I WAS referring to those individuals that make a living from over analyzing literary works. Please note the phrase 'over analyzing'. I too enjoy hearing the thoughts of other readers. Readers usually state their opinion, but refrain from pulling out their Psychiatry 101 text books from college. What I do not appreciate is a pages-long disertation that makes me feel like the poor characters have spent the last several months on some psychiatrist's couch talking about their mother complexes or some such. If you are one of those that enjoys that sort of thing, then more power to you. I'm happy for you. But please don't CRAP on my opinion simply because I don't enjoy reading some college thesis, and am willing to state that fact.

    I'll make a point of going back and reviewing the 'thread-crapping' guidelines. Rest assured that if I ever feel the need to CRAP on anyone here, I'll keep my mouth shut. It would have been nice if someone has actually asked me to clarify my 'get a life' comment, instead of assuming that it was directed at any of you.

    Thank you for your comments. I'll be sure to be more specific in the future.

  11. Whatever it's called, I'd love to see something about action being taken against this bunch of lunatics. Oh yes, and I'd love to see some action taken against Facebook for continuing to allow them to post on their service. If sedition isn't a grounds for deleting an account, then they need to rethink all of their deletion guidelines.

  12. Hello, Everyone.

    I'm new here and had intended to simply look around and soak in the atmosphere of the forums for a while without making a pest of myself. But I found myself intrigued by all the psychoanalyzing of the Ender's Game book and movie. Why is it that people find it necessary to delve into the psychology of fictional characters in a fictional universe with fictional situations? Why can't a book be read and enjoyed simply because it's a good book?

    Now mind you, I am not the least bit anamored of the author, as I am gay and his personal attitudes offend me. But I haven't seen any mention of gays and lesbians in any of his books that I've read. They have all been good reads and I've enjoyed the hours spent devouring them.

    All this 'psychology' of Ender reminds me of an interview I saw once with Phil Collins when he was asked about the meaning behind the song, 'In The Air Tonight'. There have been, and probably still are, people that are convinced that he wrote a song about a real incident, even after he claimed that the song had no real meaning. It was just a fun song to write.

    I question the reason for all the analysis of Ender and the story. Is it some need for people to demonstrate their superiority or their vast education? What is it about this story that requires us to dissect it down to the last page of every psychology text known to man? I submit a suggestion to all those analysts...get a life. Surely there are more important issues than analyzing the life and mind of a fictional characters against fictional aliens. If there needs to be an analysis, let's analyze how well or poorly the movie makers recreated the story on the big screen.

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