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Posts posted by vwl

  1. Author Driver has been silent for too long, but his stories still are available. One called The Quarry has been reposted at:


    One of the best authors.


  2. Guarded is about to be completed, so this will be my last recommendation here. I'll move the recommendation to another forum when completed.

    The story continues to be engrossing, with interesting twists as it goes along. 

    No change in my recommendation: a fine story.

  3. I'm enjoying Guarded https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/beginnings/guarded/ a lot. What I like is that the gay relationship is only part of the story; there is another major meme at play.  

    As is common with Nifty stories from apparently new authors is the need for some editing but not enough that  the story is difficult or unpleasant to follow.

    Wayne G has made  a rapid transition from an enjoyable and completed but episodic story https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/beginnings/waynes-journal  to Guarded, with a more tightly constructed plot. Seeing rapid growth in an author is very welcome.  Apart from the episodic nature of the story, my major complaint is too much explicit sex, a common fault of Nifty writers, but those scenes can be scanned quickly to get back to the main story.

    Let me know if you like Guarded.

  4. I'm liking Starting Over, by Tony A on IOMFAtS.org: iomfats.org/storyshelf/hosted/tony-a/

    The premise is that a high-school jock hit maliciously in a football game has lost his memory, but one of the persons he does remember is a boy with whom he was paired in a chemistry lab (and who was expected to do all the work so that the football jock could pass the course). The boy is gay.

    The editing is only so-so.

  5. I realize people have been overwhelmed by the number of posts in this forum, but  here's a new one, anyway.

    I just finished an e-book on my Kindle and noticed an acknowledgement of an editor and the editor's company, so I looked them up. the company is InvisibleInkEditing.com, which provides services (at a fee, of course) to prepare for electronic publishing from initial review of a draft to  proofreading and finally formatting for publication on one of the various sites, such as  Amazon.

    For those authors wanting to move to the next stage, take a look.

  6. I highly recommend The Discerning Palate by Noel Blue as well as his earlier serial novel The Groupie.  The writing is excellent, the characters interesting and the plot well done. My only drawback is that Noel Blue is often slow to update.  The Discerning Palate is finished through Chapter 8, so there is a lot to read.

    Here it is:


    I'd appreciate it if you also find this story worth reading and put a note in this forum.


  7. I was about to start a new topic about this movie, but bilal beat me to it (by about a month). The acting is outstanding, the relationships of the characters is drawn really well in a fine plot, the cinematography is superb. The English subtitles leave something to be desired, but they are adequate to get the story across.

    I found the movie at http://tbiet.blogspot.com/ in a May 18th posting (jeudi, Mai 18), now on the second page or lower (click on 'articles plus anciens' at the bottom of the text)

  8. Sometimes a story will take the reader into an environment that is entirely different from the world he may live in but is fascinating and seemingly real.  Black Sheep by Staten Krown is just such a story. The punctuation is atrocious and the grammar, at times, is lacking, but the narrative is well done (and to me narrative is 90 percent of a story's value). Black Sheep is about a man kicked out of  his inner city home for being gay, who has found success in  the world and  who is returning for his brother's wedding after 14 years away from home. His father is a conservative-religious pastor, one of his brothers runs a gang, a sister is a heroin addict--in short, his home is a very turbulent environment.

    Highly recommended as of Chapter 4.


  9. I'm cooling on Cheddars, now at Chapter 11. The original premise--a young man is kicked out of his home and living on the street before meeting the other main character--has turned somewhat clichéd. I'll continue reading it, but my recommendation intensity is reduced a few notches.

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