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Posts posted by RMiller

  1. No sweat, Graeme. The name Ryan is anything but uncommon. I once had a health class with three Ryans total, including myself.

    But I don't think I could survive as a child with a summer birthday. The inability to bring cupcakes to class and show off would've killed the 10-year-old me.

  2. While I love getting free celebratory sundaies at Red Robin as much as the next man, reports of my birth are premature and exaggerated. I've got to wait nine months for my next b-day.

  3. It was a matter of time before someone in this forum would start ripping off Tolkein.


    "Voiceless it cries,

    Wingless flutters,

    Toothless bites,

    Mouthless mutters."

    The wind.

    Here are some of my own contributions and old favorites.

    "Poor people have it, rich people need it.

    It's more powerful than God and more evil than Satan.

    If you eat it, it will kill you."

    "What can you catch but not throw?"

    "What is filled with holes yet still holds water?"

    "The one who builds it doesn't use it. The one who buys it does't want to. The one who uses it doesn't know. What is it?"

    "What lives if you give it food but dies if you give it water?"

  4. Alas, this Justin Berfield, I know not.

    Oops, wrong century. :: pushes shiny buttons and blinky lights ::

    Bummer, who's this Justin Berfield, dunno him, dudes.


    Behold, the boyish charm of the most ambitious little Jew in Hollywood. Most notable as Reese on Malcolm in the Middle, he now spends his days as a movie producer, real estate investor and total hottie.

    And now you know.

  5. This is an official update letting you all know that another chapter of Ragnarok is on its way. There was a hefty lag as both EleCivil and I started working on other projects, school work and whatnot, but I am free to continue now.

    Unfortunately my writing partner has opted out of the project. He, as well as I, could see that getting EleCivil to write good noir was like getting Justin Berfield to not be gorgeous: no chance in hell. We were both tired of pushing our cart sideways and the story is now under my command, but not without the lingering overtones of our weird little buddy and his dancing mandolin. Chapter four will be his last direct contribution to the story, and I think you all will enjoy it.

    And I may be looking for another partner to complete the project, because a genre as convoluted as noir works best when you have another writer to screw with.

  6. Thanks for letting me draft chapter 14. It was pretty good. I think you are hitting your stride.

    It was fun how you gave Mark a job at the lab. I think he?d earned it. But that bungee accident is pretty risky from a writers perspective. Broken bones are one thing, but amnesia is just such a clich?. A lot of people might feel insulted. But I can see where you might take it. I just guess there won?t be any more hugs for a while.

    I think the best part was the line about the hamsters and the transvestites. Your mind is so delightfully weird.

  7. Keep is mind that it is a story on Nifty, and those readers don't usually have high standards. I actually stopped posting my stories there after too many people told me Bonding Energy would be better if there was more sex. They don't care if the kids are underaged with inexplicable amounts of booze and cash as long as they get it on. I've only known one guy who was such a man slut at that age. Everyone else I know treats sex with at least a little bit of sanctity.

    I'm not sure who I pity more: the author who thinks that's the way kids actually act or the reader who believes him.

  8. A few of you have been asking, so I thought I?d let you know the progress of the next and final chapter for Opportunity Cost. I am still working on it and plan to have it finished within the week. Drafting might be a while, since this is the last glimpse of Kyle we will get for at least a few months and it should be a good one.

    I thank you all for being patient and for your encouragement and input.

  9. Chapter three is up and ready. We have just started work on chapter four, so it could be a while until the story continues.

    This noir stuff is really convoluted, so we want to make sure the plot lines agree with each other. ;)

  10. Yay! Keep writing, you two!

    The style matches the subject here. Also, kudos for recognizing real milk might be rare and expensive on Mars.

    This reminds me of other good scifi. I'm glad to see it.

    Anyone who's surprised at EleCivil's change of style for this story, please reread his other writing.

    Ryan has shown he can write darker fiction well.

    We have an anti-hero and a villain with more going on than there seems, and various others.

    Red dirt. Lots of it. -- I expect we'll see some.

    ...Those storage spaces... I hope there weren't any flatcats nearby! ;)

    Poor Ele' has really bent over backwards to go for a darker style and I am impressed with the creative innovations he has come up with so far. The milk thing was totally him.

    And I had been waiting to flex my noir muscles on AD for a while. It my favorite style and comes instinctively.

    If you happen to hear "As Time Goes By" playing softly in the background as you read, that's just us doing our job.

  11. Hey, this is the second chapter in a row where someone tells Kyle that they play DDR to keep their ass in shape. This is starting to become a major theme. Man v. Man, Man v. Himself, Man v. Nature, Ass v. DDR. Heeey...that gives me an idea. Possible climax of Op Cost:

    ...Well, you did ask for speculation.

    And I just noticed that nobody's mentioned my cameo appearance at the end of chapter 11. :icon10:

    I don't know what the deal is with everybody. It?s like everyone?s all embittered now after chapter 9 and they refuse to leave comments.


    And, no. I will not have the climax of my novella reduced to a DDR showdown. The ass vs. DDR thing is a running gag, but not a plot device.

    And I don't write things like, ?you're about to get served,? or ?Let?s do this.? It?s Opportunity Cost, not Agent Cody Banks.

  12. Heisenberg is speeding down the highway when he's pulled over by the police.

    "Do you know how fast you were going, son?" asks the cop.

    "Yup", replies Heisenberg, "but where I am?"


    Up in heaven, a bunch of scientists are playing tag, and it's Albert Einstein's turn to be "it." Once he gets done counting, he turns around and sees Isaac Newton just standing there, in the middle of a box he's drawn on the ground. So Einstein walks over and tags him, but Newton doesn't do anything. Einstein says, "Newton, what are you doing? I caught you."

    Newton replies, "No, you didn't. I'm Newton over a square meter. You caught Pascal."


    Q: What did the Nuclear Physicist have for lunch?

    A: Fission Chips.


    A neutron walked into a bar and asked, "How much for a drink?" The bartender replied, "For you, no charge."


    Q: If both a bear in Yosemite and one in Alaska fall into the water, which one disolves faster?

    A: The one in Alaska, because it?s Polar.


    Jesus and his disciples were walking around one day, when Jesus said, "The

    Kingdom of Heaven is like 3x squared plus 8x minus 9."

    The disciples looked very puzzled, and finally asked Peter, "What on earth does Jesus


    Peter said, "Don't worry. It's just another one of his parabolas."


    Q: Why do chemists like nitrates so much?

    A: They're cheaper than day rates.


    Isn?t it sad how entropy isn't what it used to be?


    Q: What is the simplest way to observe the optical Doppler effect?

    A: Go out at and look at cars on the street. The lights of the ones approaching you are white, while the lights of the ones moving away from you are red.


    Does a radioactive cat have 18 half-lives?


    A student riding in a train looks up and sees Einstein sitting next to him. Excited he asks, "Excuse me, professor. Does Boston stop at this train?"


    Q: Have you heard the one about a chemist who was reading a book about helium?

    A: He couldn't put it down!

  13. This event has been officially handed over to the admins of AD, which is the first official act of any kind involving the awards (sorry, Dude). It will be, henceforth, re-worked and implimented in an official, efficient and far more amiable method than it would have been before. But questions/comments can still be sent to me since the admins have been getting enough already.

    As you were.

  14. Haha, don't worry about it - I didn't take offense or anything.

    He doesn't, and it's really obnoxious. How can you antagonize someone who doesn't respond to antagonism? You could shoot a puppy--right in front of him--and he would laugh hysterically and ask to have the next turn with the gun.

    Anyway, nice job with the latest chapter. I like how you are delving deeper into the relationship between Brandon and Nick. I've been rooting for that pair since the begining and, since your capacity for evil is lacking, I don't expect to be disapointed.

  15. I?ve noticed that the writers on this site are in serious need of some shameless self-promotion, so I have taken the initiative to start the 2006 Awesome Dude Reader?s Choice Awards.

    Being a blatant rip-off of the academy awards, we will need some nominations to start off this gala event. Send your nominations to me via e-mail or PM and I will post them at the end of the year. They must be from a submission hosted on AD that has been posted during 2006 and fits one of these categories:

    -Most original story:

    This goes to the author who has written something like you?ve never read before, and far more than, ?A cute twink and a hung jock meet for the first time and get it on 5 minutes later.?

    -Most acrid use of clich?:

    This award goes to the writer who is most likely to write, ?A cute twink and a hung jock meet for the first time and get it on 5 minutes later.?

    -Best use of verisimilitude (storytelling that acts, sounds, looks real):

    This is for the author who can take you on a stroll through their story and point out the most colorful parts of their imagination without leaving the computer.

    -Best use of dialogue:

    This is for the author who gives great lines to great characters. Be it fluid, witty, quick or deep, if it was fun to read, it?s worth a nomination.

    -Best use of narration:

    For the author who can tell a great story without letting his characters get a word in edge-wise.

    -Best minor character:

    There are no small roles, just small characters. And half of you should be ashamed for what you just thought of.

    -Best main character:

    For the author who created a character who was able to help you laugh, cry, and feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    -Best short story:

    For the author of the short story who made a big impact in a minimal amount of text.

    -Best Poem:

    For the poet who used their lyrics to touch lives and left no stanza un-paired.

    -Best chapter:

    Novels on AD have their highs and lows, so pick a part from your favorite story that impacted you the most and made you ask, ?When the hell will they finish this thing??

    -Best Author:

    For the writer who can tell an enthralling story at the drop of a hat and exemplifies all the qualities we hold dear at AD.

    Nominations can be anonymous, but should include:

    -The name of the person nominated.

    -The story or part of a story that made you want to nominate them.

    -Why you think they should win.

    Once I have the nominations, I will post the top 5 in each category and we will then vote on them. The deadline for nominations is Jan 5 2007. After that, I will compile and post the results of the nominations and we can all vote, the final results being posted Jan 15 2007.

    And this is all on the honor system. I trust you guys to send one vote per person the same way you trust me to give you factual results. This should be a lot of fun for everyone and should inspire us all to up the ante when it comes to our works.

    May ADRCA ?06 begin!

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