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Posts posted by DesDownunder

  1. Please Come with Me by Douglas is one of my favourite stories on AD. I fear it may not be far from the reality.


    'the love that dare not speak its name' is once again the object of the anti-LGBTQ bigots, particularly the religious bigots. For over twenty years I have sought to raise consciousness about the history of acceptance of sexual orientation. Very few nations have not sought to recriminalise homosexuality even when they had once fully embraced it as a human right and a normal expression of affection. 
     In more recent times acceptance of sexual orientation has been adopted by too many nations to ever be re-criminalised as it once was, and still is in some cultures. Glance at the Trump picks for his cabinet, including the vice president, and we can see that the writing is on the wall for the freedom of our human rights continuing. It is going to be subjected to state legislation that will maintain or return to persecution, ridicule, bullying and even killing us. 

    If we cannot, as a species, as a culture, understand that the freedom of an individual is to return the love and affection that they are freely given, then we may well find ourselves being incarcerated again simply for who we love.

    If you vote for the right wing conservative bigots, you vote for your own persecution, and they will execute whatever legislation it takes to diminish our right to know that we can and should live openly and lovingly on the Earth. Remember they have done it before, they have claimed the biblical right to murder us, or "help" us to know, to bow down to their god. I won't comply, and they have to learn that to deny us our human rights is futile.

    As Harvey Milk told us, our best defence is to stand together and be seen as people who just want to love.

  2. Thanks Cole, you're too kind.

    I hope the surgeons have finished with tweaking my body parts,

    Yesterday, they replaced my left eye cataract lens.

    They did the right eye last month. 

    I've started to write a story, but no promises on a completion date.

    Does Donald Trump edit stories with a gay theme? (yeah that's my attempt at humour.)


  3. The only thing about scary clowns is sending them in if they are Right wing bigots. Most clowns are not.

    There's little mystery about the dual personality of clowns. It is a long established tradition in theatre with its masks of tragic drama and comedy. eg. See the clown in Cecil B. DeMille's circus film "The Greatest Show On Earth
    Also the juxtaposition of the clown's laughter and then crying as he sings the soulful lament in Leoncavallo's short opera Pagliacci
  4. My grandfather said to me that neither side of politics would do anything for the ordinary working person, but that the Left would do less against us.

    Sometimes I wonder just how much less they could do.

    As for the Right wing, I guess they will never be the lesser of two evils.

  5. A Love Song

    by Desdownunder

    The song reminds us of the concerns of youth,

    In those days songs meant more than a royalty,

    To be collected when the song is over.

    Now youth is gone before our songs have begun,

    And the youths of the past no longer draw breath,

    To fill the lungs and our ears with their spirits.

    Still. we remember how we heard them all,

    Hopefully singing and sharing of the life,

    Youth brings to our own ageing song of love.

  6. My boyfriend and I saw Boys in the Band as a play when it was first performed here around 40 years ago. The attorney general acting as our state censor requested the line, "Who do you have to fuck to get a cup of coffee around here?" He demanded that the actor drop the F making the word "uck" instead of fuck. The actor winked at the audience as he delivered the word.

    We also saw the movie when it was released. It was showing in a cinema that I had worked in some years before. The projectionist told me he was ashamed for the first time in his life to show a film like that.

    I found the subject of the film somewhat dour, but it certainly opened the subject up for public consideration.

  7. Your up for writing a short I take it?

    I'll try, but I tire easily, and I still have my slave duties to do for my loving partner whose mom just died at the age of 93. It's been a tough time for him; what with me having ditsy hallucinations and him worrying that I might not survive and that his mom might live forever. It's been a bit of a roller coaster ride on either a hospital bed or a coffin. Some sicko's idea of an amusement park. Ride a hospital bed to the coffin...what fun! :wav:

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