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Posts posted by colinian

  1. I've lost interest in Recovery. Too much partying with sex and drugs and booze. Every weekend. Where are the parents? Where are the neighbors? Where are the cops?? No one in this small town seems to either realize what's going on with these kids or they don't care or they think it's OK. 11th grade boys having sex with 8th grade girls and boys. An unending supply of beer without anyone questioning how. Kids going into the only store in town and buying a couple of cases, yeah, sure. Oh, how about the apparent unending supply of money to buy the beer. Man, how unrealistic!

    I agree with others that Recovery needs editing. That's one of the disadvantages of posting on Nifty, it's a readers' site, not a writers' site. The advantage of posting on AD and Codey's World and GA is that writers can get knowledgeable editing and reviews and even helpful criticism.

    Colin :icon11:

  2. Hi Colin,

    I have done as you ask and refresh doesn't help, still logged out.

    I also tried adding a question mark (?) to the URL in the address bar which forces a full reload of the page and still the homepage does not log me on.

    This page still has me logged in and seems to be fully functional.


    Aha! I have found something.

    The link I use to log on with in my IE7 homepage Tab is


    The "AD Forums" link on AD's homepage is


    Notice the difference is that AD Forums link does not have the ? or the "www" in it.

    I tried this again. The ? does not affect it, but the missing 'www' does.

    So if I insert the www into the address the homepage comes up logged in.

    Do I get a free Ken doll for my discovery?

    Des, you identified the problem in the link from the AD homepage. The link in my Favorites has both the 'www' and the ?.

    Dude, I think Des definitely deserves a Ken doll, complete with appropriate appendages! :icon1:

    Colin :icon13:

  3. OK, click here for the ultimate put-down on the gay sheep bit by Don Asmussen in the Jan 26 SF Chronicle. This is a comic strip that's :icon13: funny!

    Don Asmussen's strip is titled "Bad Reporter" and shows made-up newspaper front pages about the stupidity that surrounds us. The subtitle of his strips is "The LIES behind the TRUTH, and the TRUTH behind those LIES that are behind that TRUTH." Trying to make sense of that sentence is gonna give you a headache! :icon5:

    Colin :icon1:

  4. Logged on OK with my Homepage Tab in IE7.

    Clicked on AwesomeDud.com link on Forum Index page (top left hand corner) and was directed to AwesomeDude Homepage in a new instance of IE7.

    Then clicked on the AD Forums link on that page and it went back to the Forums Index, not logged on.

    Original Forum page is still OK and logged on.

    Beats me! I can live with it.


    Des, can you repeat this and when you get to the Forums Index press function key F5 and see if the refresh fixes things so it then shows that you're logged on?

    Colin :icon13:

  5. When all of the pre-release hype started about the movie, I was at our local library and saw on the "Featured" shelf this rather thin book of short stories by Annie Proulx, recognized her name, saw that it contained "Brokeback Mountain", and checked it out. I didn't much like "Brokeback Mountain" or the way she writes. When the movie finally opened, my BF and I saw it. I liked the movie, a lot.

    The script is an amazingly accurate transcription of the story, but the movie is much better. I think it's because the movie has an element that's missing from the story: emotion. The way Jack and Ennis look at each other and don't look at each other when they are together, and the relationship of Ennis and Alma and how it changes when Jack comes to visit, conveys emotion that for me wasn't in the words on the page. IMO, this is a story that's much better as a movie than as a book.

    Colin :icon13:

  6. There are two types of cookies. Session cookies remain while an instance of the browser is open (it doesn't have to be the same browser window that you originally used to access the site). The other type of cookie is stored on your hard disk and only disappears if you actively remove them.

    Therefore, if you have completely closed all of your browser windows and when you start them up and find yourself still logged onto AD, you should also find the same after a reboot.

    I just installed an update, a non-MS application, that required a reboot. While it was waiting for me to decide "now" or "later" in the reboot dialog box, I opened IE7, went to AD, logged on, went to one of the topics, back to the main forum (I was still logged in), closed IE7, then clicked "OK" in the reboot dialog box. After Windows restarted I ran IE7, went to AD, and I was still logged in.

    Colin :icon_geek:

  7. OK there are two separate but probably related problems:

    1. If you click "Remember me?" on the logon screen, it doesn't remember you the next time you log in.
    2. If you navigate to a number of different forum pages then use the Back button to move back to the Forum home page, it shows you as not logged in.

    This is probably a cookies problem. For those who might not know, a "cookie" is a very small string of data stored on your computer by a web page. It contains some information that is put there by the web site so they know if you have been to their site before, what your login ID and password are, etc. The data is almost always encrypted. Good web site design says that the web site should be a database of users, assign each of them unique code like a member # they assign to you, and store that code in the cookie on your PC. Done that way, cookies are not a spyware or any other kind of threat.

    There are two basic types of cookies:

    Persistent cookies are stored on your PC with no expiration date or one very far out in the future. Usually Windows will delete old cookies when they expire.

    Session cookies can have a code and/or other information like which page on the site you started from and which other pages on the site you've visited this time.

    This is simplistic, but it will maybe, possibly, explain what's going on with the AD forums.

    To make #1 above work, a Persistent cookie has to be stored on a user's PC and then be retrieved each you visit the web site.

    To make #2 above work, a Session cookie has to be stored on a user's PC and then be retrieved each time you visit any/most pages on the web site.

    If storing and retrieving cookies isn't working on the web site's system, they won't be created, stored, and retrieved correctly. This is one possible explanation about what's going on with the AD forums.

    Colin :icon_geek:

  8. OK, I didn't try that. I usually keep my browser open. I'll try it now (10:21 p.m. PST) and report back in a minute or so.

    Colin :icon_geek:

    I'm back (10:22 p.m. PST). I had closed IE, restarted it, went to ADForums, and I was still logged in.

    I'd think that if I shut down Windows, which I almost never do unless I install an update or new program that makes me reboot, then the cookie would "disappear" and I wouldn't be still logged in.

    Colin :unsure:

  9. This does not work for me.

    As long as I stay on the page, I stay logged in (REMEMBER ME) however once I quit my browser and re-start the log-in doesn't remember me. This leads me to believe you are correct that it's something with session cookies because in ONE session it works once I log in. The second session fails.

    OK, I didn't try that. I usually keep my browser open. I'll try it now (10:21 p.m. PST) and report back in a minute or so.

    Colin :icon_geek:

  10. This poll is to determine how you sign onto Awesome Dude.

    You are able to do one of two thinks to sign in -- Going to the Stories or Forums home page:

    AwesomeDude Story page (listing stories, authors and other story information)


    AwesomeDude Forums (discussion of stories and / or other site topics)

    JEEZ -- I do hope this is in the correct format!! :unsure:

    This topic seems to be duplicated. Or the poll isn't working. Or something.

    Colin :icon_geek:

  11. For stories I log into the AwesomeDude Story Page.

    For the forums I log into the AwesomeDude Forums Page.

    They are next to each other in my IE7 Favorites.

    It makes it easy if sometimes I want to have them both open, then they'll each be on a tab and I can go back and forth with one click.

    Colin :icon_geek:

  12. I found that when I go back to the forum list and it shows that I'm not logged in, if I do a refresh (F5 in IE) if fixes the problem. So, knowing that, I can work around the problem.

    I just got an idea. When I was in my web design class we had a big discussion about session cookies. Could this problem be related to session cookies not causing an update on the main forum page? Maybe forcing a refresh on the main forum page would fix the problem.

    Colin :icon1:

  13. http://eu.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/recovery/

    There are just two chapters yet, but I found the beginning very promising.

    Interesting story, the setting is different, the characters are well written so you know enough about each of them to form opinions which will probably change as we learn more about them. I especially like the developing relationship between Greg and Seth. :icon1:

    Some things can be confusing, with almost everyone in Bonner related it takes some extra effort to figure out what's going on. For example, in one place it says "Greg had been to the Patterson place..." and later it says "Greg had to ask directions to the Patterson farm..." made me think, why did the author do that? Well, it's because the "Patterson place" is Evan's house and the "Patterson farm" is Seth's house.

    The story could use a pass by a good editor to fix a few punctuation and tense problems. The way eliotmoore has written the story in first person from both Greg's and John's perspectives works; usually it bugs me, but doesn't in Recovery.

    I'm not ready to follow another serial chapter-by-chapter right now. I'm going to wait a couple of months when the author has posted more chapters and there's a lot to read in one sitting. :icon1:

    Colin :icon_geek:

  14. ...It was an eye-opener and a comfort to me, growing up, to find gay characters in some of my SF books. It was also, I'm sorry to say, confusing to me and yet racy, at the time, too. Heck, I remember a few books in particular, as a young teen, were...well, my imagination did way more than what was in the plot or the book cover. Ahem.

    ...Science fiction's a wonderful "what-if" medium to explore possibilities in a non-threatening way.

    I wish, for every guy or girl out there, that they'd look at the gay possibilities without judging them, or themselves, beforehand. I wish also that more parents would talk openly with their kids about love, sex, or being gay.

    I read Ursula K. Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness when I was in 5th or 6th grade. My dad's a SF fan, and we have lots of SF books at home. This is one of them. It opened my eyes to people who were different, and the prejudice they could suffer as a result of just being different. It impacted me in ways I didn't understand at that time, and I think it helped guide me to be the way I am today.

    Every so often I think about TLHoD; this discussion has made me decide to find it and re-read it. In fact, I'm going to use is as one of the books I have to critique for my English 4 class this semester.

    Colin :icon_geek:

  15. As for Draco, EEEWWW. He's ugly. You can HAVE him.

    I agree. Not BF material at all. Though I've read a couple of stories online where there was a significant gay character with the personality of a Draco.

    I'll take Harry, thanks, just as soon as he's a bit older.

    OK, does that leave Ron for ME? And he's at the exact right age. :icon5:

    Colin :icon_geek:

  16. You know, the more I read about it, the more I think that not getting hard is superior to just arbitrarily popping one. Maybe there's something good about being totally suppressed in your teen years.


    Given the embarrassing alternatives, IMO lack of arbitrariness is far superior to surprises!

    Don't you wonder a bit about an administration that requires hormoned up teen guys to shower together? Just exactly what is it that they hope to achieve? How expensive is it to install some barricades, like they do in campground shower facilities?

    You know, that's the SOP in public intermediate schools and high schools in the U.S.A. and I think in Canada, too. Maybe it's revenge perpetrated by the PhysEd staffs: "If we had to do it, then by all that's holy these little s**ts are gonna have to do it too!" :icon_geek:

    Colin :icon5:

  17. Hello AD friends-

    I have started a new blog featuring reviews of free software for windows.

    It is my intention to review and post links for some of the best free software available. I will be discussing "the pick of the litter": fre software that is NOT a scam, shareware and does NOT suck.

    You can expect 2 reviews with commentary, ratings and links to safe download sites per week.

    I hope that it will be useful and that it will save you some cash!




    Are you looking for any suggestions, or is your freeware folder full enough?

    Colin :icon_geek:

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