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Posts posted by Madrigal

  1. That is very sad. I'm not really concerned for Alex, because he's really only losing a friend (puts up shield against the rocks that will surely be thrown at him), and he's getting to know that there are people out there who still haven't fully evolved (/sarcasm).

    I wonder why Alex's best friend's parents are sending him to Ohio. I hope it's to protect him, and not to 'straighten' him out. Buddha knows how crazy parents can get these days.

    Maddy (:

  2. Yay! It's [almost] Jason's B-day! An early congratulations can't hurt, can it?

    Start planning, if you haven't already, Jason!

    Remember, have lots of [safe and healthy] fun, and don't drink and drive! LOL

    Maddy (:

  3. If the question is, "If the answer is 84, then what is the question?", what is the answer?

    I think Graeme has fallen into your trap, Jason. The "84" is not in quotes, therefore that is not the answer. The way it is written, the answer is aged to 84 of something, and sheer logic would indicate that it needs to be more than seconds, more than minutes, possibly hours, but most likely days or years. So we're looking for something to which the answer has been known for 84 years. Hmm. Any old people out there? Des? Cole? Just kidding.

    lmao. You're too funny :P.

    is the question "How old is the answer?"? :P

    Maddy (:

  4. I find that I feel the most inspired when I'm depressed. I don't really get inspired by people/places/phrases... but I'll say that even though they're not what 'trigger' the process, they do help.

    I wrote 'Train' when I was depressed. I wrote Silent Hearts when I was depressed. I wrote Silence when I was anxious. I wrote Wicked Possessions when I was confused/depressed/angry/anxious. I do seem like a big, bipolar mess, don't I?

    I'm happy most of the time, though not happy enough to feel 'inspired' to write anything. I guess I do art in general when my sensibilities are most... distraught? haha

    I have never completed a novel-length story. I have two on hold, because I pretty much lost grasp of whatever feeling I had while (oh god, I almost typed 'whilst' in there) writing them. I find it so much easier to write sequels to my short stories... only because they're short enough to completely exploit whatever chemicals are flowing through me before my muse extirpates them ^_^.

    Oh... and I never decide what I'm going to write about before I finish off the first paragraph. I just let my mind work itself on paper/wordsheet. Even for anthology entries, I almost always end up not thinking about the plot up until the second half. Whoopsie.


  5. Mind? I am flattered beyond belief that anything I have uttered is useful to someone.

    If you sell it though you have to give me half of what you get. :hehe::hehe::hehe:

    Go for it Maddy, and thanks for asking, that was really nice. You have made my day. :hehe:

    Hehe :icon_tongue: Only half? And I thought 10% was a good deal! Ha!

    Maddy (:

  6. Cole is so right when he says it is the author's job to make a subject fascinating for the layman.

    Many authors make a detailed exposition of a subject without passion, or interest, or worse even relevance to a story and wonder why it falls flat.

    Such explanations and expositions must be dramatically involved with the plot structure/characters to avoid the mechanics 101 syndrome.

    Perhaps the answer to circumventing explicit erotic writing turning into tedious pornography, is to avoid anatomical biology 101.


    Hope you don't mind, but I just copied this into a word document for future reference :eyes :P.


  7. I don't think it's fair to base a decision about this site on something that happened at another site. I'd say that if anything, a room to have scheduled Author Chats would be kinda cool, but since I'm not really into chatrooms I'd probably never go into it anyway. (Except to chat with my readers)

    But it would be unfair to completely ignore something that happened in such a similar scenario. It would be like feeding someone blowfish without telling them of the risks first.


  8. That's why GA admin did away with their chat room. It became too much of a hassle. Members started making personal attacks on other members. On the good side, they did have a periodic author chat's.

    You can get some bad people even on regular IM services. I once had a guy contact me on ICQ who invited me into a private chat room. He wanted me to pretend he was a young boy. I told him I was into boy's so he wanted me to pretend he was a young girl. I left.

    I'm refraining from voting as I have a chat room at The House that hasn't been used since 'Collision' was finished.


    Yes, I do remember that. In fact, it didn't stop at the GA chat; many members used msn as an outlet (and non-therapeutic, I might add) when the chatrooms went down. Bottomline is, you can't stop people from talking if they really want to, but you can hopefully give them enough time to think while they search for another way to talk.

    Maddy (:

  9. I would say yes, if and only if, there is a mod present at all times. This would be impossible, of course, unless chat sessions are scheduled to the convenience of mods and members, which I believe would be a good setup.

    I've been in chat rooms and things can get really ugly. Yes, I know everyone here is very nice, but having a chatroom would attract a lot of new members, and while this would be a good thing for the forums, many of those members won't exactly be 'agreeable'. Having said that, you also have to take into account that there will be people of all ages, and if you don't have mods or admins present at all times there could be an exchange of vital personal information between minors and adults. (not to mention other, more 'private' information)

    Chatrooms are also breeding ground for 'chesters', because they know that minors often visit these places.

    Beware, for chatrooms can be both a great thing and a bad thing. More than anything else, they can be a real pain in the ass to admins and mods.


  10. *searches dictionary for anamorphic*

    Nope (:, I'm pretty sure I meant amorphic. But anamorphic would make much more sense LOL.

    And thanks for the comment (:. You're always so nice.

    Maddy (:

  11. Meh, this is a sensitive topic for me.

    WHen I first started writing fiction online, I thought that I HAD to include a sex scene in every story I wrote, for that seemed a very prevalent theme in all the stories I'd read. Now I look back at what I wrote, and I feel ashamed. Not because I think sex scenes are 'distasteful', but because I wasn't writing it for me. It was a sort of peer pressure.

    Let me reiterate. Do I find sex scenes distasteful? No. Do I feel like writing about HIV, promiscuity, and 'the scene'? yes, but definitely pg13 rated. I have found that having written that against my own will has left me bitter. If I'd received that email I wouldn't have been so nice about it. Kudos to you.


  12. Davis is about 20 miles west of downtown Sacramento, in the middle of perhaps the richest farming area in the country. It's the home of the University of California at Davis, which is one of the primary reasons that Davis has such a liberal population.

    Here's a link to the story in the Sacramento Bee: www.sacbee.com/101/story/430062.html. It has two pictures of the two guys who were elected homecoming princes, Brandon and Kieman. I read the posts and they're almost better than the article (there's a link at the end of the article, and I copied it here: View All Comments).

    Colin :icon11:

    :yay! Thanks for the linky! :D


    *reads comments :D*

  13. *apologies in advance for the obvious misspelling in the subtitle, but I'm afraid I cannot fix it!*


    This never-ending plague, morose expression

    Of pain and depression.

    This eternal abyss,

    Sullen voracity,

    Internal bliss.





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