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Blog Comments posted by cmbs

  1. You guys make valid points and I'm not arguing them, but you have to realize that people have been attacking each other as long as humans have inhabited the earth, so it's not that there are too many people and it's not that this system is broken. Although no doubt these things do prompt certain individuals to take criminal action. I think it's a very deep innate human tendency towards violence, towards turning personal issues out as anger instead of dealing with them, towards justifying attacking the other guy for your own personal gain or to build your pitiful ego, towards attacking others as a method of fitting in socially. It's deep, it's genetic, it's part of being human. Obviously a large portion of the population also have deep rooted desires to be good to others. The two tendencies can live in the same person. It's the age old battle of good and evil, and it lives in each one of us. I think it's a personal decision made by each individual, not once, but each time an opportunity arises - good or evil. Which will they choose? And I think the biggest influence on their decision is social pressure, or what's considered acceptable, in the world in which the individual lives.

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