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What's New in Codey's World 02/15/2017

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The Education and Evolution of Maxwell Grant ~ A Short Story by Cole Parker. Time to buy Max’s first suit. Who could guess how that would turn out?

Jimmy's New Life ~ A Short Story by Grant Bentley. Remember Jimmy? After his mother dies of an overdose, Jeff finds him walking down a highway during a blizzard and takes him in. Well, finally, we get a glance at Jimmy‘s new life, his new life with his new dad. A life without constant fear and hurt. If you haven’t read my story Jimmy yet, or if it was a while ago, I would suggest you check it out before reading this one.


Featured stories are from our archive and we think you'll enjoy reading them again — or for the first time.
Palm Sunday Magic ~ A Short Story by Ruwen Rouhs. This is a story of a student and a young farmer in a village at a time people still used carriages to go from one place to the other. Cars and planes had yet to be invented. The problems in the story are still relevant today.

Click here to read the hundreds of serial novels, short stories, flash fiction, and poems on the Codey's World site.


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